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Hi not sure what category to put this in but I have a few questions, sorry if this is the wrong category. Is it possible for a Jedi Knight to fully turn to the Dark Side? Like can they eventually get recruited by one of the Sith Lords? Ultimately where does it lead if you keep making Dark Side choices as a Jedi Knight?


I am a new player and I am quite intrigued by the story lines and the choices. In fact it's probably one of the main reasons why I started playing Swtor. Also can't wait to activate the Legacy system after Chapter 1.

Edited by ShallNepenthes
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JKs can hit Dark V. No you can't be recruited by the Sith. And I think the only major consequence for DS JKs is that:



You won't be made a master in the finale of the JK storyline and instead become an honorary general.



There are other consequences but those are tied to specific LS/DS decisions.

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