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Should I roll a IA or JK?


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Hey guys I just got my trooper (commando) to level 50 and I completed its class quest. So now I'm trying to decide what class to play next IA or JK if I play agent I'll most Lilkly be a sniper and for the guardian I don't know yet. So I want your opinions on what class has the better story? What's better guardian or senital? And which class is just the most fun to overall play? Also I don't care much for PVP I play on a PVE server. All suggestions are really appreciated thanks.
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I would go with the IA:


1) alternating sides keeps the quests fresher

2) you need characters on both sides to unlock the HK-51 companion



That was something else I was thinking about if I go to empire there will be different quests also thanks I did not know you need characters on each side for HK-51.

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I would recommend the IA but according to this list/ JK are more popular. I'm leveling a Sbiper atm and I absolutly love to oneshot the lower mobs in a group. That's getting rarer atm, though (Level 24 atm).

But at the end it's also a matter of your playstyle....So it's very subjective.

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I say most importantly to create both characters before even starting to get the rest exp going. Or even creating all your planned characters now.


I would say personally that the story for JK is pretty good, but the combat is certainly fun for the sentinel.


I have a juggernaugt which I played as a pure tank, and not a tank dps... but it was fun but not as dynamic as a sentinel.

The nice thing about a juggernaught or guardian being the mirror classes, that it has abilties that allows for the class to jump around the battlefield a lot. You have force jump, force push, which refreshes force jump I beleive, and the jump to gaurd abiltiy with relatively small timers. And a decent amount of CC.


So the combat for the JK for guardian or sentinel is certainly fun. And if some people say the story was not as good as the IA, then that is thier personal opinion, but I have to say the combat when compared to JK to IA, the JK is better.


I only played a bit of the IA, and it has a nice beginning. I like the combat as well, but its no the iconic starwars force using fighting style we expect that we get with the JK, and so you are missing out on that. So even though the combat is fun for IA and using cover and not using cover for abilties, its not a force using knight.


So I would personally choose JK before IA. However, if you are the kind of person who likes to save the best for last, then maybe IA then JK.


Also, I beleive that operatives for the IA are the annoying class for everyone. So a sniper is fun to use for pvp like putting up your shield at a corner so people cant get behind you and you can protect an area really well as long as you use that cover well and its fun ofc. I know I am not helping by saying how each class is good, well, that is because they are. The sniper has better sustained dps, and the operatives has burst dps. Which means that the operative can take down single targets better at certain durations, while the operative is more consistent and the dps does not fluctuate as much.

Edited by VegaPhone
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From a game play perspective, the Knight plays much better. Sentinels are the strongest damage dealers in the game presently and they level relatively easily though it will be a struggle till you get your healing companion in the mid 30s.


The Sniper having to take cover in order to use most abilties will become frustrating and annoying after a while. Sniper is a great class for PvP, but as you have said, you have no plans to do PvP so you'd be missing out on the best use of the class.


From a story perspective, the Agent story is better overall. It really does not have a bad series throughout all the chapters. The Knight story, however, has that iconic moment that every Star Wars fan dreams of. Without going into much detail, the ending to the Knight story blows away every other story in the game. If you can deal with getting through a couple lackluster chapters, I would say go Knight but if you're looking for consistent enjoyment go Agent.


I would say go with Sentinel as it's been my favorite character that I've played, but I can't really give you a decent opinion on Sniper because my Agent was an Operative.


Hope that helps! May the force be with you!

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Hey guys I just got my trooper (commando) to level 50 and I completed its class quest. So now I'm trying to decide what class to play next IA or JK if I play agent I'll most Lilkly be a sniper and for the guardian I don't know yet. So I want your opinions on what class has the better story? What's better guardian or senital? And which class is just the most fun to overall play? Also I don't care much for PVP I play on a PVE server. All suggestions are really appreciated thanks.


I would say JK, thats my next char.







Next JK then Trooper

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I have one character of every class - 3 50s and rest in 25-42 range.


Since you already have a republic class, I would say try IA. I have operative and having blast with it. You have CC, stealth and a good story line. Plus for eye candy, I like IA spaceship better ;)


JK (sentinel) is awesome dps and lots of fun too. I like it, but I find myself playing my operative more.


Whatever you decide, you cant go wrong with any of them.

Edited by KJOhio
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I think ill roll an IA as I allready have a republic class so if i go empire i can get the new companion. But after i play through agent ill defently go with the JK. Also one last question is the sniper better than the opreative? Right now i think ill pick sniper but i just want your guys opinons.
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I have a sniper on one server, and an operative on another. The operative is more versatile and keeps me engaged more. If I was gonna start one today I'd start an operative, which is saying something because I had a gunslinger and a sniper before I even started an operative.


I'd also do the operative before a guardian, for reasons already stated. I have a guardian, a jugg, and a sentinel and while I like them all, the operative seems to stand out, maybe because I like playing versatile complicated people.

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I'd rank the IA storyline a 9.5/10 and the JK story 8.5/10


I have 50 sentinel (main), sniper and gunslinger. I really like both playstyles. Btw the smuggler storyline is by far the funniest- definitely worth playing through at least act1.

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I have allready rolled an agent and I made it an operative yes it would be fun to stay back and one shot enemys but id rather have more mobility and i can still snipe with an operative using the snipe ability. I might make a gunslinger in the future. Thanks for all you replies.
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