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Our level 50 PVP armor looks REALLY bad.


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The two helmets are pretty bad, with the WH possibly being the ugliest helmet design in the game but at least they are hide-able. The BM chespiece I don't think is too bad when the helm isn't paired with it, the WH chest cheesy but serviceable.


That said by the war hero point in time I would assume most will want to drop it into augmented gear anyway-- found an orange scoundrel duster for mine that I didn't think looked half bad (wish it didn't have goggles around the neck but otherwise looks good).


Adaptive social armor and the ability to put an augment on anything will improve this even further since you don't have to either be a synthweaver and have a pattern you like or hope someone put a nice looking augmented one in the AH.




I do kinda of wish you could purchase a marauder piece on an Imperial alt and it would retain its empire-design look when you mail it to your republic characters, would really like to see my Dark V zabrak sentinel with a marauder BM chest.

Edited by paul_preib
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The Champ/BM chest would be great looking if they didn't put that stupid back pack on it. If you they had done a headband instead of the samurai helmet and removed the back pack it would prob be one of the best looking Rep sets.
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Miralukas can't even equip the helmet.


Has there been any word on Bioware redesigning how the armor looks? Or are we forced to swapping out mods into something that looks more presentable?



Yes, Bioware has already stated that they will be thinking about a new direction for armor.

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That's why I got an augmentable Peacekeeper set, which looks like a classic movie Jedi robe, and modded it with stuff ripped from my PvP set.


Works great - for both, iconic looks, and the deception factor. Looking like a level 15 with Warhero stats is teh lulz.

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