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Serious overloading of servers


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Oh my god! A load of people on one of the most loaded servers all want to play at the same time right after a major client update! That's unthinkable! Who could have predicted this?




It's unthinkable! They should partition the servers so that no more than the max cap of players is allowed to create characters.


Also: Restaurants should have enough seating to serve the entire metropolitan area they are found in. Theaters should be able to seat everyone in the Zip code. Grocery stores should carry enough bread, milk, coke, and doritos that everyone in the area could buy some on any particular day and they wouldn't run out.


Sure, it would be crushingly inefficient, but no one would ever have to wait in line or be left without the opportunity to get what they want.




Seriously? Do you think that computers are magical devices? That they can handle any level of workload and never have any problems?


That's not the case by the way (My previous attempt at sarcasm failed).


they shouldnt of allowed everyone to transfer to an already high pop server if they couldnt handle it.

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ToFN is currently a 1hr 45min wait - in 15 mins i have moved from circa 1550 - 1200 so base don this i expect to wait circa 1hr.


Damn I'm good - my prediction was spot on - so Bio if you need a hand doing some planning give me a shout :cool:

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Position 35. Patience is a virtue, but this is insane.


Position 1408.......Seriously?

I came back from work eager to play the 1.3 but bioware once more had other plans.1h 45m queue.

So i have to wait 2 hours to login? And what happens if i disconnect i have to wait other 1-2hours.No way sorry.

Patience is a virtue ok i give a week to see if the problem will continue but if this continues i will unsub for sure :(

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Why are all the forum staff linking this thread? I doubt they even bother reading any of these posts...


EDIT: oh and for anyone thinking they've got it rough, let me make you feel better.. I started the download at 9am this morning, and didn't finish till 7:30pm then I had to wait 1 hour to get get online, I sent my creds to another char (on another account) and forgot about the queues, and i'm now in a 1800 queue with 2~ hour wait.. oh the joys.

Edited by WaldoA
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Also: Restaurants should have enough seating to serve the entire metropolitan area they are found in. Theaters should be able to seat everyone in the Zip code. Grocery stores should carry enough bread, milk, coke, and doritos that everyone in the area could buy some on any particular day and they wouldn't run out.


If people (aka the entire metropolitan area) have paid in advance for eating ... then yes they should provide enough seating for everybody to be served. Same for the rest of your examples. If you pay upfront for a 24/7 services of eathing, shopping, ...etc then that is what should be provided and the capacity to serve,shop, ... etc should be sufficient to fullfill that service (as that is what is paid for).

Especially considering the restaurant making advertisments about "monitoring their capacity".

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Well, hate to break it for you, but if there is no room in the restaurants, I will NOT be asked to pay for a meal I have not eaten.


You're not paying for guaranteed access. Check the EULA.


When I rented an apartment, I wasn't able to find a parking spot in the parking lot. on Thanksgiving. When I go into DC to watch the fireworks in a week, I'll buy a ticket on the Metro... but I will probably have to wait to get onto a train, as the first one probably won't have enough room for everyone on the platform.


This is standard operating practice.


For the servers to be healthy, they need to be provisioned at a higher rate than they are used normally. That means that at abnormal times, they are not going to have the necessary capacity. If you check your subscription, you'll see that they say this is possible.

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The problem is that the server transfers were conducted in the wrong way.


There was a problem (still are) that a lot of servers have down-right died as people have left the game. In an attempt to get people to enjoy the game better, they open server transfers. So far so good. The problem is that they allowed transfer from low population servers to high population servers... and now we're pretty much screwed with insame queues.


What they shoul have done is to pick out a bunch of low population servers and give the rest of the low population ones the ability to transfer there, and so fill up more servers to heavy load rather than focusing on getting 3-4 servers overly full.


Someone did a boo boo when planning this and sadly we are paying the price.

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Oh my god! A load of people on one of the most loaded servers all want to play at the same time right after a major client update! That's unthinkable! Who could have predicted this?


Well, you'd think that the company who has detailed usage statistics could have tried. You'd also think that the same company, which incidentally just managed to free a lot of resources by killing 90% of their servers, could have tried to protect the rest of their slightly irked player base by increasing their server caps and instancing capacity so that when they launch the next update, it turns out to be a pleasant experience that attracts players back, not a bloody nightmare that persuades yet more to quit.


It's unthinkable! They should partition the servers so that no more than the max cap of players is allowed to create characters.


Also: Restaurants should have enough seating to serve the entire metropolitan area they are found in. Theaters should be able to seat everyone in the Zip code. Grocery stores should carry enough bread, milk, coke, and doritos that everyone in the area could buy some on any particular day and they wouldn't run out.


Sure, it would be crushingly inefficient, but no one would ever have to wait in line or be left without the opportunity to get what they want.


You dont pay a monthly fee to get into a restaurant. You do pay a monthly fee for many other services, health clubs for example. Would you pay an annual membership fee for a counrty ckub, golf club, or a gym, if you had to queue for an hour at the door waiting to get in?


Seriously? Do you think that computers are magical devices? That they can handle any level of workload and never have any problems?


That's not the case by the way (My previous attempt at sarcasm failed).

No, I dont think computers are magical devices, except for the A.C.Clarke's law of course. I do think that somewhat more competent load forecasting and server balancing could avoid the need for magic though.

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1164 of 1533 when I got home from work and logged in.

I know this is a patch day thing but damn it's annoying when you have basically merged all the pvp servers so all the characters I would like to play are there.

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You're not paying for guaranteed access. Check the EULA.


When I rented an apartment, I wasn't able to find a parking spot in the parking lot. on Thanksgiving. When I go into DC to watch the fireworks in a week, I'll buy a ticket on the Metro... but I will probably have to wait to get onto a train, as the first one probably won't have enough room for everyone on the platform.


This is standard operating practice.


For the servers to be healthy, they need to be provisioned at a higher rate than they are used normally. That means that at abnormal times, they are not going to have the necessary capacity. If you check your subscription, you'll see that they say this is possible.




TBF they can say they want your first born child in the EULA, that doesn't mean it's a good idea. :)


The main issue is there are heavy queues on Sundays and after this patch (which is probably fine), but there's also general queues as well on this server.


So whilst it's better than being on a dead server, server caps being raised a bit would seem to be the sensible option (or if they can't be raised then not putting so many on this server would have been).

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I said this back on page 37, I want to play now. My friends and I saw this coming a long time ago. Transfers should have been held off till after 1.3 Now people are getting all upset and will go back to their original server or another new one.


for all Dreshdae Cantina patrons,and anyone else seeking a new home, a home still exists. We're keeping the lighthouse going for you :jawa_smile:


Come to Dreshdae Cantina

Edited by Tiralyon
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The problem is that the server transfers were conducted in the wrong way.


There was a problem (still are) that a lot of servers have down-right died as people have left the game. In an attempt to get people to enjoy the game better, they open server transfers. So far so good. The problem is that they allowed transfer from low population servers to high population servers... and now we're pretty much screwed with insame queues.


What they shoul have done is to pick out a bunch of low population servers and give the rest of the low population ones the ability to transfer there, and so fill up more servers to heavy load rather than focusing on getting 3-4 servers overly full.


Someone did a boo boo when planning this and sadly we are paying the price.


Ya almost 2hr wait . maybe BIO would wake up if we alll said NO PLAY NO PAY , why pay for a burger and just get a bread roll ????????

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server transfers were orgnised by an overpaid drunk, its been clear that they were needed but I have the choice now of a dead server, dune bantha or a server with ques on a weekday


yet free tranfers are still being offered, poorly implemented, now the populations will get smaller is less people pay


I thought SOe messed up SWG badly, trying to make the game better..but this is going the same way..


seems MMO's in this genre are doomed by poor choices at admin level

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1hour and 50minutes queue time......This is totally unacceptable to charge honest people money for. I dont care whether its in the EULA that waiting may be applicable, the amount of negative feedback you are recieving should have at least prompted somebody with the decency to respond to this thread and let your paying customer know what you intend on doing to fix this circus act
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