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No twi'lek hood


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If you'd played a twi'lek you already know that they don't have hoods on hooded items like say a jedi robe. I find personally that this makes items look less impressive on twi'leks. Now they had hoods in the beta(with their tenticules sticking out the back),but apperently this wasn't to popular since Bioware took this feature out. I know this isn't a big issue, however I would like to see my twi'lek with some form of a hood.



1. regular hood

2. hood with tenticules out the back

3. hood down



Thanks Bioware for the great. I am really enjoying it.

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It's not so much that with a helmet your lekku get removed, your entire head gets removed and replaced with the helmet model. And frankly I find it a bit worrying that Twi'leks can even equip those, where DO those lekku go?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'd like to be able to re-arrange my Twi'lek's lekku whenever I feel like it regardless of what she's wearing, personally. But that would certainly help.


Yes i cant agree anymore. The lekku are to important to Twi'lek lore be forgotten about. Simply removing them as a quick fix is to much of a insult to the people who have grown fond of the race. IMO id rather have the lekku point through my armor then to have them all together removed?! /sigh Shame, shame.

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  • 5 months later...

I felt robbed when I found out my Twi'lek Sith Sorcerer was cursed to be hoodless.

I don't see why their lekku can't just hang out the back or be wrapped around to the wrong to accommodate the hood.

It just seems lazy.

Anyone know if the developers plan to do anything about it?

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  • 6 months later...

Agreed, Twi'leks have been far too patient for far too long on this matter. We've given our poor Devs plenty of time, through all the crap they've had to slog their way through in order to keep SWTOR alive. However, enough is enough and I want to be able to wear a damn hood on my Twi'lek Sorceress! I'm happy to have my Lekku disappear in lieu of the hood being up, but they could be wrapped around the throat, thrown over one shoulder or the other, left to stick over their respective shoulders and hang down the chest, whatever is easiest! TBH, Twi'leks should be given several Racial Abilities that let them position their Lekku in different poses! Screw the stripper dancing, this would be far more effective. Miralukas get that cool Sense Force ability, even if it doesn't work * I haven't heard anything on it working since I returned, so if it's been fixed, please say so!*. Here's my advice on how to make Lekku less problemtaic:


The fix is pretty simple: Redesign the Lekku as a detached item/s *making them separate from each other is probably best* that is just barely jammed into the back of the head, connecting two points of reference so the Lekku can stick to something while they move. In order to give them that look of being naturally connected and free moving, you just make a tiny portion of the Lekku, from the connector point inside the head to about 1/4 of an inch outside of it as locked and motionless, while the rest of the segment has whatever flexor design they use already. This way we keep the Lekku looking the way they do, with whatever touch ups they need to do in editing to make everything look natural, yet, when we want our damn hoods up or our helmets on, then we can turn these excess items off, leaving just a normal Humanoid head for the helmet to fit on.

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