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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Very glad BW is not doing cross-server LFG


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Loving the influx of new players on Jung Ma this last week, and am already getting to know many of them. We've had three planned server events (a guild summit, a dueling match, a multi-planet world PVP event). Along with seeing many names I recognize, I'm getting to know new people (and new guilds) as well.


Just my opinion, but the only way to build community is to get to know each other. The only way to do this is to see each other in PVP, in events, around fleet, and in FPs and Ops. Oh, and the forums too. Server forums are likewise key.


If instead I was PVP'ing with random people from other servers, this would be much harder. There'd be little chance of seeing them around again. Also, I've witnessed about a half dozen instances of a new player being mean to others (usually in PVP matches), with other players saying its' not appropriate, etc.


Being on the same server, such player-regulated remarks and inevitable ignoring really do make a difference, especially on a matureish server like Jung Ma. Having random trash-talkers from random servers pop in and sully things while PVPing or group finding would suck, especially on a server like Jung Ma.


Just my 2 cents ... Thank You Bioware for sticking to your principles and not caving to cross-server LFG'ing.

Edited by Teefal
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Loving the influx of new players on Jung Ma this last week, and am already getting to know many of them. We've had three planned server events (a guild summit, a dueling match, a multi-planet world PVP event). Along with seeing many names I recognize, I'm getting to know new people (and new guilds) as well.


Just my opinion, but the only way to build community is to get to know each other. The only way to do this is to see each other in PVP, in events, around fleet, and in FPs and Ops. Oh, and the forums too. Server forums are likewise key.


If instead I was PVP'ing with random people from other servers, this would be much harder. There'd be little chance of seeing them around again. Also, I've witnessed about a half dozen instances of a new player being mean to others (usually in PVP matches), with other players saying its' not appropriate, etc.


Being on the same server, such player-regulated remarks and inevitable ignoring really do make a difference, especially on a matureish server like Jung Ma. Having random trash-talkers from random servers pop in and sully things while PVPing or group finding would suck, especially on a server like Jung Ma.


Just my 2 cents ... Thank You Bioware for sticking to your principles and not caving to cross-server LFG'ing.


I guess this should be an open letter to all those cross-server demanding folks that asked sarcastically, "What community".


Thanks for posting that OP.

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It's nice but it caters to a crowd that plays a lot and has a set gaming schedule. I'm not entirely sure why you can't have this community with the existence of a x-server. You can still have events and play with people in your own server right?


Also, BW did give a social reason for not having one but they also gave a technical reason, which is they haven't been able to make one yet.


I'm all for this game having it's own identity and if it becomes another niche game with 400-500K happy subscibers than more power to it.

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It's nice but it caters to a crowd that plays a lot and has a set gaming schedule. I'm not entirely sure why you can't have this community with the existence of a x-server. You can still have events and play with people in your own server right?


Also, BW did give a social reason for not having one but they also gave a technical reason, which is they haven't been able to make one yet.


I'm all for this game having it's own identity and if it becomes another niche game with 400-500K happy subscibers than more power to it.


Cross server group finder would mean people wouldn't play together as much, they would meet bads from other servers, or good players from other servers, and even if they get to know these players they would disappear back to their own server after the flashpoint/ operation.

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Cross server group finder would mean people wouldn't play together as much, they would meet bads from other servers, or good players from other servers, and even if they get to know these players they would disappear back to their own server after the flashpoint/ operation.


Ya I get that, but not all people are queing in to make friends. BW is trying to get everyone to play one way. Which means the subscriber base will filter down to like-minded players. That's good community-wise, but it will limit your overall subscriber number.

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Loving the influx of new players on Jung Ma this last week, and am already getting to know many of them. We've had three planned server events (a guild summit, a dueling match, a multi-planet world PVP event). Along with seeing many names I recognize, I'm getting to know new people (and new guilds) as well.


Just my opinion, but the only way to build community is to get to know each other. The only way to do this is to see each other in PVP, in events, around fleet, and in FPs and Ops. Oh, and the forums too. Server forums are likewise key.


If instead I was PVP'ing with random people from other servers, this would be much harder. There'd be little chance of seeing them around again. Also, I've witnessed about a half dozen instances of a new player being mean to others (usually in PVP matches), with other players saying its' not appropriate, etc.


Being on the same server, such player-regulated remarks and inevitable ignoring really do make a difference, especially on a matureish server like Jung Ma. Having random trash-talkers from random servers pop in and sully things while PVPing or group finding would suck, especially on a server like Jung Ma.


Just my 2 cents ... Thank You Bioware for sticking to your principles and not caving to cross-server LFG'ing.


Wrong. Cross server Pv P = True Ranked play and more fun. The larger the queues the more chance that you will be grouped with people of your class and capability which = more fun. Leagues of Legends understands this and Bioware would be wise to build PvP around the same concept for WarZones.

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If this is what you want, then howabout server-to-server matches ... 8 mans from one server vs 8 mans from another.


This would promote higher levels of competition for those that want it.


As for League of Legends, I agree that they've got the PVP thing down, but their communities are .... well ... let's just say that if I were a 16 year old boy hating life and those around me, I'd be right at home :)

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Cross server PVP is good.

Cross server LGF is bad.


The advantage of having 'more people around to group with' is usually offset by


-bads who can't handle things properly and end up getting you wiped

-loot monkeys rolling need on everything they can

-abusive players


But most importantly, there is no way to build community with cross-server LFG. With single server, everyone the group finder picks up is in your server. You can play with them again. They can go in your friends list. Cross server inserts random people you are unlikely to ever see again.


Never saw the point, but most people are going to believe what they want regardless of facts , truth or common sense.

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I feel they will eventually move to cross server pve, it's just a matter of time. It has it's consequences but it also has it's advantages. I am glad they chose to more or less merge servers first to cure the problem of population disparity as opposed to Blizzards band aid solution of cross realm queing.
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