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Thoughts on GameSpy's Article on SWTOR


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While I liked GW2 there are a few people in here who are fan boys and think GW2 is the end all be all and there are people that think that of SWTOR but be realistic GW2 is in Beta no one has gotten to 80. You "think" that because of level scaling it will keep people interested as well as the dynamic events. I am not so sure. I loved them in Rift others got bored of them (yes they arent the same but not to far off).


This game had balance issues, GW2 does have and will have balance issues, people complain about 3 then 4 PvP maps. GW2 has 2 currently but it does have competitive PvP which will keep some people hooked. And the wPvP. It is impossible to say how GW2 is gonna go. It is not the next evolution that it might be a step in the right direction but claiming it is the next evolution is a heavily fan boyish anyway you cut it. Try to be objective, I know its hard cause you are jizzing over the game but stating the same thing over and over again that is your opinion doesnt make it fact.


Believe me I have had it with SWTOR and I like GW2 a lot. However a little reality here would be nice.


I must have missed the part in this thread where people were "***ing" over GW2 being "the next evolution." This is just another sad attempt at conflating criticism of one game with blind fawning over the other.

Edited by Dezzi
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At endgame my dear boy, endgame, once at endgame you would assume you had explored and done the quests. And if everything scales upto you then you have to assume so will karma. This is what we are talkling about not what you do whilst leveling.


I don't have to assume anything. Karma rewards don't scale to your level, but to your participation and the difficulty of the event. Nothing scales up in the game, at all, except for your level in the WvW game.


You're really just grasping at straws now.

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I don't have to assume anything. Karma rewards don't scale to your level, but to your participation and the difficulty of the event. Nothing scales up in the game, at all, except for your level in the WvW game.


You're really just grasping at straws now.


Sorry to point this out but if the event rewards scale to you and rewards you based on your level then the event is still dificult for your level because your tuned down. You told me that, you said 'you can go back todo events and it takes you down in level and rewards you based on your level not the level of the event'. Im not grasping at anything btw, i asked what you did at endgame and we have pvp in warzones and do dynamic event and ow do dynamic events at lower level you will have already done.

Edited by Shingara
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Personally I will be playing GW2 when it releases, but do you have to keep talking about it? Some of the people in this forum I don't want over there.. you shouldn't announce where you're going, anyone interested will find it themselves. Edited by Taurusaud
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Sorry to point this out but if the event rewards scale to you and rewards you based on your level then the event is still dificult for your level even if tuned down. You told me that, you said 'you can go back todo events and it takes you down in level and rewards you based on your level not the level of the event'. Im not grasping at anything btw, i asked what you did at endgame and we have pvp in warzones and do dynamic event and ow do dynamic events at lower level you will have already done.


That's not what I said at all. At all. Read again, please. :rolleyes:


EDIT - So grinding the same thing over and over is bad? What is SWTOR's end game then? Awful.

Edited by Dezzi
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Can't wait until people realize GW2 is not the MMO revolution NCsoft announced, and people start trolling on GW forums on how bad GW2 is, and they go back to [pick one : WoW, SWTOR, GW1] and how the coming [pick one : TSW, TESO] will be awesome. While some fanboi will claim it is the best videogame in the world.


The same thing happen over and over.

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Can't wait until people realize GW2 is not the MMO revolution NCsoft announced, and people start trolling on GW forums on how bad GW2 is, and they go back to [pick one : WoW, SWTOR, GW1] and how the coming [pick one : TSW, TESO] will be awesome. While some fanboi will claim it is the best videogame in the world.


The same thing happen over and over.


The verdict is already out thanks to the NDA being lifted: GW2 is a good game. :)

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Lol GameSpy is GW2's propaganda dog.


See, I hear this about GBTV too, but at some point you have to wonder if it's not a conspiracy, but that there's just plenty of good things to say about the game...

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That's not what I said at all. At all. Read again, please. :rolleyes:


EDIT - So grinding the same thing over and over is bad? What is SWTOR's end game then? Awful.


I agree. The class quests in SWTOR are amazing--delicious, even. But that's where BioWare put all its eggs, so for that aspect of the game to be anything less than delicious would be inexcusable.


There is no "end game" in GW2. That's the point. When you get to 80, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from going back and running dungeons all you want--the game will downscale your level to suit the challenge.


Want to go back to the starter area in GW2 and run the dynamic events there? Good news: you can! The game will scale you down to the appropriate level to provide a challenge. The same thing is true of the starter area dungeon (for humans it's in Beetletun).


Want to go back to Black Talon in SWTOR? Bad news: you can, but you'll get nothing out of it. The game doesn't incentivize repeatable content because there isn't any outside of the daily quest grinds, nor does it incentivize you going back to help fellow players level because they'll miss out on experience gain and you'll one-shot everything.


That's why SWTOR needs the tired end game experience found in old titles and GW2 doesn't.



So as we know best gear comes from karma, you stated that the events scales to you and gives relevent rewards, or are you now saying that you can go back and do a lower dynamic and you will get drops dependant on the level of the event and not you.


You saying this would mean that what you said before is quite obviously wrong or you are now going to change stance and say that yes dynamic events at lower levels de-tune you down but there is no benefit for a high level player doing them they just have the option todo them and they get nothing in return thus meaning that they arnt relevent gameplay at endgame.


Pick one......................................... the rewards scale to your level or everything scales down to the events level making them absolutly nothing todo with endgame.

Edited by Shingara
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Lol GameSpy is GW2's propaganda dog.


sorry that ppl are saying they like gw2 over tor even in beta form gw2 runs much faster and smoother than tor does now....

but im sure when september comes and the tru sub figures(if we dont get more free months) then u can gang together with the former SWG peep and say if only :p

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Pick one......................................... the rewards scale to your level or everything scales down to the events level making them absolutly nothing todo with endgame.


gw games arent a gear grind any end game set = top stats, ppl farm for looks not stats in guild wars


its the old SKILL>GEAR games

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gw games arent a gear grind any end game set = top stats, ppl farm for looks not stats in guild wars


its the old SKILL>GEAR games


Quite obviously there is going to be some gear grind or everyone would wear a loin cloth and hit people with sticks.

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So as we know best gear comes from karma, you stated that the events scales to you and gives relevent rewards, or are you now saying that you can go back and do a lower dynamic and you will get drops dependant on the level of the event and not you.


You saying this would mean that what you said before is quite obviously wrong or you are now going to change stance and say that yes dynamic events at lower levels de-tune you down but there is no benefit for a high level player doing them they just have the option todo them and they get nothing in return thus meaning that they arnt relevent gameplay at endgame.


Pick one......................................... the rewards scale to your level or everything scales down to the events level making them absolutly nothing todo with endgame.


The way it works is many events have an NPC who, after you complete their dynamic event, will sell items to you for karma. They basically sell weapons (which are level appropriate for the dynamic event, these are not scaled) and ingredients for professions (like food ingredients for cooking, recipies, etc).


Every dynamic event has a stock level it is geared for, if you are a higher level you will be geared down, but if you are a lower level you will never be geared up, so basically as a leveling character you can take on any event in the game provided you can avoid mob damage if you are underlevelled.

Edited by Taurusaud
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The way it works is many events have an NPC who, after you complete their dynamic event, will sell items to you for karma. They basically sell weapons (which are level appropriate for the dynamic event, these are not scaled) and ingredients for professions (like food ingredients for cooking, recipies, etc).


Every dynamic event has a stock level it is geared for, if you are a higher level you will be geared down, but if you are a lower level you will never be geared up, so basically as a leveling character you can take on any event in the game provided you can avoid mob damage.


Thanks, an honest answer, so doing lower level dynamic events are not an alternative to endgame.

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Thanks, an honest answer, so doing lower level dynamic events are not an alternative to endgame.


They are for professions, in the sense that the NPCs all offer different stuff, and they are the only locations for alot of recipies and reagants. But other than that no, a level 3 event isn't gonna award you gear if you do it at level 50. I think a couple of them also have pets and things of that nature.

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The verdict is already out thanks to the NDA being lifted: GW2 is a good game. :)

People who currently play the game are a lot of fanboi, and people who preordered the game. Basically, people who want to play it. Their opinion is biased.

Trolling will come after the release.


And I didn't say it wasn't a good game. I'm sure it is. But NCsoft said it was a revolution, while there is nothing revolutionary.

Events ? Well, rift and in his own kind of way, tr and EvE already have/had them.

No quests ? So those NPC you find around giving you stuff to do are not quests, right ? They aren't standing in a quest hub anymore, that's all.

Class story ? Swtor, anyone ?

Setting ? Ok, GW universe is not a licensed universe like SW, but it's still a fantasy world with magic, elves...sorry, I mean sylvari, dwarves, centaurs and shapeshifter vikings... erm, I mean Norn.


Good ? Yes probably. New features ? Yes, like plenty of games. Revolutionary ? Not at all.

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Yes i did, what you got in the starter area was most definalty not the same gear you wore at endgame.


did i say your gear scaled ?


paying 5k for max armor or free if u collected items for the same armor as somone with FoW armor all the same STATS just better looking sets

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Gotta give it to GW2, they manage to turn traditional weakness into their strenghts. Or so some say.


No end content in your mmo? booooo. GW2 has no traditional end game content? Thats genious, why hasn't anyone ever thought of that before?!


This is the most intelligent thing anyone said this entire thread. The problem is, most either missed it, or don't get it. The original GW was lauded for having virtually no content. I know-I played it for two months. Talk about a game discarding its thin skin early-wow.

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People who currently play the game are a lot of fanboi, and people who preordered the game. Basically, people who want to play it. Their opinion is biased.

Trolling will come after the release.


And I didn't say it wasn't a good game. I'm sure it is. But NCsoft said it was a revolution, while there is nothing revolutionary.

Events ? Well, rift and in his own kind of way, tr and EvE already have/had them.

No quests ? So those NPC you find around giving you stuff to do are not quests, right ? They aren't standing in a quest hub anymore, that's all.

Class story ? Swtor, anyone ?

Setting ? Ok, GW universe is not a licensed universe like SW, but it's still a fantasy world with magic, elves...sorry, I mean sylvari, dwarves, centaurs and shapeshifter vikings... erm, I mean Norn.


Good ? Yes probably. New features ? Yes, like plenty of games. Revolutionary ? Not at all.


no dwarves sorry they all died in gw1 :p


but while u making a list


can u list all the things tor changed in mmos ?

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So as we know best gear comes from karma, you stated that the events scales to you and gives relevent rewards, or are you now saying that you can go back and do a lower dynamic and you will get drops dependant on the level of the event and not you.


You saying this would mean that what you said before is quite obviously wrong or you are now going to change stance and say that yes dynamic events at lower levels de-tune you down but there is no benefit for a high level player doing them they just have the option todo them and they get nothing in return thus meaning that they arnt relevent gameplay at endgame.


Pick one......................................... the rewards scale to your level or everything scales down to the events level making them absolutly nothing todo with endgame.


Are you even reading anymore?


No one said "the best gear comes from karma." All that was ever said is that you can buy gear using karma collected from events and leveling (you can get karma for saving NPCs in the tutorial). All I've ever said is that your level is down-scaled when you go back to lower level areas. That's it. You're trying to put words in my mouth, grasping at any straw you can, to try and disprove what is obvious to everyone else.


I'll break it down nice and simple for you: GW2 allows high level players to return to low levels--be it to do events or help low level players. This is because the game automatically scales players to a specific level bracket based on the level of the area they're in. So as players adventure around, there is no such thing as an area too easy for them to do (while areas can still be too hard for them to do.


When your level is adjusted by going into a lower-level area, the gear found by killing mobs is scaled to your total level--not your adjusted level. So a level 10 player in a level 5 area will still earn level 10 gear.


Awards from events in these lower level areas are not scaled to your level, but to your participation and the difficulty of the event itself. This means that a high level player, going back to do events, is earning the same amount of karma they would if their level was not adjusted.


Why? Because when their level is adjusted, the low level areas are still a challenge, despite the adjustment. A level 10 players in a level 5 zone (his level would likely be adjusted to 6) will find the level 5 area to still be a challenge. Where he has an advantage, however, is that the boosts he or she earns from their gear are higher than that of a true level 5 and he or she will likely have more skills available to them.


So there is absolutely no reason for a player to grind out karma or gear in low level zones just because they're a higher level, on the presumption that it would be a breeze; the down-scaling of their level makes it just as challenging as it was the first time they did it.

Edited by Dezzi
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