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Post RotJ Story's problem


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There are many good, even great EU stories in the new Republic Era, but I think if we take it as a whole, it's just like throw in every villain you can think about to let them fight, there was no main storyline like other era did. Luke and his friends just fight fight fight, from Imperials to something like Abeloth.
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There are many good, even great EU stories in the new Republic Era, but I think if we take it as a whole, it's just like throw in every villain you can think about to let them fight, there was no main storyline like other era did. Luke and his friends just fight fight fight, from Imperials to something like Abeloth.


post rotj's problems is the main character can't die. from rotj- solo command(i think that's when coruscant fell) the story is about the rebels establishing legitimacy, then branches off into looking for more jedi... or fighting imps and kidnappers. normally it's both imps and kidnappers. then the young jedi knight series which focuses on the solo children again(kidnappers were after solo kids). then we get to njo after countless books about legitimacy and recruiting jedi. and people die. it's something completely new, main characters die, luke han and leia take a back seat to the next generation. then dark nests throws it away. and legecy even further but killing off anoother major book character. and fotj just continuing Legacy's pattern.

There's no suspense anymore in post Rotj, either kidnappings occur, or luke eventually goes in and kills everything and you know he can't die.

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They are running out of ideas.



How many times can you fight an Imp or Sith that wants to take of the Galaxy?


I still loved 99% of the novels. I think I have about 10 more to go and I would have read/listened to all of the adult novels in the EU

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Most things between RoTJ and NJO are very random, as there were many different writers working on it. This left a bunch of different trilogies and one off books. This was good for variety, but bad for giving us one consistent threat after another. While we had lots of unique stories, these didn't always relate as well with eachother.


The Imperials had become such repetitive threats, with one aspiring moff or admiral after another. Anything other than the empire was usually resolved by the end of the book or series. Thankfully, the NJO came up with a new longterm threat. Some people don't like the Yuuzhan Vong, but I think they were exactly what the EU needed. They weren't empire, or sith, they were completely new. This long arc also enabled us to learn far more about the Vong than any other species. They had the most detailed mythology, social order and technology of any other enemy before (aside from the empire). Again, though, there were numerous authors, and this led to some disconnect.


Dark Nest was almost a bit of a return to formula, but in the end it actually does well to tie up some events from the NJO, and set the stage for Legacy. I actually really enjoyed Legacy. I found that the downfall of Jacen was far more believable than that of Anakin Skywalker's (Until I began watching TCW anyways), unfortunately at the end of the series, they killed Caedus. This is a character that they'd been building over 30 years, they had turned him into the hero of the NJO, and people were accepting him as being the most powerful force user of the time. Yet in the end, his legacy is start some forest fires, choke some woman, have a kid, and be a douche to his nephew. At least Vader went on to blow up a couple planets. The series could have done much better to end with him alive, and in a position of victory. This could have easily been another 5-10 year arc. Instead they resolve it too quickly. So the next series they try and recreate the Legacy formula. Unfortunately it fails. We get a story that should have spanned a trilogy, spread across 9 books of filler and stalling. They also take way too long to build the villain. I do have to admit I did really enjoy the last few of them, especially Apocalypse.


Now they're apparently going back to having more one of books and trilogies instead of long series. It will be interesting to see where that goes, but I hope it means that they'll begin having years take place between novels rather than days again.


One thing I have certainly noticed though lately, is that many of the best books recently have been the ones that don't even feature the big 3, or other main characters. The Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis and Jaden Korr books were great.

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Most things between RoTJ and NJO are very random, as there were many different writers working on it. This left a bunch of different trilogies and one off books. This was good for variety, but bad for giving us one consistent threat after another. While we had lots of unique stories, these didn't always relate as well with eachother.


The Imperials had become such repetitive threats, with one aspiring moff or admiral after another. Anything other than the empire was usually resolved by the end of the book or series. Thankfully, the NJO came up with a new longterm threat. Some people don't like the Yuuzhan Vong, but I think they were exactly what the EU needed. They weren't empire, or sith, they were completely new. This long arc also enabled us to learn far more about the Vong than any other species. They had the most detailed mythology, social order and technology of any other enemy before (aside from the empire). Again, though, there were numerous authors, and this led to some disconnect.


Dark Nest was almost a bit of a return to formula, but in the end it actually does well to tie up some events from the NJO, and set the stage for Legacy. I actually really enjoyed Legacy. I found that the downfall of Jacen was far more believable than that of Anakin Skywalker's (Until I began watching TCW anyways), unfortunately at the end of the series, they killed Caedus. This is a character that they'd been building over 30 years, they had turned him into the hero of the NJO, and people were accepting him as being the most powerful force user of the time. Yet in the end, his legacy is start some forest fires, choke some woman, have a kid, and be a douche to his nephew. At least Vader went on to blow up a couple planets. The series could have done much better to end with him alive, and in a position of victory. This could have easily been another 5-10 year arc. Instead they resolve it too quickly. So the next series they try and recreate the Legacy formula. Unfortunately it fails. We get a story that should have spanned a trilogy, spread across 9 books of filler and stalling. They also take way too long to build the villain. I do have to admit I did really enjoy the last few of them, especially Apocalypse.


Now they're apparently going back to having more one of books and trilogies instead of long series. It will be interesting to see where that goes, but I hope it means that they'll begin having years take place between novels rather than days again.


One thing I have certainly noticed though lately, is that many of the best books recently have been the ones that don't even feature the big 3, or other main characters. The Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis and Jaden Korr books were great.



I agree with this on all points



I enjoyed the YV villains way more than the Sith/Imp because it was new and unknown at the time. The Caedus build up fizzled, he turned out to be nothing more than another small time, failed sith.

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