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Droids going beep beep beep


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So, in the original trilogy, you had C3PO and R2D2 - C3PO spoke basic, and R2 beeped. It was charming. 3PO always has to translate, until later episodes when everyone seemed to understand R2's beeps. It made a fair amount of sense - everyone hung out with R2 for so long, they learned his language. Or so went my interpretation.


But when all the astromech droids in TOR still beep, it starts to fall apart for me. Why, over the course of thousands of years, did they never give astromechs the ability to use words? Instead, it pretty much means that everyone in the galaxy had to learn the language of beeps and whistles. Droids already understand basic, because people don't speak to them in beeps. So why not give them the same vocal software as protocol droids?

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So, in the original trilogy, you had C3PO and R2D2 - C3PO spoke basic, and R2 beeped. It was charming. 3PO always has to translate, until later episodes when everyone seemed to understand R2's beeps. It made a fair amount of sense - everyone hung out with R2 for so long, they learned his language. Or so went my interpretation.


But when all the astromech droids in TOR still beep, it starts to fall apart for me. Why, over the course of thousands of years, did they never give astromechs the ability to use words? Instead, it pretty much means that everyone in the galaxy had to learn the language of beeps and whistles. Droids already understand basic, because people don't speak to them in beeps. So why not give them the same vocal software as protocol droids?


I think it has something to do with astromech droids being able to communicate with other machines in "droid speak" and that is why C3-P0 understands R2. Droid language is why they can very easily hook up to and understand lots of machines that have an active AI or computer software.

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It probably has something to do with resources.


First remember that everything in the Star Wars universe is consistently on or about to be on the verge of falling apart, running out of power or otherwise self-destructing.


Astromechs are probably so modded out with tech to do other things there's no room/power/CPU for a vocabulator.


That being said.


This droid had a vocabulator.



Or will have... whatever.


They can be added, but it's kind of like <html> tags. Once you've been around them so much you get so used to it the need to translate them at a basic level is unnecessary. Like if I put (B)around(/B) something you could figure out what it meant. I'm sure growing up in the SWU you get on with droids quite well.

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