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enemies to close to each other!


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every time i attack a elite enemy there is allways another strong that walks around, see the fight and i get killed. why is the enemies positioned so that u have to spy on them and learn all nearby enemies pattern before u can engage?
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every time i attack a elite enemy there is allways another strong that walks around, see the fight and i get killed. why is the enemies positioned so that u have to spy on them and learn all nearby enemies pattern before u can engage?


Situational awareness. You have to know what's going on in the environment be fore you attack. So yes you have to see what they are doing if you don't know.

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every time i attack a elite enemy there is allways another strong that walks around, see the fight and i get killed. why is the enemies positioned so that u have to spy on them and learn all nearby enemies pattern before u can engage?


You have to keep your eyes open for patrols. Take them down first, or wait for them to go by, then take the elite. In situations where that's not possible, burn down the weakest enemy first. If you have the Abilities available, stun or otherwise incapacitate the elite while you take out the patrol.


Between you and your companion, you should be able to take elites anywhere from 2 to 4 levels higher than you, even with their adds or the occasional pat butting in.

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every time i attack a elite enemy there is allways another strong that walks around, see the fight and i get killed. why is the enemies positioned so that u have to spy on them and learn all nearby enemies pattern before u can engage?


Keep an eye on what's going on around you. If you can't handle the gold and silver at the same time, watch and wait for the roamer to be on about his business before attacking. If you get surprised, use you CC on the gold and finish off the silver, heal up, then take the gold on at full strength. We're given the tools we need to handle pretty much any event. That said, we all make a dumb move without realizing it and end up waiting for the rez droid. It's just a part of the game.

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I would, seriously.


Being able to see all the story without being forced to group with random people would be awesome.


Go youtube. You don't even have to pay a monthly fee and you'll get to see all the class stories.


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Ive always thought that if cant take the elites and the elite patrol at the same time ive got no chance with the boss at that level so i usually gain a extra level but it doesnt always work out this way. Sometimes ive had more problems with the adds than the actual bosses sometimes. A sit assasin real screwed me over 10 plus times once (underlevelled)
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Sounds like you may be tackling content that you aren't ready for by either having a bad group or under-leveled character(s). Those can definitely result in frustration. That said, some of the most fun combat moments for me have come when you get an add or a patrol that you didn't see and have to scramble to deal with it. Great satisfaction when it's over. Hard to overstate the importance of having a group that works together here. Teamwork makes all the difference.
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As others have said situational awareness is key. I've always thought aggro range was funny, 100% of mobs in mmo's have myopia or are just lazy. You should feel lucky they don't attack onsite based off if they can see you. It really can't get any easier. If it did it would just be stupid imo and not challenging enough.


Other tips:

-If you are fighting a melee mob pull them to a safer spot.

-If you are fighting a ranged mob LOS (line of sight) them. Meaning run behind some of the terrain or what have you so they can't see you and they will be forced to get a clear shot. This is always going to be a straight line to your current location, therefore they are going to be forced to run to where you are.

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Sometimes, when I've got the best new gear and my skills haven't changed in a while, it's pretty easy to cast through a level or two. Then, it really starts to get challenging, and I get a little frustrated. At that point, I start to wonder why it's harder than it used to be. What needs to change? Before I get new gear, I try to make sure I'm playing as well as I can. Is there some skill that I got a few levels ago that I really haven't used yet? If so, there may be a good reason. It may be something I really don't need often, or it may be something that I just haven't figured out how to use yet. I'll change my play style a little bit and try to work that skill in more often. Sometimes, it doesn't help much, but sometimes it's like a light bulb going off - "Oh, I always used to just use X and Y just whenever, but if I use X then Y then Z, everything goes more awesomely!"


Pay attention to what the game is telling you. If you just can't succeed in a certain situation, you need to change SOMETHING - gear, play style, or - as others have said in this thread - being aware of what mobs are around you and how to approach them. And the answer isn't always "better gear."


That's one thing I really like about this game, more so than any other game I've ever played. If you really pay attention, it teaches you how to play itself.

Edited by DPCummerbund
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every time i attack a elite enemy there is allways another strong that walks around, see the fight and i get killed. why is the enemies positioned so that u have to spy on them and learn all nearby enemies pattern before u can engage?


Hey there OP. If you are getting killed by pats (patrols) that wander up as you are fighting, take a minute and kill off the pat firsr (when he is not near any others), then go for the elite.


There are some instance where you will attack mobs and others will spawn as a result of the attack. Those are usually designed so that you can win, but have to put in a little extra effort and apply more tactics to do so.

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I'm new, and have seen many enemies of a different rating, especially gold ratings. These are hard.


I give a shot on tackling the main guy alone by doing what I can to minimize damage. I like to CC who ever has the most health, then nuke the small fry to make sure I recieve less damage from there.


If it seems too hopeless to do it, i'd call in someone to help. Wether it be a friend, guild member, General chat stranger, it gets the job done.


This applies for any MMO.


It also won't always be tank-and-spank. Plan out what to do. CC the small fry, take down patrols, clear the area around the big enemy. Kite the enemy somewhere in the area with no way of aggroing more than you can handle.




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Sounds like a MMO is not what you are/were looking for


I know people have soled to 50 with every class in the game. It certainly can be done. Some classes are easier than others, though, and just offhand I read about more people having problems with Inquisitor and Consular, which makes sense.

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