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Player Housing and Cities Planet


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The thread was a cool read. 15 pages of people wanting and supporting the idea of non-instanced housing - all written over a year before the announcement of us getting housing, which appears to be instanced. I think its cool either way.




Housing has been asked for since Beta and was a huge thread on the beta forums Hidden.


The SWG crowd has always tried to push the SWG2 mind set on this game for every single feature

But this game was never going to be SWG2


Asking for urban sprawl housing was never going to happen and as you see is not going to happen.


What the SWGers leave out from their rose tinted memories is SWG housing / crafting pretty much killed the game for new players.

The urban sprawl was so bad that the starter planets were all over run with houses so there was no open land mass to adventure in (on starter planets) and the crafted items were so over priced new players couldnt afford even bad gear.


From sounds of things we will get EQ2 style housing but upgradable (IE: Can add rooms to your home) and obviously it will be decoration required inside it with trophies, furniture, and other decorations.


Personally Im pumped for this announced housing expansion.

I came back months earlier then I planed because of it

But if it had been urban sprawl housing of SWG, I would have never resub'd

Played through UO and SWG with the urban sprawl housing problem and will never do it again.


Should note this housing update ONLY POSSIBLE because of new devs.

The old devs when this thread was originally made had said point blank and clearly they would NEVER put housing in the game.

So it took for them all to be removed and new devs to be put in for that blind viewpoint to disappear.


Really hope that means we can also get Paazaak and Swoop Bike Racing added now as well

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Know what else has been asked for since beta?


Toggle Hood Options so players can have that awesome chest piece and still see their hair, other certain head pieces.


LOL Orion, lots has been asked and requested for since Beta

And while EA/Bioware has pretty much lost me forever as a fan of their work going forward


I dont mind admitting this is first time in long time (really since Beta)That I believe some of the stuff will actually be addressed and added now.


Not immediately of course

But I don't think were yelling at deaf ears and closed minds anymore either.

The new devs seem to be listening with more open minds this time around.


Makeb design and inclusion of Housing (after company line for so long was "NO HOUSING EVER") has me hopeful that we will start seeing other long sought after changes and upgrades.


Maybe I'm just being fooled once again by EA


But I hope not

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Please add a new planet where players can build cities and houses. Don't do paths, make all the expanse on the planet available. Allow customization so players can become more a part of the game. the planet should have multiple regions types ... snow, beach, mountains... My wife and I played SWG for the entire length of the game because of this feature. We PVP, we ran a city, we did all the parts of the game but in the end, having houses and such made the game longevity.


And here comes what I feared with player housing the need to create epic fail communities, I heard UO is still around go play that old timers

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