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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will there be any more transfers?


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I'm stuck on Hydian Way which is kind of dead, do anybody know if there going to be more server transfers?




Yeah there should be, just hold tight 'till after 10am Austin time and there should be some more news regarding transfers. Basically all low pop servers will have a chance to trasnfer to higher pop ones so you're likely on one that hasn't been announced yet.

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im on hydian, just starting to get back into swtor after a break and loving the game but it still needs people missing so many herorics, sure BW will have everything sorted though 1.3 looks good.
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im on hydian, just starting to get back into swtor after a break and loving the game but it still needs people missing so many herorics, sure BW will have everything sorted though 1.3 looks good.


What....what is....i mean....what the hell is this i dont even.........positive words about BW and the game........you fool, you dont know the trouble your in....you mad mad mad damn fool!

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Really......Really.......Reeeaaalllllyyyyy hoping for a Colonel Tobin -------> Jedi Covenant transfer soon! cant believe it has taken this long and also that they didnt do any transfers over the weekend. That IMO is epic fail on BW's part and very worthy of ditching subscriptions and playing a game that gets proper love from its dev's. :rak_02:
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What....what is....i mean....what the hell is this i dont even.........positive words about BW and the game........you fool, you dont know the trouble your in....you mad mad mad damn fool!


not sure if serious or troll?

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Really......Really.......Reeeaaalllllyyyyy hoping for a Colonel Tobin -------> Jedi Covenant transfer soon! cant believe it has taken this long and also that they didnt do any transfers over the weekend. That IMO is epic fail on BW's part and very worthy of ditching subscriptions and playing a game that gets proper love from its dev's. :rak_02:


Canderous Ordo is almost twice the size of Jedi Covenant right now, I'd bet every single dollar I have that your transfer will be to Jedi Covenant, so congratulations on getting what you want :o


Same here, no word for Bacc'a Blade (EU-PVE Server) if we a destination or origin, would be nice to know asap so we can plan ahead a little and see most from 1.3.


You'll be going to The Red Eclipse most likely, if not then Dune Bantha

Edited by SajmanPeetee
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Greetings everyone!


We know everyone is very excited about Character Transfers! You can find more information regarding Character Transfers located in our Character Transfers section on our Official Website, our Character Transfers FAQ, as well as our Developer Tracker.


Since we have an active thread discussing Character Transfers, we are going to close this and ask that you please continue this discussion in one of the following thread:


Thank you for your understanding and patience!

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