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Space and free flight!


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They need to do some serious updates to space combat regardless, there is no reason for people to play the mini missions since its scripted. I think if they took the SWG side of space combat the masses would be happy and there would be a major rise in people flying simply because it would be a break from the scripted worlds.
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I am looking forward to Free Flight Space Combat very much... the possibilities are LIMITLESS!


I would say that Space Combat / Missions could be treated like alternate leveling.. they already have a point system in place for Legacy Levels. Not sure if anyone remembers the game Star Wars Galaxies or not but it was a first attempt at a Star Wars MMO. Did a few things right and a lit of things wrong IMO. One of the BEST things about the game was its Space Missions. It was like having 2 characters in one. You leveled each aspect of your character separately... Ground and Space. Essentially you could have a level 30 ground character, with level 50 flight skills. or the other way around for that matter.


Each level gave you a choice of where to spend alternate skill points. You could devote your skill points into areas like Engineering, Tactical, Piloting, Exploration, Smuggling or you could mix and match... Be a specialist or a jack of all trades. Each branch of the Space skill set had an intricate set of skills select-able from skill trees much like that which already exists in-game.


Here is an image of the SWG Pilot skill tree http://images.mmorpg.com/images/gall...3f641d96c8.jpg


You built or bought ship chassis and loaded player built or bought equipment on them, weapons, drives, shields, etc. as your skill increased, you were able to fly better ships, with more hard points available on the chassis. Awesome game mechanics too.. You could group up and form squadrons or wings and take on numerous hostiles or tougher foes. it was my favorite part of that game.


That being said, many people didn't like the fact you needed a joystick for flight. But when doing Space PvP or Free Flight space missions, you needed the added control for precision attack vectors or bombing/torpedo runs.


Now, my suggestion would be to take it one step further. Capitol Ship Combat. Guilds should in theory be able to build their own capitol ships... with MULTIPLE player controlled stations. each with a specific duty, 1 Engineering Officer handles repairs, Another routs power to shields, 1 tactical officer handles targeting, another counter-measures, as the ship becomes damaged the Crew might take damage as well... Ship's Doctor?


The possibilities are endless... Squadrons of light fighters vs. a large capitol ship... Capitol vs. capitol... Fighters vs fighters, Everything vs. the DEATH STAR! heheh


The technology exists to add these features, the question is will they do it, and if so... will they do it well.

Edited by Kazig
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