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So in order to make dying in PVP slightly more exciting/fun, I've tried out some weird builds.


gunnery/DoT - Plasma



The extra snare, and ability to proc it and the DoT with basically every hammer shot when you have to be mobile is kinda nice. So far, that spec gets me the same or similar numbers to running straight gunnery.


Gunnery/heals - Armor Piercing/Combat Support



While critting on a demo round with 5 stacks of gravity vortex is nice, I've found it a) doesn't happen all that often and b) doesn't actually account for that much of our dmg in PVP. So this gets you into kolto bomb which while for a dedicated healer is seriously anemic, is actually a hell of a lot of heals to sling around for what is still more or less a dedicated DPS spec. I don't really consider this a hybrid spec, but it gives some options to DPSers wanting to do a little more off-heals.


I've used it before when PUGging HMs as well, useful when some of your groupmaters are undergeared.


Anyone else use some odd builds? Post em.

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i really like your assault/gunnery hybrid. i've been trying some weird combinations lately, but i'm going to try yours.



and i've been considering something similar to your gunnery/medic build.


my build was http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800dfMoozZMIkbRbdRkc.1 (but i haven't tested it out yet)


i really wanted to make an assault one, but giving up 6-7 points in gunnery was too much. it seems gunnery is the way to go, but maybe something like http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800dfM0oZMckZcGMrzG0M.1 (with 1 free point i'm unsure of where to go).

i normally get adrenaline fueled; that and burnout i'm sure contribute to a lot of my dps, but i think sticky grenade can make up for assault plastique (i use them both in WZs all the time depending on the situation anyway)

Edited by oaceen
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Your gunnery/dot spec is interesting indeed, especially if the 1.3 changes go through as they are. I actually figured gunnery was more tied to the AP cell than it actually is. Need to test how much burst I will lose due to the lost AP, and see how it trades with the extra dot damage and snare.


Thanks for posting!

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This is the build I am currently using for PvP. I just started using it so I still have some points I might toy around with.




This is very similar to your DPS/Heal build, although I do like having the buff for kolto bomb as it will also help out the other healers.I came up with this after reading the upcoming for changes in 1.3. Having the stack HiB build at the same rate as gravity vortex will make it much easier to to get in to your rotation.


I was originally a pure healer but was constantly getting outhealed by the other healing classes and wasn't really much in a fight against anyone so I decided to try out this hybrid. So far it has been working out pretty well. My DPS/Helaing still isn't high as the other classes but I feel much more survivable and much more useful.


This build really shines as a pure support role. You probably won't be on top of the Damage or Healing column but I have found myself at the top in the objective column far more often than pure heals, which is really what you should be gunning for protecting/gaining objectives. Being able to help pick people off with a DPS rotation but still help out your pure DPS/Tank buddies with some heals is very clutch.


I am going to wait until 1.3 drops to start moving points around but so far this is what I am thinking about for possibilities:



  • Possibly taking the point out of Cell Capacitor and putting it into Super Charge Cells and dancing between AP and CSC as necessary for the situation. My logic for this By gaining the 6 CSC charges from medical probe and regaining the green beam of awesome (plus it's stacks of CSC) I would be able to focus on healing a little more and I think I can gain the 30 stacks necessary to pop SCC and gain some ammo more often than I would gain the one extra from popping Recharge Cells. I would also gain the reduction in cost for FA and CB as well as the shield for KB. It might not be much but it could help out in a clutch moment.
  • Maybe move the 2 points from Kolto Residue into Charged Barrier(ChB) now that it will also gain stacks along side Grav Round. This should help improve survivability. The problem with this is due to the support role of this build it may be hard to keep the charges of ChB up if I find myself doing mostly healing.



This is not an exhaustive list but somethings I am thinking about. I'll have to see how the changes in 1.3 work out in play to make some more decisions.


Please post if you have any ideas/criticisms/ suggestions on this build.

Edited by Capt_Beers
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Curious as to why you guys posting gunnery/medic hybrids are skipping out on Combat Shield despite having access to it. Seems to me that without Demolition Round you're even more reliant on Grav Round for damage output, and being able to ignore interrupts on Grav Round for a while would seem to be huge for that.
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Curious as to why you guys posting gunnery/medic hybrids are skipping out on Combat Shield despite having access to it. Seems to me that without Demolition Round you're even more reliant on Grav Round for damage output, and being able to ignore interrupts on Grav Round for a while would seem to be huge for that.


I actually use Full Auto(FA) for damage much more than GR. don't get me wrong GR is a big part but when it, or CB, procs Curtain of Fire I always use FA right away. Maxed out it gives you a 45% chance to finish the cool down on FA and increases it's damage by 25%. Combined with Rotary Cannon (33% inc. in dmg.) and Deadly Cannon (15% crit. dmg boost) it can really hit hard. Plus Cell Chargers ability to generate ammo on crits with FA essentially makes it cost 1 ammo. Maybe I'm lucky but it seems it can proc it every other GR/CB I cast. So it ends up being one of my big dmg attacks. It also has a snare thanks to Cover Fire.

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I actually use Full Auto(FA) for damage much more than GR. don't get me wrong GR is a big part but when it, or CB, procs Curtain of Fire I always use FA right away. Maxed out it gives you a 45% chance to finish the cool down on FA and increases it's damage by 25%. Combined with Rotary Cannon (33% inc. in dmg.) and Deadly Cannon (15% crit. dmg boost) it can really hit hard. Plus Cell Chargers ability to generate ammo on crits with FA essentially makes it cost 1 ammo. Maybe I'm lucky but it seems it can proc it every other GR/CB I cast. So it ends up being one of my big dmg attacks. It also has a snare thanks to Cover Fire.


i think we all know how curtain of fire works (and it's a 30% crit multiplier from deadly cannon and currently full auto is bugged and doesn't give ammo with cell charger), but i don't see how focusing on full auto > grav round negates the purpose of the question:

if you have access to it, why not use combat shield to make yourself invulnerable to interrupts?

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12 seconds (15 w/ Combat Medic set bonus) every 2 minutes just doesn't seem worth the point to me. I had it specc'd when was full heals but this build I just couldn't bring myself to use a point for it. I'm going to have to rework this build once 1.3 comes because I forgot the Target Lock will be providing 30% armor penetration for HiB and FA. Maybe I'll try it out then. Do you use it in a hybrid-ish build like this? How has it worked out?
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12 seconds (15 w/ Combat Medic set bonus) every 2 minutes just doesn't seem worth the point to me. I had it specc'd when was full heals but this build I just couldn't bring myself to use a point for it. I'm going to have to rework this build once 1.3 comes because I forgot the Target Lock will be providing 30% armor penetration for HiB and FA. Maybe I'll try it out then. Do you use it in a hybrid-ish build like this? How has it worked out?


Combat Shield is pretty much the only reason you would want to hybridize, it is the ability Gunnery needs more than any other even though I am not sure it is worth losing Demolition Round since now your burst is severely gimped.


Going that deep into Gunnery seems like a mistake, especially after 1.3 comes along.


Try this for a Medic/Gunnery Hybrid:




The key to this spec is getting your casts off as fast as possible, that way you can weave in healing and DPS with as little chance of disruption as possible. Ammo Regen is really good in this spec and you're still getting the 55% Armor Pen with Full Auto and HIB, which is still getting a bonus to damage. Your Grav Vortex and HiB increases will come slower but that is OK as you will have more Casts Per Minute (CPM). Key here is to make sure you take the Combat Medic gear and not the Eliminator Gear for PVP. In PVE this is a junk spec though, you really need to go very very deep into any of the trees for a good PVE build.

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Seems like a pretty balanced build. I'll absolutely give it a shot. Probably not until after 1.3 though, whenever that may be (hopefully this week, if anyone has a link with a date please post it). I already respec'd like 3 times this week due to changing around a couple of points for PvP and then going full Gunnery for a raid.


I do see what you're getting at with this build. I feel like I'll miss CoF a lot though. It seems like it always going off and I love always having FA at the ready, with inc. damage to boot. I also see that you put 2 points in Heavy Trooper. I've read a lot on here that people pretty much write that off as a waste. What would think about putting those 2 points into Parallactic Combat Stims? Usually being interrupted comes with some sort of stun/mezz/getting knocked around by Assassins, would the possible extra heals/damage possible from extra ammo outweigh the loss of the bonus from HT?


As far as gear I already have full Combat Medic BM and I just got the War Hero Cobamt Medic cannon. I was planning on mixing together Combat Medic and Eliminator pieces as best I could to try and stack crit, surge and power. I'm was going to try adnshy away form alacrity and accuracy since they only help one or the other, damage or healing. Power, crit and surge would aid both. Any input on that?


Love this thread by the way. Let's keep the ideas coming and despite BW best efforts we might be able to bring the Commando back !

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