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Scoundrel = Dissapointment @ 50


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before 3 pc WH, your best bet as a dps scoundrel is to farm the outskirts and play defense until you get enough gear to make a difference.


I couldn't agree more.It's tough for any class to go into level 50 bracket with only recruit gear.


I found out as a new 50 scoundrel that the same game style I had at level 49 wasn't going to work at bracket 50.Ppl have way to much hitpoints at level 50 and they are a lot smarter than level 1-49.At level 50,ppl know how to focus fire.If they decide to focus fire on a scrapper scoundrel who's annoying one of their healers,that scoundrel will simply evaporate into nothing under that kind of firepower.


To survive I learned how to sneak to a quiet spot with good cover then heal my team or throw range attacks.If I saw my team decide to focus fire on one target,then I would try to sneak in with them and land a BackBlast or Shootfirst.Or I would run with another scoundrel or shadow,and hit their target.


Even in full Scrapper spec,you still have a few not bad range attacks like Sabotage Charge + Thermal Grenade, and base heals,plus a Cure. If you stay on the outside,use them while in Cover (so Marauders and Juggernauts can't Force Leap at you) you don't die in 10 seconds.

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