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Dying in PVP


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Hello Everyone,

I have always wondered about something. How does the timer work when you die in a pvp match and stand behind the force field? I have come up against some outstanding players before and been behind that force field with half of my team, literally for about 15 to 20 seconds. Then I get the message to leave the area or I will be removed from the warzone. I would absolutely love to leave the area and get back to the fight but I am otherwise inclined as the force field will not allow it. I have been recording times on different matches and nothing is consistent. :rak_02:

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There's a circle with four illuminated quadrants in the middle of the force fields. After the last quadrant is no longer illuminated you will be allowed to leave. Therefore, if you spawn and only one quadrant is illuminated you know you will be able to leave soon. However, if you spawn and see that there are four quadrants illuminated you know you will have to wait a little while.


It does this regardless of whether or not players are dead currently. Therefore, if you are good you can try and line up an imminent death with only one quadrant illuminated and / or kill their solo defender when all four are illuminated.

Edited by nellosmomishot
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I have honestly never payed attention to that. Thank you for the response. I guess I get so caught up in getting back to the fight, or death lol, that I never really watched the door. Again, I thank you for the answer.
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