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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I have a serious question...now I know devs likely wont answer but here is to hoping.


Come monday, when your test of server stability is complete. How soon will you need before you can inform us if the rest of us will be merged on monday. Or if like I suspect you will wait till after the patch update on tuesday before the transfer begins.


I would hope that you would not like to keep those of us waiting in the dark longer than we have to be. In the spirit of co-operation is why I am asking here. I am hoping that you now meet us half way, those of us who have been waiting. And come monday morning tell us if we are going to be transfered, or if you need to collect more data.


The sooner you tell us, and get on with the transfers, the less angry those of us remaining will be. Unless you dont mind upsetting like 15 % of the population further than you already have.


Not trying to flame, or be an ***.. I just really would like to stress that many of us like the game and are patiently waiting for the merge news, and if you could let us know sooner than later it would be greatly appreciated.

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BW hasn't exactly been a model of communication and sensible planning when it came to the transfers (Why allow transfers from decent population servers before the genuinely low pop servers that still don't have transfers for example). So frankly I wouldn't expect to hear from them early on Monday.
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BW hasn't exactly been a model of communication and sensible planning when it came to the transfers (Why allow transfers from decent population servers before the genuinely low pop servers that still don't have transfers for example). So frankly I wouldn't expect to hear from them early on Monday.


im honestly not expecting transfers till tuesday after the downtime.. but hey.. i can hope right...

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I really doubt they'll give a firm time. People will be sitting at their computers with a stopwatch if that happens.


im not expecting a firm time..im not silly enough to do that.. having worked in the computer field as an it guy ik now firm times dont work..but alittle love of as soon as we can.. or even a we are really working on it would be nice on monday..


i am one of those people that soon means something ..it doesnt mean now...it means as soon as we can:P


alittle love is all we want:P its fathers day:P im a dad:P gimme love:P

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I'm hopeful for transfers on monday, currently the only way for me to get warzones popping reasonably quick is to get my imperial guildies to queue up as premade, much easier than solo quing (20 guild members online at once last night, woo :) )


My only concern is that once transfers are implimented itll be much harder for 2 group premades quing for pvp to be put in the same match. And then even harder to be pitted against my republic guild if they queue at the same time.

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Greetings everyone!


We know everyone is very excited about Character Transfers! You can find more information regarding Character Transfers located in our Character Transfers section on our Official Website, our Character Transfers FAQ, as well as our Developer Tracker.


Since we have a few active threads discussing Character Transfers as well as the lack of transfers over this weekend, we are going to close this and ask that you please continue this discussion in one of the following thread:


Thank you for your understanding and patience!

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