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What Bioware Needs to Do


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Release everything they taled about at e3 in 1.4 and make 1.5 just as big. and continue to be pay to play, i want a quality play experience and am willing to do so for my star wars universe so please people at bioware use the money we few subscers are willing to give you and pump up the creativity. more operations. more world events. everything, bring the SWTOR community together, because right now alot of the players dont have any hope for the game, but I got faith bioware. I, do. ;)
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What Bioware needs to do is put their tale between their legs and run along home, because they failed big time with this game.


They have *years* of work ahead of them just to reach a state where the game is enjoyable and playable enough to keep a stable population.

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thats why i listed world events, more incentive. but i forgot more pets ;) i feel a lack of significance. i feel like im the same as any other toon of the same spec as me. i need the difference makers and not in legacy mode cuz i could care less about my alts.. -_-


More of the same? Meh.


How about some non combat activities to add variety?

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Taxi drivers , ppl with trolleys in malls , tamer nexu on voss , no exhaustion zones just walls , less bugs , did killiks rule every planet at 1 time ? all the caves look the same , HC quest givers clearly marked , a sea shore etc..etc Edited by Tocaseven
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i think if they improved more on the zones. so its more of an exploring type feeling with fun unexpected rewards. instead of an all out grind fest thru quest areas one by one. the open world pvp also needs revamped. and even arena pvp teams. read and listen to your community bioware. ;p we want the best 4 u
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The Free to Play idea is really a bad move. I've heard several companies are moving that way, but they totally miss the boat on why their subs are falling. We all knew it was monthly when we signed up - we didn't quit because of monthly payments.


We left those games because of bad design, game & fun killing nerfs, ignored problems like server population dwindling or imbalances. I'd still be playing WOW, or Rift, or one of a dozen other MMOs from this last decade if it weren't for problems with the game themselves. Making them free to play won't get me back. Aside from that, free to play is a misidrection, the meat of the game costs money, and paying al la carte is far worse.


For one, its a less predictable revenue stream. That impacts the company. For the player, it means on the high end, you are pitting your willingness to dump an endless stream of money into the game to compete with someone who does the same. Try Evony or some other game like that. There are players that spend $100s in a week. Its only a small number, but they dominate because of it. Everyone else leaves in disgust.


If MMORPGs do this I see a disaster. Sure, there is some game called Second Life out there. Never seen it, never will. If you are going to legitimaize chinese farmers, fine. But charging per piece for virtual gear - see ya.

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pretty much agreed upon im willing to pay... i just want them to use my money to really work on the game

The Free to Play idea is really a bad move. I've heard several companies are moving that way, but they totally miss the boat on why their subs are falling. We all knew it was monthly when we signed up - we didn't quit because of monthly payments.


We left those games because of bad design, game & fun killing nerfs, ignored problems like server population dwindling or imbalances. I'd still be playing WOW, or Rift, or one of a dozen other MMOs from this last decade if it weren't for problems with the game themselves. Making them free to play won't get me back. Aside from that, free to play is a misidrection, the meat of the game costs money, and paying al la carte is far worse.


For one, its a less predictable revenue stream. That impacts the company. For the player, it means on the high end, you are pitting your willingness to dump an endless stream of money into the game to compete with someone who does the same. Try Evony or some other game like that. There are players that spend $100s in a week. Its only a small number, but they dominate because of it. Everyone else leaves in disgust.


If MMORPGs do this I see a disaster. Sure, there is some game called Second Life out there. Never seen it, never will. If you are going to legitimaize chinese farmers, fine. But charging per piece for virtual gear - see ya.

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