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Destruction of a Jedi, The rise of a Sith.


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I've altered Lore a little bit to write this, and its my first time writing fan fiction, and I'm not really the writing kind of person, so any feedback/criticism is nice, as long as its constructive. This of course isn't complete, if enough people like it, I'll write more. But, I just want to see what people think of the intro.



I was known as Nexus, the savior of Corellia, The Bane of the Sith. That all changed when I came back from the war. I was to be made a Jedi Master. Or, so I thought. They say I started my fall as a padawan in the Jedi Order. They said I wasn't ready to be made a knight. I wanted to prove them all wrong. They all said I would follow my sister down the same path of destruction. I told them I was stronger than she was. I was wrong, I was just like her.


They denied me my rightful title as master, I went into a rage, killed, murdered all my friends that I had made in my travels. Jedi Master Shan banished me from the jedi order, told me to leave, and never return. She thought I was weak, that I wouldn't be able to live. Three nights later, my sister found me. I had heard rumors during my Jedi training that she had become The Wrath of the Emperor, because of this they all looked at me like I was a traitor, I never believed the stories. I would never have believed the stories either until she found me that night. She came to me, told me that I was powerful, more powerful than I would ever imagine, more powerful, than the Jedi Order thought. She told me to come with her to korriban so I could train under the Sith.


She made me a slave, she betrayed me. She took me to the nearest mining colony and gave me into slavery. She left me there to rot. That event just fueled my rage even more. Moved me even further down the path to the Dark Side. I would never forgive her, and I one day hoped to kill her. But I knew that one day would have to wait, because for now, I was stuck on this colony with these lowest lowlife miners. I had to find a way off. There was a foreman there, he would abuse me daily, molest me, **** me, one day, I had enough of it, and when I had lost my temper, a lightning storm appeared out of no where and instantly killed the foreman and all 30 miners at the site when the incident happened. Thats when they sith found me and took me to Korriban.

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