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I disagree with what he said about the jedi using saberstaffs. Lore wise jedi shadows mainly use double bladed lightsabers. And the time period that jedi shadows where strongly in was the old republic era so I don't understand why that is a problem with lore.
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Well, I knew from the beginning SWTOR wouldn't kill WoW. WoW is just too famous.


But I would never play WoW, and I love this game.


Not all reasons are valid:


1. Retconned lore:

Not that much was really retconned in SWTOR. Bastila had a double-bladed lightsaber in KOTOR 1. Sith healers... idk, but I think it's possible. Sith that specialize in manipulating the body might act as healers in times of war.


2. The game doesn't allow to create uber-Force-users like Starkiller:

I think it's a good thing. It is perfectly believable that Jedi and Sith specialize when there are lots of the. And especially in an MMO you need classes. And heavy armor restricts your movements, so some jedi might prefer light armor.


3. not polished enough:

true, look at all the whining going on in the forums. I don't care, didn't experience any gamebreaking bugs.


2. dialogue and voice acting make it harder to add new content:

Yes, but I think it's worth it. I played WoW once, only up to lvl 3 or something. b o r i n g. I prefer the dialogue and voice system.


1. WoW is the king of quest centric MMORPG

Yes it is. SWTOR is trying to get those in WoW would be intrested in more story. And those who like star wars. And attract new gamers who WoW couldn't get. It won't kill WoW, but it doesn't need to. It only needs to make enough money for EA to keep it running.

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I played both WOW and SWTOR they are almost the same (putting aside the deffrance in appirance).

there are only a few differences and to be honest i am alittle disapointed.


What did you expect from SWTOR that it doesn't have now?

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I expected them to think of somthing new.


The whole idea in my opinon is wrong...

did you hear of Guild wars 2??

they reinvented the wheel.... RPG with no tankes, healers or DPS, everyone dose everything....


that could work here+ we have a better story and a mutch bigger odiance...


i know it's risky but you dont get the gain without the pain...

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I expected them to think of somthing new.


The whole idea in my opinon is wrong...

did you hear of Guild wars 2??

they reinvented the wheel.... RPG with no tankes, healers or DPS, everyone dose everything....


that could work here+ we have a better story and a mutch bigger odiance...


i know it's risky but you dont get the gain without the pain...


Yeah, but the SWTOR team decided they didn't want to reinvent the wheel. Instead the wanted to make an average MMORPG and add story/dialogue and Star Wars. That's all.


(I didn't expect them to create something new and I also didn't expect this game to kill WoW.)

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I dont want to play anything els all i said is that they can still fix most of these stuff and attract more fans.

I am not saying that this is a bad game all i'm saying is that it can be emproved.


BTW don't take it personaly but one of the best way for them to improve is to read this things no need to get angry..


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I dont want to play anything els all i said is that they can still fix most of these stuff and attract more fans.

I am not saying that this is a bad game all i'm saying is that it can be emproved.


BTW don't take it personaly but one of the best way for them to improve is to read this things no need to get angry..



Sorry if I sounded angry. I wasn't angry at all. (It's difficult to tell from the texts, I know ;) )


But I think it is to late for them to implement the changes the video suggests. They decided to make the game that way and won't do much changes. They will add new content, of course and change some minor things.

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BOTH WoW and TOR use the same basic template that's been used since EQ. No getting around that. It's the basic template in most ground-based combat MMORPGs. There is no aerial combat like in CoH or Aion. Star Wars is a FANTASY sci-fi universe. Much heavier on the fantasy than the sci-fi.
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rofl wait this guys first reason for SWTOR not killing WoW is because of breaking lore?


then what is WoW if not 100% breaking lore. Chris Metzin constantly rewrites his own lore he even forgets stuff he has written.


His reasons are pretty stupid but yeah the only people that said SWTOR would kill WoW are WoW fanboys and SWTOR fan boys.


i don't want a WoW killer just a fun game which is what I have.

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the guy on the video needs a girlfriend badly.


Im not talking about lightsabers stuffs and lore but first of all he must understand something:


I agree that is a little weird seeing a Inquisitor/Sith healing a group but how do you explain that I have to slash my target with my lightsaber like 10 times to kill him? OMG such a fail game, in the movies the lightsabers cut stuffs with one slash! and how the hell people dont die with a rocket explosion, lightsaber cut, grenades, blaster shots?!?! how agents call air support inside a palace?


can you see my irony? its just a game. ALOT stuffs does not make sense if you think about. but its a game.

design classes, skills, mechanism that balance factions and players has to exist.


If you get stuck too much with some details you will never get a good game design.


to the guy on video, get a live.

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rofl wait this guys first reason for SWTOR not killing WoW is because of breaking lore?


then what is WoW if not 100% breaking lore. Chris Metzin constantly rewrites his own lore he even forgets stuff he has written.


His reasons are pretty stupid but yeah the only people that said SWTOR would kill WoW are WoW fanboys and SWTOR fan boys.


i don't want a WoW killer just a fun game which is what I have.


I think we may actually be in agreement on something. :eek:

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