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Effect of transfers on the GTN/market?


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The limiting of augments and augment slots to certain levels of the armour/weapons = The death of low level augmented orange crafting = dump what you have and don't craft.


Or just throw a level 49 green augment in there.


I'm still scratching my head who is buying the 20k+ Grade 6 purple slicing components to craft augments for 80k. I can only assume its some sort of grand, intergalactic conspiracy run by the Barely Break Even Mafia.

Edited by NermalDetonator
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Or just throw a level 49 green augment in there.


I'm still scratching my head who is buying the 20k+ Grade 6 purple slicing components to craft augments for 80k. I can only assume its some sort of grand, intergalactic conspiracy run by the Barely Break Even Mafia.


Just because you see it for sale doesn't mean people are paying. I'd assume most of the servers had widely different prices on stuff. Only natural to base your initial prices on what you're used to, (plus maybe a little extra in hoping) Going to take a while before it either doesn't sell (too high mats) or sells too fast and can't get mats to replace for less (too low augments) really percolates through peoples heads.

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I'm also on Ebon Hawk (from Adraas). I've noticed that stuff is actually selling finally. Prices overall are down a bit but I think that's a good thing. On Adraas, crafters were overcharging to compensate for the week something would sit before it was sold and for the cost of the six items that never sold for the one that finally did.


I have to agree. I migrated from both Kath Hound and Lord Adraas to Ebon Hawk, and the prices on Ebon Hawk are a lot less than both my previous servers. More Population = more crafters = more competition = better prices. Economics 101 :)


Great for the buyer, but not as great for the seller as the price of certain mods have fallen below the value of the mats needed to craft them. Sometimes my 400 Artificer will just buy crystals in the GTN for my alts rather than crafting them herself, because it saved money and time (same for hilts, enchancements, etc).


If my Artificer isn't alone in her thinking, then eventually the enconomy will change again.

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