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Sentinel PvE questions


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I've been playing for a while. My main is a level 50 Shadow tank and I wanted a melee DPS so I chose to play a Jedi Sentinel. Lately I've been having a lot of issues even wanting to play the character because I die way too much. Now I know I'm DPS and that I should have a tank companion with me. I'm currently level 27 and I've kept T7 with me most of the time. I know stronger mobs would be a bit difficult since I'm not a healer and T7 isn't either. My issue is that in most cases once T7 dies, which seems to be rather often, that I'm not going to get the mobs down to live. This was a huge problem on the last class story quest on Tatoonie. I died 10 times before I said screw it and changed T7 from tank ability to DPS. This leads me to a few questions.


1) Is T7 the best companion to have at the present time? The only companions I have are T7 and Kira right now. I assumed since I was DPS I should take a tank companion. If he is the companion I should use, what should I be looking for gear wise for him to have? I haven't found any gear for his head, ear or both implants. Should I fill those in and see how he is?


2) Am I doing something wrong with the character? I've speced 18 points into combat since it looked like the PvE tree to use. This is the spec I currently have. I tried staying in Ataru form but switched to Shii-Cho form in the above mentioned fight, allowing me to get past it. Is that the right spec/tree to use or is there something else I should try.


I'm open to suggestions because I'm really not finding this class any fun at all. At this point I'm even considering rerolling the character to start over and make him a guardian instead. Helpful thoughts and insight would be greatly appreciated.

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This is by no means "the answer" to your problem, but here's what I ended up doing at time.


Despite Kira being a DPS companion, I ended up gearing her up (quest rewards or any drops that were upgrades for her) and keeping her with me at all times. I used Ataru form exclusively once I got it, and while I run with a Watchman build now, back when I was on Tatooine I was Combat and it worked just fine. Basically, I did find that downing some of the boss mobs was tough, but typically I could take them down by at most the third try. Make sure you are using all your defensive/survival cooldowns (Rebuke early and when off CD, Saber Ward when you're below 50% health or early and then use Call on the Force halfway or before companion dies, Pacify). Also, make liberal use of any abilities that interrupt (Force Kick, Force Stasis, Force Leap if you end up knocked back). Sometimes I found it helped if I sent Kira in first, taking the brunt of the initial attack, that way if she died I could save most of my survival cooldowns and medpack to finish off the boss.


Basically, the same could be done with T7, especially making sure that you send him in first and save your survival (damage mitigation) abilities (Rebuke and Saber Ward) for if he dies. I only ended up running around with Kira because I liked having her around, and it was fun to be a Jedi duo. I suppose there are some major trade-offs, as neither of us could truly tank or heal, but we did put out enough extra DPS to handle most situations (until I picked up a healer companion later).


And as a bit of spoiler-free advice... even if you end up switching to some other companion later on, try to make sure you show T7 some love in the gear upgrade department, from time to time.

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This happened to me too when I was leveling up. What solved the problem was switching to watchman spec. The burns really help and Juyo Form + Zen heals you and your companion while you fight.


Personally, I use a healing companion. It eliminates downtime and you can focus on killing things. Don't forget that you have C2N2, who is an excellent healer. He'll tide you over until you get your main healing companion who also does a little dps to help out.

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Tattooine is the point at which it becomes hard without a healer. I used Kira and made sure I was geared up as much as possible and eventually got through it. Once you get your full healing companion (not C2N2) it becomes a lot easier.
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