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[Guide] The Jedi Sage's Handbook


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@Astral, you do realize that there is no longer a skill called Psychoknesis that is in the Balance Tree unless I am missing something? If you look at the link you gave for the Telekinetics Build you have you will see what I am talking about.
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@Astral, you do realize that there is no longer a skill called Psychoknesis that is in the Balance Tree unless I am missing something? If you look at the link you gave for the Telekinetics Build you have you will see what I am talking about.


Go to any other site other than torhead, or check ingame, and it's still there. Check and you will see what I am talking about.

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Go to any other site other than torhead, or check ingame, and it's still there. Check and you will see what I am talking about.


I am a Sage and in the Balance tree there is no skill by that name to put a point into. What am I missing?

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I am a Sage and in the Balance tree there is no skill by that name to put a point into. What am I missing?


Apologies. The spell 'critical kinesis' in the balance tree(2nd tier, on the right) is showing up on torhead as the shadow version of the spell. Sorry for the confusion.

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Apologies. The spell 'critical kinesis' in the balance tree(2nd tier, on the right) is showing up on torhead as the shadow version of the spell. Sorry for the confusion.


I was beginning to wonder if I was just crazy lol. So it is still suggested to put the one point into Critical Kinesis then. Glad to know it was not me lol.

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I am just wondering where you got the information from in regards to expterise effectiveness capped at 10%? If this is correct I will have to rethink my pvp gear because with 6 pieces of battlemaster gear and the rest champion I am already at

12.29%. Although it is showing these figures in my character sheet are you saying I should be dropping 2.29% for a different stat?


Seems odd they would do this but interested in hearing your source.

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I am just wondering where you got the information from in regards to expterise effectiveness capped at 10%? If this is correct I will have to rethink my pvp gear because with 6 pieces of battlemaster gear and the rest champion I am already at

12.29%. Although it is showing these figures in my character sheet are you saying I should be dropping 2.29% for a different stat?


Seems odd they would do this but interested in hearing your source.


It's capped at 20% not 10%. Astral please update this guide.


So as a TK sage, should i get the crit adrenal or the force power adrenal?


Well you can never go wrong with a power trigger, however whether or not crit would be more benefitial to you atm would depend entirely on your gear. If you're going to go with crit though make sure you don't pop it at the same time as potency, as that would be largely a waste due to overlap.

Edited by Khadroth
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As with all Consulars, Willpower is your primary stat. When given a choice between Power and Force Power, you prefer the latter; both improve your Force output, but the latter may be itemized to come in larger amounts than Power does. Critical Strike Rating jockeys with Alacrity for your most important secondary stat; critical strike increases the frequency of your very large crits, as well as improving your efficiency. Alacrity improves the cast time of your abilities, and improves the rate at which your periodic damage abilities tick - but at the expense of your efficiency. Surge Rating is valuable as well, because the built-in diminishing returns on Surge do not account for your flat bonuses to critical from your specialized skills. You can easily sport another +20% critical strike damage from gear.


i believe this is incorrect, alacrity is like haste, it speed up your casting times. Periodic damage abilities still do the same damage they just do it faster, unless i am mistaken.


with each "|" being damage

so this..


..faster would mean..


still does 5 ticks of damage just faster


someone please correct me if i am wrong

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i believe this is incorrect, alacrity is like haste, it speed up your casting times. Periodic damage abilities still do the same damage they just do it faster, unless i am mistaken.


with each "|" being damage

so this..


..faster would mean..


still does 5 ticks of damage just faster


someone please correct me if i am wrong


No, Alacrity does not speed up DoT ticks. It will speed up channeled abilities like TKthrow, and make them tick faster, but it won't speed up your Weaken Mind or Mind Crush.

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i was wondering if hk-51 is /was actually comfirmed and found on hoth?i know of some debate as to weather it was included in the final build.as well from the information ive read its a all classes hidden companion,is this the case as well?
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It's absolutely great for a Shadow, but absolutely useless for a Sage.


um how is this statement correct?


is accuracy not tied to both melee and force?as well i see no mention of surge.doesnt surge effect the amount of dmg/healing boosting overall damage as well as max crit dmg/healing?getting your crits up with little surge doesnt make alot of sence to me.unless i misunderstand what surge does or doesnt do.

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i was wondering if hk-51 is /was actually comfirmed and found on hoth?i know of some debate as to weather it was included in the final build.as well from the information ive read its a all classes hidden companion,is this the case as well?


Currently not in game, it was only discovered through datamining. That said if you like spoilers check out TORheads front page.


um how is this statement correct?


is accuracy not tied to both melee and force?as well i see no mention of surge.doesnt surge effect the amount of dmg/healing boosting overall damage as well as max crit dmg/healing?getting your crits up with little surge doesnt make alot of sence to me.unless i misunderstand what surge does or doesnt do.


I've made so many comments in this thread that I'm not sure where you're pulling it from.


Regardless, Accuracy is useless for a Sage. Yes it affects force powers too, however we start at 100%. Additional Accuracy does not increase armor penetration, dmg or anything like that. From there the only thing that reduces accuracy is resistance (NOT DEFENSE), which just affects the targets chance to avoid your force attack. Bosses do not have resistance in TOR. Most players do not have resistance in TOR (only exception being Shadows/Assassins). I could extrapolate on the Shadow/Assassin exception but to keep it short lets just say the rarely have any (only tanks in tank spec), when they do it's negligible and not likely to factor into the fight (it's only 3%), unless they pop their 100% force/tech resistance ability which you can do nothing about (except slap them with your saber).


In short it's only possible application is pvp. And even then it's worthless because you'd be gearing your character for a chance encounter that it might never come into play in, at the cost of stats that will improve your character in 100% of situations.


Surge only increasees the dmg/healing done when you crit. Part of the reason the stat is so strong is that it takes so little rating to equal another 1% gain, and has the highest threshold at 50% gained from rating (talents don't count towards this) giving it's DR curve a lot of bang for its buck. It is partially reliant on crit (just as crit is reliant on it), but it does directly contribute to dmg output.

Edited by Khadroth
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First off, Thanks a lot to Astral and the other contributors to the thread. I've read it through and despite the incredible amount suggestions, I haven't come upon any real argumentation for which spec is currently the best for a PVE Sage.



So I've been DPS'ing with a Sage for nearly 2 months now and tried just about every spec out there, however, I believe that in ops the most efficient spec is the Balance/Telekinetics Hybrid.


Talent Tree


This spec is based on a short rotation,

Mind Crush

Weaken Mind

Balance of Force

Telekinetic Throw

Telekinetic Throw


This will allow you to be extremely mobile, and if needed you can use your Project to fill when having to run. Only 1 ability in this rotation has an activation time which will be eliminated by the buff provided by critting with Telekinetic Throw.


Due to the fact that your Telekinetic throw will regenerate force, this spec is surprisingly efficient in longer fights, even though you seem to be using abilities in a fast pace. In addition, stacking Critical strike will allow you to cast even more Telekinetic Throws increasing your damage output and force regeneration.

Last but not least I'd like to point out that even when competing in PVP against Battlemaster geared opponents, while wearing Champion gear, I've actually managed to come out on top in most 1v1s probably due to the fact that I've got so few skills to cast and therefore more time to shield, heal, stun, push, run and LOS etc. etc.

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First off, Thanks a lot to Astral and the other contributors to the thread. I've read it through and despite the incredible amount suggestions, I haven't come upon any real argumentation for which spec is currently the best for a PVE Sage.


SimulationCraft and Theorycrafting spreadsheets are already up and running if you need mathematical proof which DPS spec is currently on top, Hybrid spec still tests on top.





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SimulationCraft and Theorycrafting spreadsheets are already up and running if you need mathematical proof which DPS spec is currently on top, Hybrid spec still tests on top.






Those are only in an ideal situation though. I would actually advise everyone to go DL the simulationcraft client and shape the results yourself. For instance, no patchwerk-style fight exists in the endgame at this point. Every fight has at minimum light amounts of movement and/or combat breaks, which definitely hurts some specs (Full TK for instance) more than others. At minimum it will let you better understand what fight factors play major rolls in hampering our dps.

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Those are only in an ideal situation though. I would actually advise everyone to go DL the simulationcraft client and shape the results yourself. For instance, no patchwerk-style fight exists in the endgame at this point. Every fight has at minimum light amounts of movement and/or combat breaks, which definitely hurts some specs (Full TK for instance) more than others. At minimum it will let you better understand what fight factors play major rolls in hampering our dps.


True, although in the 1.1.3 models they did add a heavy movement model, still not a patchwerk style, but better. I would guess the patchwerk "in theory" should sit somewhere between the standard and heavy modes.


Great advice encouraging others to download the client and play!

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