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Serious overloading of servers


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And ... day 2 of not being able to play. With only a couple of hours of playtime a day .. and all of it wasted on queuing ... there is no time left to play.


I would honestly like to see some kind of official comment about this issue.

There is a lot of posting going on about it, this thread alone is more then 60 pages. And there are other threads going on about it as well. So it is something that lives among the community. And thus I would like to know the official point of view on this thing that is clearly an issue. I would even say that an official reaction has been delayed already too long. But I would still like to see one.

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Ok, this is my official complaint, that I am NOT happy with sitting in a queue whatsoever. I am one of the unfortunate souls that created my characters on the Tomb of Freedon Nadd before we had this issues with the queues and now have no option to transfer my characters to a different server.


Bioware, Community, developers and to all the people involved with SWTOR : I am NOT happy.


Please give us the opportunity to Transfer AWAY from the Tomb of Freedon Nadd.

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well im back, and im queing again.


1hour 20 mins avg wait roughly.


while i think about it. Tiralyon what server do you actualy play on?


The main one I play on is Dreshdae Cantina. I've seen about 20 people spread out across empire just in the last two days. GTN went from empty to having stuff on it this morning. Not much but it's something. I'm happy it's starting to pick up. I hope some of the people come back who transferred to shadowlands. They were pretty friendly.

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Disgusting! What servers are people making alts on?!?! Bioware clearly have no intention of dealing with this...


And i'm sorry if i offend anyone but anyone that thinks its cool to wait an HOUR+ to play a game they pay money for every month if a fool.


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BTW the Devs have time to close the LEAVING SWTOR thread 10 minutes ago, but they have not, i repeat HAVE NOT got time to reply too there many subscribers unable to play a game they pay for unless they wait an HOUR+


Would you pay for a car you had to wait an hour to start up? NO.

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tiralyon has inspired me!


rolled a new character on the lowest population realm i could find!! alto city or something! anyway, 4 people on it as of right now!


lol Come to Dreshdae Cantina. Open bar 24/7



Everyone Reroll Dreshdae Cantina!:jawa_cool: Save the Cantina!

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Why do you play an MMO then ? :D There are TONS of single player games with better gameplay mechanics out there.


Do you really want a well thought out answer, or were you just saying that to be a prat?


tl;dr version: I like MMOs. I'm not averse to social interaction, but my rather unpredictable schedule makes it so committing to planned events/raids is a pain and thus I find it easier to simply solo.


I also loathe PUGs with a passion as I always seem to group with kidlings that can't speak proper English and need on every roll.

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When is Guild Wars 2 out?


Guild Wars might not be the greatest game out there but at least they handle server populations oh and there is no sub to play it. Bioware might want to keep that in mind while they continue to sit on there hands while people un sub because they can not log in to play. After a days work I do not want to sit in a queue for over an hour to play a game that I am paying a sub for.

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tl;dr version: I like MMOs. I'm not averse to social interaction, but my rather unpredictable schedule makes it so committing to planned events/raids is a pain and thus I find it easier to simply solo.


I also loathe PUGs with a passion as I always seem to group with kidlings that can't speak proper English and need on every roll.


You too? :eek:


Shocking how common this is today. :(


But, thats why we solo! :)

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everyone come play on this dreshdae cantina!

but not all of you, we dont want queues :p



no queues!!!!! amg


huh what? Everyone ... er no no no not everyone.


Queues arrrrrgggh... 'there's the bell again ... where is that bell'. :eek:



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everyone come play on this dreshdae cantina!

but not all of you, we dont want queues :p



no queues!!!!! amg


What Beerbarron said.


Come to the Dreshdae Cantina


Open bar. Good food. Good friends. Good times. No waiting in line. No name reservations. Everyone is welcome as long as the place is not over packed!


"No droids, we don't serve their kind here!"

Edited by Tiralyon
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People will always complain won't they?


No queues >> *cry* servers are empty/dead. we want merges/transfers!


Transfers come >> *cry* I have to wait 10-30 mins because BW did what we asked them to do.



I know there's still a lot bugged in this game, but cut them some slack the times they actually do what people want them to do and don't cry about it

Apparently the sentiment in my last post and posts of others is lost on you. It's the concept of going from one extreme to another.


If you're driving 25mph over the speed limit, and your passenger says "hey could you slow down please" you don't start going 25mph UNDER the speed limit. Not unless you're a) being a silly ******** b) being a spiteful ******** c) not paying attention to anything you're doing d) completely oblivious to exactly what it is they're asking or why.


So "cry servers are dead" means "I'd like to log in and find people to play with", not "I'd like to wait in a line of a thousand people to get into my server." Be serious. It's a dropped ball. It's a valid complaint.

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dude 10-30 minutes are fine.


but us EU players were waiting for the best part of 2 hours to get onto our server last night.

Honestly, no, even 10-30 isn't "fine". Not to me. It might be ok for people planning to sit around for the remainder of their evening, and to some people maybe even the ridiculous hour+ is tolerable. But not if you have limited time to play. Up to 10 at peak time, maybe, but up to 30min, or an hour or more, and you're going to find many people not their computer waiting anymore.
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Because day after day, people complain non stop about this game and when the company that always speaks peacefully and calm meets the consumers demand, they are never happy with it.


So why should I be serious if people are never happy with the service that they asked for, if not begged for, for months.


Ya know how baout all these people that think they realize what people are actually complaining about get their crap straight.

1. people are complaining because even when they had a low pop server they xcould still pvp now the most you have on fleet much less a planet are about 4-5 players (usually its a whopping 1-2)

2. People that already had a healthy pop being medium to high on peak times are now in ques do to biowares rocket sciences idea of let drop 10 more servers onto those already at high populations.

3. Dealing with the idiots in forums that run off at the mouth not knows what the real issues are people are complaining about.

4. as for the comments " Bioware alsways speaks peacefully" i dont know about many others but teh loads of tickets they havent respoded too, the over 50 pages of compaints not addressed.. doesnt sound like a whole lot of speaking form Bio's part. seems more like thinking" if we ignore it , it will fix itself" Only thing ignoreing will do is lose more clients.

5. could have solved the issue by dumping the 10 so called low pop servers onto another so called low pop server. thus you end up with one healthy pop server without screwing over the already healthy population servers.

.6 Yes Bioware should respond at least at some point cause the lack of dissimination of info is rediculous.

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Just stop transfering TO ToFN and start transfering on another PvP server. Also make free transfer FROM ToFN to this new server for ppl who want to leave so maybe the servers will balance out. Also guilds and their members from ToFN should make a forum post in which volunteers will be found to transfer to this server if this option ever comes live.... I think we all want those full servers those crowded areas in order to further enjoy the game :)


thats the issue... They are still spamming on the ghost servers to free xfer.. but they have not given anyone any choice about going elsewhere... its stay in a qhost town or goto the Que's there is no other choice. its been a couple weeks and they still have the same servers slotted to filling into already overpopulated ones. all they have to do is change the destination serves from the ones that are currently booked solid.

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Prophecy of the Five is now over an hour wait to log in, that is insane. New content or not today, how is it possible to overload a server to that capacity? I understand a 10-15 minute que on a busy night, but over an hour and a 900+ que line....


What i find hilariuos is the fact that having played WoW for 7 years even during expantions the longest que i saw was 524 and it lasted 15-20 mins + the fact that there are more then 12 million more players there. this could have been done much better.That being said Bioware really has no excuse for the cluster and lack of foresite nor an excuse for lack of customer service or responce to the issue.

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I have to agree as I played WoW for over 6 years and never have I seen such a cluster fk ever.


The lag and sound issues just make the game unplayable sometimes and is killing guilds as people no longer log in as much.


They log in see the game is absolute crap to play with the lag and having to reboot to fix sound issues,


Tthen just say to hell with it and do not log in or go play a game that does not crash or lag. BioWare total fail!!!!

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