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The community has come a long way from launch


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There use to be so many gloom and doom threads in the general section, but now it's more calm. With transfers enacted, people are actually *GASP*...positive. Same with E3 announcements.


This is mostly to shut me up. They got tired of me calling them on their nonsense in every single thread. LOL

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The community has come a long way. Even with several consolidated servers, they still can't deign to run a level 35 through a regular flashpoint. Let's see how many months the nearly 1,000 people in fleet continue to ignore me.


Probably only 1 more month with group finder on it's way in early July you shouldn't have to worry. Then again, you'll also be level 50 too :p

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The community has come a long way. Even with several consolidated servers, they still can't deign to run a level 35 through a regular flashpoint. Let's see how many months the nearly 1,000 people in fleet continue to ignore me.

With that attitude, I'm guessing for years to come.

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