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Would it ever be possible to change the color scheme of our armor?


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I play a Jedi Guardian, and I just assembled my war hero set for pvp. I'm glad that I've finally gotten all of the pieces, but I'll be blunt and just say that the color scheme is horrible. Would it ever be possible to change the colors on your armor with a color shader, or possibly a new vendor who could dye/modify your armor's color. Also, wouldn't it be cool to be able to design your own guild crest to emblazon your armor with? Maybe I'm crazy, but I just wanted to throw the idea out for the community and hopefully the devs to discuss, Edited by Kakashioftheye
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Apparently BioWare doesn't think this is a good MMO feature for their stories.

Are you saying that choosing armor color would take away from the whole "sith wear black and red armor and jedis wear earth tones and white" distinction? If that is what you're saying then I understand your point but there are many "lore" exceptions to that rule. Plus this is an MMO, and I believe that this would be a true communion between the players and the developers. No offense to the devs, but many people I have talked to hate the endgame armor for their characters (especially on the Republic side). I complain about my guardian's armor, but i feel really bad for all the smugglers running around in their wh gear.

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Are you saying that choosing armor color would take away from the whole "sith wear black and red armor and jedis wear earth tones and white" distinction? If that is what you're saying then I understand your point but there are many "lore" exceptions to that rule. Plus this is an MMO, and I believe that this would be a true communion between the players and the developers. No offense to the devs, but many people I have talked to hate the endgame armor for their characters (especially on the Republic side). I complain about my guardian's armor, but i feel really bad for all the smugglers running around in their wh gear.


Adding an armor-dye system would not be difficult.


Getting your modifications to show up on cutscenes, however, might be.


Oh - and you can have your color-dye system 6 months after I get Light Armor PANTS on the Empire side. :cool:



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Adding an armor-dye system would not be difficult.


Getting your modifications to show up on cutscenes, however, might be.


Oh - and you can have your color-dye system 6 months after I get Light Armor PANTS on the Empire side. :cool:




They exist. They are called Supreme Inquisitor Legwraps



Also, the war hero and campaign/black hole for inquisitors are pants as well.

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They exist. They are called Supreme Inquisitor Legwraps



Also, the war hero and campaign/black hole for inquisitors are pants as well.


Thank you - I have never once seen these things. Not on a player, and not on the GTN. I will be looking for them now, though. These came with the schematic influx of 1.2?


I suppose I should have specified pants that are as easily obtainable as the Republic variants.



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I think its a good idea to be able to colour our armours for more individuality. To go a step further, I'd even say, have kits to colour our ships and speeders too.


I hope they'll show the armours some love, quite honestly the designers need to be fired...like, whats with this creature of the black lagoon pvp armour. I have no desire to wear that...:cool:

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Thank you - I have never once seen these things. Not on a player, and not on the GTN. I will be looking for them now, though. These came with the schematic influx of 1.2?


I suppose I should have specified pants that are as easily obtainable as the Republic variants.




They were not added in1.2 - they are just a lvl 40ish world drop As far as easily obtainable, the social pants on Dromund Kaas like somebody else said are pretty easily obtainable.

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They're just awful.


While I do agree with ^this, I'm so glad more people chimed in. I'd like to hope that this game can be what we make of it. I definitely don't want to look like mirror images of others on my fleet, and I think this would add some much needed diversity to our servers. We have the power to help the dev's understand what we want out of this experience, so i think we should all focus on that. The fans want the same things out of this game that the dev's want , it's success. I'm not saying that this idea equals this game's success, but i do think we should voice our opinions in a constructive manner in order to better communicate with the people who put many years into the development of this game. I really love my server and my guild, but I can't stop thinking of ways to make this game better.

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