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Riposte on Combat spec?


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In short, no. In no sentinel spec have I seen an optimization that uses Riposte. You are not a tank. Don't try to be one. It is a pretty lousy use for your focus. It uses 3, is not superbly powerful like Blade Storm, Precision Slash, Force Exhaustion, or Merciless Slash can be, nor does it refund or regenerate focus like Cauterize or Slash can.


While leveling, specifically at low levels, you may use Riposte, but in end game pretty much never, ever use Riposte. In fact, in a party setting, you shouldn't even have the opportunity to use Riposte often enough to even keep it in your key binds.

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In short, no. In no sentinel spec have I seen an optimization that uses Riposte. You are not a tank. Don't try to be one. It is a pretty lousy use for your focus. It uses 3, is not superbly powerful like Blade Storm, Precision Slash, Force Exhaustion, or Merciless Slash can be, nor does it refund or regenerate focus like Cauterize or Slash can.


While leveling, specifically at low levels, you may use Riposte, but in end game pretty much never, ever use Riposte. In fact, in a party setting, you shouldn't even have the opportunity to use Riposte often enough to even keep it in your key binds.


I was correct then. Thank you for confirming.

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I use it in my combat spec rotation in pvp all the time. I dont have it on a main hotkey but I do have it hotkeyed. With the zen>blade rush spam especially. Its off the gcd, you should never be focus starved as combat spec and slipping that in under precision is a nice little dps increase.
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I use it occasionally. It doesnt obey the GCD so if it's up it can be tucked in between high-powered skills quite easily. Gives ya a little added bonus, but people are right, at the end of the day it a bit of a focus waster. Edited by Pyymm
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Riposte can be good in all 3 specs of sentinel.

Altho because of the 100% armor pen. it's probably best in combat.


But the amount of times I use it to get a guaranteed hit in while 1 v 1 fighting with a tank it's freaking sweet

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Riposte is used as a focus dump when you have excess focus. "Excess" depends on spec, but usually if you're at 9+ focus it's a DPS increase. It's not cost-effective rage wise, but being off the global and the moderate damage it does makes it time-effective. Just don't use it if it would otherwise not allow you to use your main abilities when you're trying to burst down a target.


It also bypasses accuracy reduction/defense chance so it's good for using when you're Pacified/Obfuscated or trying to hit an Agent/Smugger through their dodge shield. It also allows you to setup for "controlled burst". You can wait for a Sent/Mara's GBtF/UR to end and unload a your highest hitting ability+Riposte to burn 'em down quick as an example.


It's worth a keybind if you want to maximize your character.

Edited by Swarna
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Based on these additional comments, I may rethink using it. I just know that in PvP I am busy enough. The fact that it is indeed off the GCD does make it attractive.


I'll throw it on for a few days and see if I have a sudden DPS increase or its negligible.

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Based on these additional comments, I may rethink using it. I just know that in PvP I am busy enough. The fact that it is indeed off the GCD does make it attractive.


I'll throw it on for a few days and see if I have a sudden DPS increase or its negligible.


You won't notice anything in overall dps since there is nothing to measure that accurately in wz.

Where you will notice it most is usually in 1 vs 1 or situations comparable to them. Especially against classes that are using good defensive CD's (Scoundrel Dodge, shadow's deflect etc.) it's quite awesome to get a guaranteed 1~2K hit in.

Or just hitting that final hit on a healer before his cast finishes and you don't have an interrupt

Edited by Stealios
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