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PvE Endgame Vanguard Tank stats, rules of thumb


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1. Numbers I've seen suggest something like 80% or more of damage from top-end raids can be dodged or shielded, so reducing that damage has a significant effect on survivability

2. I concentrate on 8-man, and 23k is a plenty big health pool for that. You say a healer would have to be specifically on you at all times in 16 man...my question is, if you have FOUR healers, what are they all doing if you DON'T have one specifically on your tank? :/


1. Sure I think you are actually trying to get that statistic from Keyboardninja and it is actually 76.35% and it is not damage it is actual attacks. Aka the bosses basic attack is able to be mitigated but there are attacks that bosses do that are not able to be mitigated. As I said previously great examples of these are all of Stormcallers attacks (around 9k unmitigatable damage) or Kephess's bleed (around 5700 a tick). You as you stand can eat 2 maybe 3 of SC's attacks before dieing, I can definitely eat 3 and with minimal healing take a 4th. Here is a link to the article that you were trying to quote the "damage from" i suggest you reread it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=497115


2. Again I will give you the SC fight where in 16 man HM his double destruction puts a very nasty dot on the 2 that eat it requiring 2 healers to specifically focus on keeping them alive, then you also need to keep the 2 people down on the ground alive while they are dpsing and cleansing the debuff that is put on them to drop the lightning spires so a healer is needed to keep them alive as well. That leaves 1 healer left to heal both tanks. In a perfect world the tanks would all have their own individual healers and the other 2 would focus on the raid, thankfully they have made this game a little more chaotic then that.

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Eight man content has been openly admitted by development to be more tightly tuned and harder than the same content sixteen man.


16m content hits the tank a tad harder but is MUCH less forgiving on the raid as a whole when it comes to their secondary abilities: double destruction actually hurts on 16m and red circles will destroy you this makes it so that healers have more raid healing than tank healing. The easiest part of 16m is that you have more dps slots in the raid and the bosses have roughly 2x the hps so you are able to burn them down a bit faster.

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I've glanced through more than a few threads concerning PvE tanking and there seems to be two popular stances in regards to tanking.


Stance #1: I have so much health that I don't give a ****.

Stance #2: If you hit me, I could be in trouble. IF you hit me.


Both stances have validity. No stance is 100% correct, because neither stance covers every encounter in the game and is the best stance for every encounter. Is it possible that one of these stances has more reliability in terms of overall pros vs cons? Yes. Does that mean that the other stance doesn't have validity and can't be used? No.


I find that both should be given their respect. It is impossible to say otherwise. There are tanks that are geared for stance #1 that complete 8 and 16 man content. There are tanks that are geared for stance #2 that complete 8 and 16 man content.


In my personal opinion, without bothering to list multiple points as to why my opinion has any validity (because who can really recall every singular, sole experience that shapes their own opinion?) as it just OPINION, I look at it this way.


If I'm going to progress and I need to learn mechanics/stay alive long enough for my raid group to learn mechanics, I completely believe in stance #1. You can't learn mechanics of a fight if you can't stay alive long enough to see them.


If I'm doing content that I've completed more times than I can count, I completely believe in stance #2. Stance #2 can be more vague than being specifically related to whether or not the mob can hit you, because there are more than a few abilities that you just can't avoid, but you can finely tune YOURSELF for the content.


There are many guilds/players that continue to clear content, even after they've reached the point where they gain nothing from it. Some of these players are more than capable of having two sets of gear. Stance #1 is easy to gear for. You gear for Stance #2 after you've determined what fine tuning needs to be done.


Buffed, I have ~24700 hp. I used to have 26k+. I fight Kephess, every week, with no difficulty. Even with a Juggernaut and Powertech tank in my guild, I main tank it. Because I can. And because I like to do it :p.


Does Stance #1 work? Yep.

Does Stance #2 work? Yep.


Find what works for your operations group, find what works for you, and go for it. If you can do it, it really doesn't matter what anyone else says. I mean, sure, you can talk about "my way let's me do it faster so I can complete the content first", but without any real way to track who did what first, that seems like a silly thing to chase.

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A few words by me on the talent tree, regarding the offense talents (originally posted in a Powertech thread)



Value per talent point of offensive talents, for a typical HM Kephess fight:

Steely Resolve: dunno. I hope it's a lot?

Static Surge: 918 (1784 for Kephess fight)

Supercharged Ion Cell: 4240 (most of which is splash damage. Realistically, probably ~2000)

Ion Overload: 4550

Intimidation: 2423

Brutal Impact: 765.5


Blaster Augs: 1782 (or < 1388. But come on, you're going to have Ion Overload.)

Frontline Offense: 1389


Heavy Stock: 1647


Ion Overload >>> Intimidation > Supercharged Ion Cell > Static Surge (Kephess fight) = Blaster Augs > Heavy Stock > Frontline Offense > Static Surge (single-target fight) > Brutal Impact


In total, Heavy Stock and Blaster Augs are only giving me about 5k damage over the longest, hardest fight in the game (about one second of four DPS' uptime). Maybe Soldier's Endurance isn't so bad, after all.

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In total, Heavy Stock and Blaster Augs are only giving me about 5k damage over the longest, hardest fight in the game (about one second of four DPS' uptime). Maybe Soldier's Endurance isn't so bad, after all.


How low are you ever getting though? Do you ever die anymore unless a fight goes completely to ****?


I run with 24k health. I think the lowest I have -ever- seen my health get in any video we've ever done is ~30%. I've never noticed my health below 5k health except when there is a wipe impending. The only reason to take the extra health over even 5 points of damage is if you are in a group that is letting you die due to lack of health on burst damage.


If you are not getting low at all currently, there is no reason to stack anymore health.

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I find that both should be given their respect. It is impossible to say otherwise. There are tanks that are geared for stance #1 that complete 8 and 16 man content. There are tanks that are geared for stance #2 that complete 8 and 16 man content.

True. But no matter how you toss or turn it, your healer has more work with you when you stack health instead of avoidance.


Is it possible to finish content when stacking health and let your healer heal you for 200,000health in a fight? Yes.

But is it better to stack avoidance so that your healer only has to heal 150,000 health? Also, yes.



In total, Heavy Stock and Blaster Augs are only giving me about 5k damage over the longest, hardest fight in the game (about one second of four DPS' uptime). Maybe Soldier's Endurance isn't so bad, after all.

Yeah, I agree. As much as I am a defender of ''it's better to stack avoidance than health'', there is no reason to loose health for something so trival as that little bit of DPS.

Edited by Yogol
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