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for watchman, power not that useful?


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Isnt crit kind of low, and accuracy really high?


I'm not sure about the accuracy, but crit does look low. The easiest thing to do to boost it a bit without disrupting much the other stuff would be swapping the crystals....




Despite Goofieee's words, I didn't look into the wishlist tab. I think that other crit rate is fine, since you can get the smuggler buff. With Legacy, it's a rare occasion when you don't have it, even in a group of 4

Edited by wainot-keel
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Ok I have a couple of questions.


I am currently a watchmen with around 30 percent crit and 75 percent surge.


Why would you stack power augs over strength augs? I have my entire war hero gear augmented with strength augs and I'm usually one of the top damage dealers in most warzones.


Doesn't strength add to several stats and increase damage all around? Why pick that over power?


What exactly does strength add to my watchmen by having the strength augments?


Should I change out my strength augs with power ones?


I understand cauterize does a dot and overload saber does 3 dots. Is there another dot I'm missing? What does it mean to stack 5 of juyo? I thought juyo was the form.


My last question has to do with gear. I currently have two war hero relics augment with power. Can someone please give me advice on which ear piece and implants to get? The mplants they offer reduce surge and crit alot and seem like they are a down grade. Sorry for all the questions but any help would be great.









OP, I'll address your points one at a time.


Increasing power makes ALL your attacks deal more damage. All of them. Power is always useful and doesn't suffer diminishing returns, unlike pretty much everything else. Once you have around 30% crit and 70-75% surge, stack power like it's going out of fashion; not strength. Each point of power increases your bonus damage by about .23 whereas each point of strength increases it by about .20 and you won't need to worry about the extra crit chance due to the diminishing returns.


As for Zen/Transcendence/Inspiration it's pretty simple: if you or your group really needs to move fast and have some extra defence, pop Transcendence (especially in Combat spec, for the extra speed boost) - this is particularly useful right at the start of warzones or when a group of you quickly switch objectives.


Inspiration is for when there's a furball - lots of people slugging it out over an objective in pvp. Pop it whenever its up and a big scrap starts. For raids I tend to save it for the last 30% when dps can start spamming their high damage execute abilities and the extra healing can prevent a wipe. On longer fights you might be able to pop it right at the start and have it come back up for the end - just watch your aggro because all that extra damage flying into the boss can make things hairy right at the start.


For everything else, there is Zen. Zen is always useful in a fight and if you don't need the other two it should be used as often as possible - bind it to an easily reachable key (easier said than done with Sent keybindings I know).


Watchman = yes the group heals are ok, but the REAL reason you use it is for the guaranteed 100% crit on your next six burns. 5 stacks of Juyo, 3 stacks of Overload Saber on your target and a Cauterise? ZEN THAT BAD BOY then Master Strike. Chuck a Merc Strike on the end and that is some nasty burst.


Combat = 1 second Blade Rush spam? Yes please. Oh look Precision Slash is off cd.... Spam the hell out of the BR and then drop an auto-crit Bladestorm just before Precision runs out.


Focus = 2 more singularity stacks is always good for on-demand force-bombing with Force Sweep and free Slashes are nice with all the talents that buff that skill in this particular tree.

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