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How much does armor type really matter?

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While doing my dailies today i got a random purple drop and it was a healer sorc chest, out of curiosity i put it on in the preview and liked it, so i put it on for real along with some other items to sync the colors and i think its a really good look. Now with 1.3 right around the corner and being able to augment anything i was thinking of using this when that goes live, but i dont want to put a huge burden on my healers (i mostly run ops and FPs), So the question is, if i put all my mods in the light armor am i, or the healers going to see a spike in my dmg taken?


any info would be awesome, thanx

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While doing my dailies today i got a random purple drop and it was a healer sorc chest, out of curiosity i put it on in the preview and liked it, so i put it on for real along with some other items to sync the colors and i think its a really good look. Now with 1.3 right around the corner and being able to augment anything i was thinking of using this when that goes live, but i dont want to put a huge burden on my healers (i mostly run ops and FPs), So the question is, if i put all my mods in the light armor am i, or the healers going to see a spike in my dmg taken?


any info would be awesome, thanx


If you're just replacing the Chest itself, you'll be fine. The armor loss on ONE peice is negligable. Swapping to FULL light is a terrible idea though. You'll take MUCH more damage from Weapon and Kinetic damage types.

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yeah last night i got the rakata chest piece and gutted it put all the mods in my light armor chest went back to the vendor and checked and i lose 189 armor and i have been staying in touch with the healers of my raid and they all say that healing me isnt any different from when i was in full medium armor. thanx for the help all
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