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MMO Report on "Transfers"


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If you've been watching MMO report for the past 2 years you'd know casey over hyped swtor for himself and is now butthurt because of it.


This is just one of his many anti swtor moments.


Most of the community is extremely happy with the transfers.


He is just taking a minority view and pretending its widespread.


Just ignore him.


His relevance has been waning fast the past 3 months.


His first week back from his hiatus, about a month ago, he talked about the "newly announced witch doctor for diablo 3". I mean, how disconnected do you have to be to mess up that badly?

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Why should I care about this guys opinion over everyone elses?.

He can post his opinion in the official server transfers discussion thread. :rolleyes:


oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


Oh wow...





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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


Don't bother people say this for EVERY single review that has not been total postive so far and we know now that alot of them were right.


The second a review is not praising SW:TOR everything they say is wrong and does not matter. The will find one sentanse they don't like so everything a person says is void

Edited by Lt_Latency
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he had a point until he said "slap in the face to those still paying $14.99/mo to wander aimlessly around DAGOBAH"


yah...idiot..lost all credibility....


most seem very happy with the xfers..but whatever.


dumb opinion from someone that obviously doesn't play..is dumb.

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the Delicious irony of him mentioning MT's in SWToR's future after that nice, albeit "sarcastic" dig at the MWO packages. I prefer my sarcasm from yahtzee, at least he doesn't try to dress up his hatemongering as true journalism in ZP.
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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


No... no they aren't lolol



Edited by Kourage
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Oh wow...






yes really...now tone down your "fanboyism" or should i i go look for the episode where he talks about swtor massive subs drop?with proper documentation presented.....or maybe should i get you the DEVELOPERS interview where they say the free to play model is being discussed...




open your eyes bud...nothing of what he said is off...specially the undenying sink of the sw failboat that maybe...MAYBE free to play will save(jsut like he said..

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because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


You sound like a groupie for this guy? I never known him, and don't believe my social circle even knows him. That being said, I don't know how it could be the 'face of the industry' or how it will eventually dictate the fate off mmos.

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yes really...now tone down your "fanboyism" or should i i go look for the episode where he talks about swtor massive subs drop?with proper documentation presented.....or maybe should i get you the DEVELOPERS interview where they say the free to play model is being discussed...




open your eyes bud...nothing of what he said is off...specially the undenying sink of the sw failboat that maybe...MAYBE free to play will save(jsut like he said..


You must be new to mmos.

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You sound like a groupie for this guy? I never known him, and don't believe my social circle even knows him. That being said, I don't know how it could be the 'face of the industry' or how it will eventually dictate the fate off mmos.


so...being featured in the number 1 mmo web page..and from one of the top gaming tv channels in the world isnt enough?...if u dont knwo him ur the one being OFF lol

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so...being featured in the number 1 mmo web page..and from one of the top gaming tv channels in the world isnt enough?...if u dont knwo him ur the one being OFF lol


Actually, I'm trying to point out that the average player wont watch his show. So the average player, which makes up the majority of players, will not be swayed by the opinions of this so called number 1 mmo web page. That being said, I don't believe this site can really sway the fate of the game.

Edited by monkgryphon
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so...being featured in the number 1 mmo web page..and from one of the top gaming tv channels in the world isnt enough?...if u dont knwo him ur the one being OFF lol


Okay, I was willing to let it slide the first time.


MMO report hasn't been featured on mmo champ in almost a year.


His show was dropped during his peak of swtor fanboyism.


He has been replaced by curse weekly round up hosted by pico.


You are so out of the loop.

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I think it's pretty true.


SW:ToR lost alot of people.


The merges are stupid because they are not closing the old servers. What if new players come and pick a corpse server everyone left because they are not using them.



Sure they say it in a more colour way now to get more views but so do most really new media now days even the real ones.



I still don't get why people compare video game fan sights to real news orgainization.

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Actually, I'm trying to point out that the average player wont watch his show. So if the average player, which makes up the majority of players, will not be swayed by the opinions of this so called number 1 mmo web page. That being said, I don't believe this site can really sway the fate of the game.



the majority of average players allready unsubbed rofl...wasup last report showing swtor almost down 1 mil subs to an OUTSTANDING 1.1 mil subs...being one of the smalest mmos in the market (pop wise)...and people still doubt they are dieing and that they have to go free to play to try to save it..

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the majority of average players allready unsubbed rofl...wasup last report showing swtor almost down 1 mil subs to an OUTSTANDING 1.1 mil subs...being one of the smalest mmos in the market (pop wise)...and people still doubt they are dieing and that they have to go free to play to try to save it..


There is no way they have dropped that much. That might be around aion or rift but not lower then them yet.

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