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I feel bad for you Repubs. I started playing at lauch as Repub and after playing my commando to 12, reading some forums, I found this thread. I immediately rerolled Imp. The Commando is the buggiest piece of chit I've played. You can breathe on him from 20 meters and interrupt FA. And WDF is up with MV? The delay/animation time is so jacked up I'm actually MOVING around and FIRING my last shot on a CHANNELED ability!!!


BH is nothing at all like that. You almost don't even need the BH talent to reduce pushback unload works so well. BH plays smooth as butter compared to my Commando. Those saying they've played both and don't notice anything...I suggest you stop playing stoned.

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-Two separate classes. Trying to say that abilities from different classes should be the exact same because they look/name similar is foolish. You have no idea of what balancing issues BW had in mind for how these abilities work. The class is more than just the sum of one/two abilities.


-Read what I said, there is a difference between "channeled" and "concentrated." Full Auto is a concentrated spell.


Bad troll

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No-one is going to disagree but did you really need to make a new thread for it? I don't have either a trooper or a BH and I know about this ability delay because it has been posted so much. A quicl search would have given you thousands of threads on it. Bioware has even acknowledged the issue and has said they're working on a fix. So why was it you created this thread?


You posted this on Feb. 8th. You didn't look to see when the original post of this thread was made did you? Then again you don't play this class or even it's mirror right?


We have returned to this thread because the recent patch carried our hopes that this would be fixed. That is why this post has resurfaced, because it hasn't.


You just asked the question, "why this new thread was made when so many already exist", of a thread a month and a half old. Come on man if you're going to be condescending at least do the basic fact checking first. Or you could always, alternatively, mind your own business and let the people playing Troopers and dealing with the issues there-by do so without your uninformed commentary.


On another note, I charged right out like a kid on Christmas morning and unleashed a mortar volley in Voidstar at a heavily contested door. After I got the bow and paper off it was still dog excrement and the very same fecal matter we were handed at launch no less. There is precisely ZERO change.


Did anyone else ever wonder what Charlie Brown must have been thinking like the second and third time Lucy pulled the ball away when he went to kick it and he fell on his *****? I just did. If only he knew what was to come in the years and years to follow. I like my Trooper and i like Charlie Brown but eventually after being duped so many times, I started to get mad at him for continuing to fall for it.

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Ah, the long-drawn out Mortar Volley issue, and indeed spell.


It's astonishing how long, and probably how much longer, this ability has been broken for.


Bioware do also realise that a large number of people play Troopers? I would say on my server after Sorcerers they are the most played class.


I speculate it's a result of some idiotic management decision in the art department, because they will have to change the animation. The type that draws up these arbitrary dates for making fixes (or indeed getting of the a@#es at all); hence the other big issue of high resolution textures in game.

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Overall I believe that the main problem with the trooper aclass is that every ability has to be put into casting form, whereas a bounty hunter is simply click and shoot. for pve this is not a problem however for pvp we are losing dps time in comparison to any other class. Please look into this problem, for one thing I dont see any combat troopers in the WZ other then healers, on my server I might be the only one.
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I agree, the sooner they add a 3 second delay to Bounty Hunters the better off things will be.


I'm not for breaking what's working. Trooper needs the animation work, not BH- and I'd rather not drag down our mirror class for Bioware actually having done the job right on their end.

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I'm not for breaking what's working. Trooper needs the animation work, not BH- and I'd rather not drag down our mirror class for Bioware actually having done the job right on their end.




Breaking the BH is an absurd suggestion. They should just fix our skill.

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Full Auto isnt even on my hotbar as a Vanguard.


Mortar Volley IS on my hotbar and I use it as often as I can but... not only is the DELAY really annoying and BH's dont have it with their mirror skill BUT heres my biggest gripe




After I cast MV with the ground lit and 3 sec gun stock stroking... the Imperials get 3 seconds of > oh lookee an AE is INC I better move...


that's my biggest frustration. Why not remove that illumination right away so only the caster can see it? and remove the animation delay period while at it

Edited by Fedaykan
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No-one is going to disagree but did you really need to make a new thread for it? I don't have either a trooper or a BH and I know about this ability delay because it has been posted so much. A quicl search would have given you thousands of threads on it. Bioware has even acknowledged the issue and has said they're working on a fix. So why was it you created this thread?


Because the game as been out for more then a month and those 2 abilities (Mortar volley and full auto) were bug in the last part of the beta and are still bug a full month later. We just want to make sure they fix it or see that we still care for it since they are releasing a massive content patch with all of little different things but how come they dont fix two very important abilities for us?


i really cant guess on it. The change to them must be harder then anticipated to take that long. Just funny that the assassin hybrid supposedly so powerful was noticed way after that these two abilities needed help and was corrected way before.


just sayin..

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Another thing with volley, can we please get rid of the AOE marker on the ground. Whats the sense of having a dps ability that people can run out of before it even goes off? Why should the other team see where I am firing my abilities?


Also anyone question why High impact bolt is WHITE damage? I cant even fathom that idea. Long cool down in a fight, ok damage, and yet its white damage. I am tired of people either resisting or deflecting that shot. Its not like we can get it off when ever we want. I just find it stupid

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Another thing with volley, can we please get rid of the AOE marker on the ground. Whats the sense of having a dps ability that people can run out of before it even goes off? Why should the other team see where I am firing my abilities?


Also anyone question why High impact bolt is WHITE damage? I cant even fathom that idea. Long cool down in a fight, ok damage, and yet its white damage. I am tired of people either resisting or deflecting that shot. Its not like we can get it off when ever we want. I just find it stupid


Marker on the ground is kinda needed in both pvp and pve, mortal and death from above hits hard so troopers and BHs would be kinda OP with it, so they would need to nerf aoe dmg if ppl coudn't see it coming.


Got 31 commando atm and i agree how stupid mortal volley is.....i kinda think my commando looks in mirror for 2 sec and says damn i look bad *** than shoots mortar hehe

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Im confused, if Unload does not suffer from pushback, then why does the Arsenal tree contain a "skill" to reduce Unload's pushback penalties by 75%?


I played Merc and powertech both, and im fairly sure Unload also suffers from pushback, same as FA o.O


Please read the thread, you do not understand the issue. Thank you.

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Marker on the ground is kinda needed in both pvp and pve, mortal and death from above hits hard so troopers and BHs would be kinda OP with it, so they would need to nerf aoe dmg if ppl coudn't see it coming.


Got 31 commando atm and i agree how stupid mortal volley is.....i kinda think my commando looks in mirror for 2 sec and says damn i look bad *** than shoots mortar hehe


I agree that it hits hard however that should be the point for this ability. Having a marker put down for a enemy to see eliminates the ability almost entirely. Its so frustrating to use this ability and watch everyone scatter out of its range. I just find it silly that a simple marker nullifies all my major AOE damage. The only time it ever seems to work is when there is a good melee fight going on. Most of the time hey just miss the marker on the ground. The way its set up now and with the delay, you maybe get damage off of one volley not all three.


The mirror comment made me laugh pretty good.

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Well.. I was playing on my commando yesterday for a while, after not playing it for a good two weeks, and I must say that currently Full Auto and Mortar Volley are in the worst shape they have been in since I started my trooper.


Now sometimes when I launch mortar volley, I get an ability stutter, like a broken record, repeating part of the animation motion repeatedly. This causes mortar volley to now fire off 1.5 seconds after triggering the ability instead of the 1 second it normally takes.


Full auto, well, now more often than not, only 1 or 2 of the "ticks" seems to get processed. When you consider that I am currently Gunnery specced, and Full Auto is one of our core abilities for the tree, well, this is just unacceptable. I should always get three ticks of full auto, even if two of them say "dodge".

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Please fix this BS between your beloved Empire and the wretched Republic.


I wish TC could rename the topic's title to this.


Also, on-topic, if I'm not mistaken, Death from Above actually does more damage than Mortar Volley.


I reason this on my own experience with both classes at level 21, with both classes on the same quest in Nar Shadda:


Vanguard: Mortar Volley group of four standard mobs. They suffer heavy damage, but I must DPS them all down.

Mercenary: Death from Above same group of four standard mobs. They all die.


Not sure if this is part of the cast time bug, but it's infuriating none-the-less.

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Vanguard: Mortar Volley group of four standard mobs. They suffer heavy damage, but I must DPS them all down.

Mercenary: Death from Above same group of four standard mobs. They all die.



It's a difference between advance class. My Commando was taking out standard mobs at that level with 1 mortar volley. I think Merc/Commando's volley does more damage than Vanguard's generally. Also are your stats exactly the same?

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I came to this forum to post about this and I'm not surprised to find this huge thread.


I have played Powertech to 41 and a Mercenary to 28. I recently made a Commando so I could play with some friends Republic side and have reached 17 so far. But my enthusiasm is waning very fast.


The difference between BH and Trooper is like night and day. The Trooper feels like it is wading through treacle compared to BH, everything is so slow and sluggish. There's no 'snap' to the animations and there's an activation lag between pressing a key and the ability actually doing damage. This seems to affect nearly all the Trooper abilities, but Mortar Volley, Full Auto and Pulse Cannon seem the worst. Especially Mortar Volley which feels horribly broken and underwhelming compared to Death From Above. The only ability my Commando has so far which feels snappy and correctly animated is Hail Of Bolts


There's also all manner of minor bugs and niggles with the Trooper storyline missions and animations. The whole class feels unfinished and a rushed attempt to make a mirror class. The animations are mostly underwhelming compared to BH. I watched a Bioware video of the dev team making the Commando animations from live motion capture. It all looked great at that point, so something went horribly wrong later on in the process.


Seems to me the BH is where it needs to be, barring a few small issues. The Trooper class is sub par and needs bringing up to the same level as BH.

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I came to this forum to post about this and I'm not surprised to find this huge thread.


I have played Powertech to 41 and a Mercenary to 28. I recently made a Commando so I could play with some friends Republic side and have reached 17 so far. But my enthusiasm is waning very fast.


The difference between BH and Trooper is like night and day. The Trooper feels like it is wading through treacle compared to BH, everything is so slow and sluggish. There's no 'snap' to the animations and there's an activation lag between pressing a key and the ability actually doing damage. This seems to affect nearly all the Trooper abilities, but Mortar Volley, Full Auto and Pulse Cannon seem the worst. Especially Mortar Volley which feels horribly broken and underwhelming compared to Death From Above. The only ability my Commando has so far which feels snappy and correctly animated is Hail Of Bolts


There's also all manner of minor bugs and niggles with the Trooper storyline missions and animations. The whole class feels unfinished and a rushed attempt to make a mirror class. The animations are mostly underwhelming compared to BH. I watched a Bioware video of the dev team making the Commando animations from live motion capture. It all looked great at that point, so something went horribly wrong later on in the process.


Seems to me the BH is where it needs to be, barring a few small issues. The Trooper class is sub par and needs bringing up to the same level as BH.


QFT, this gentleman could not have put it more clearly. I feel hindered playing my commando, like the whole thing is designed to be more difficult and tricky.

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