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Optimization - Good Job Bioware!


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Today we had an awesome server event on the Hydian Way EU server, with 60-70 people participating. We had ugliest avatar and bikini competitions, speeder racing, and lots of PVP including ladder.


During the event, I experienced no stuttering or lag even during some massive pvp engagements, and it seemed smooth for most other participants. It is a far cry from the lag fest of Illum.


I would like to congratulate the optimization team on a job well done over the last few months, game works! :)

Edited by Verce
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I mean, I see 300 people on the fleet daily. It never got as bad as ilum until they were all 'in combat' together and actually attacking(like the clients are waiting for each other to check for distances, roll for chances to miss, etc).


Its cool you guys got to do your event though. Im jelly, it sounds like it was fun

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