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Transfers are not always good


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And that... is why you fail. :csw_yoda:




Really though this whole issue could be fixed by attaching names to an account on a server (and not just character names, but legacy names), rather than the archaic way of directly to a server (with no possiblity of duplicates).


It's worked in other games and it works OK in real life too. :)

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Really though this whole issue could be fixed by attaching names to an account on a server (and not just character names, but legacy names), rather than the archaic way of directly to a server (with no possiblity of duplicates).


It's worked in other games and it works OK in real life too. :)


many things about this game are archaic.


they started making it 5 years ago.


(Which is not entirely a bad thing.)

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I am sure being a roleplayer you can get creative and come up with some new names that you just might enjoy and grow into, try not to limit yourself so much and play with your friends you made on the new server.


lol beleive me i moved some of my characters to that server and i noticed some players called kittypower theultimatesith not very rp like at all.

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many things about this game are archaic.


they started making it 5 years ago.


(Which is not entirely a bad thing.)



Yeah, but games progress, EQ1 isn't what it was in 1999 (never mind 1996/97), nor is WoW what it was in vannilla (never mind in 2002? was it when it was started?).


In fact I think 5 years ago some MMOs had already done it.


What's more important is if they do go ahead with "mega servers" that do have even bigger population caps, this issue will only get even worse............ unless they fix it.

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As someone who has roleplayed in MMORPGs for years the thought of loosing the characters I have developed and built, their friends, their families, their comrades, their background story and all the little details and things they have done that make that character who they are; is far more devastating than having to choose a new name for them.


If you're willing to loose the character you have developed rather than change their name then you're not attached to your character.


Nah I think there you are very wrong.


If you are a true RP type of person then everything about your char matters for you. The look, the style of the equip, the story, the "friends" like here in this game the family tree.


If 1 thing is gone, you have still your char but something is just missing.


I dont know how you can accept this as an RP if your whole family changes its names, unless you come up with a story where they are all hunted and must hide. :p But then the true name should atleast be visible for yourself ingame :rolleyes:


In the end people have different opinions about that issue, which is fine. Some trolls unfortunately made it in the topic again... but still thanks for those who actually tried to give me some suggestions.


I hope they manage the multiple names some day or a xrealm LFG (cant believe I am saying this :eek: )

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Nah I think there you are very wrong.


If you are a true RP type of person then everything about your char matters for you. The look, the style of the equip, the story, the "friends" like here in this game the family tree.


If 1 thing is gone, you have still your char but something is just missing.


I dont know how you can accept this as an RP if your whole family changes its names, unless you come up with a story where they are all hunted and must hide. :p But then the true name should atleast be visible for yourself ingame :rolleyes:


In the end people have different opinions about that issue, which is fine. Some trolls unfortunately made it in the topic again... but still thanks for those who actually tried to give me some suggestions.


I hope they manage the multiple names some day or a xrealm LFG (cant believe I am saying this :eek: )


no one changed the topic from your origional.. you are mad you lost your name and are quitting the game... thats what people re talking about..t hey think you are over reacting, and that a name shouldnt be the most important thing in your character , and if you have to change your name it shouldnt kill the character.


thats still on topic for your thread...

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no one changed the topic from your origional.. you are mad you lost your name and are quitting the game... thats what people re talking about..t hey think you are over reacting, and that a name shouldnt be the most important thing in your character , and if you have to change your name it shouldnt kill the character.


thats still on topic for your thread...


I think we define troll different :o


Anyways, am I mad? Well Id say a bit sad and disappointed that customers who have a sub since early access can be screwed over that easily. :) especially if you did never blame BW for bugs, or performance issues and did stay on your high pop server even with 60 min queues.


I am not saying that those who dont have the names aslong as I do, should lose them but it was obvious that such issues would come up if they only want 1 RP server for europe.

It would just had been wise to allow multiple names or something else before making such a transfer.


Its always easy talking for those not affected, but if you lose 8 chars by this then its kinda gamebreaking :(

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I think we define troll different :o


Anyways, am I mad? Well Id say a bit sad and disappointed that customers who have a sub since early access can be screwed over that easily. :) especially if you did never blame BW for bugs, or performance issues and did stay on your high pop server even with 60 min queues.


I am not saying that those who dont have the names aslong as I do, should lose them but it was obvious that such issues would come up if they only want 1 RP server for europe.

It would just had been wise to allow multiple names or something else before making such a transfer.


Its always easy talking for those not affected, but if you lose 8 chars by this then its kinda gamebreaking :(

Honey, just add some apostrophies at convenient places in the names you'd like to use. If the name I've been using for 10 years in several MMOs already, Sauska, had been unavailable after my transfer, I could have lived with Saus'ka if it meant I could keep playing my beloved character :)

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We do understand that players are very attached to their chosen name as this is a subject that comes up quite often on these forums. There is already an active thread dedicated to discussing the issue of transfers and their effect on names, so you might want to join the conversation here:




If you would like to talk about character transfers in general, other players are discussing that topic here:




We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback!

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