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Did LI HM get a ninja nerf?

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I ran it yesterday with a PUG group with no mic comms, and we managed to oneshot LR-5 with no trouble. He used to do this thing at 20% health I called **** mode, where he would constantly spam orbs that were full sized, and the floor was constantly burning. This did not happen this run. Anyone know what happened?
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If people have half a brain and can think and react on the fly (and u dont have a dumb range player that decides to stand near the tank and say hees not *shakes head at lanyster*) this is an incredibly easy fight you need 1.5k dps between the 2 dps'ers which is incredibly low. Been one shotting this since week 3 with guild and 1-3 with pug. kick some *** fellas
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If people have half a brain and can think and react on the fly (and u dont have a dumb range player that decides to stand near the tank and say hees not *shakes head at lanyster*) this is an incredibly easy fight you need 1.5k dps between the 2 dps'ers which is incredibly low. Been one shotting this since week 3 with guild and 1-3 with pug. kick some *** fellas


Well spoken. The fight is only slightly challenging is having melee, and even then a correct strategy with a good healer is all it takes to down it.

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The guys having most problem in this HM is static PVE healers, I have a feeling PVP healers are performing much better in this Hm because of the requirement of constant movement....


When we have melee DPS in the group, most healers are not able to manage to move with to group, they try to stay put some 30 m away and loose the LoS....


I think operative healer are ideal for this HM with so many instant cast heals....

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