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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

AP-> JM transfear (west->east) BW i choosed west server for a reason (lag)!!!


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wasn't there only one rp-pvp server on each side?

so your basically asking to not be "transfered" (merged) ?

no one is making you move, you'll just need to start some heavy recruiting to get some playable pvp numbers with any of the people that choose to stay

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Here is the response I received:


Dear <player>,


I am contacting you regarding the follow-up e-mail you sent to us with your concerns about the Free Character Transfer Service.


I am going to try and explain as best I can about how the service currently works, and the intentions of the service in the future.


The first stage of the Character Transfer service has the specific purpose of addressing server population. As stated in the community blog about server transfers, we considered allowing players to transfer immediately to any server of their choice. However, a free-for-all approach had the potential to have an extremely detrimental effect on the game, with the highest population servers being swarmed and overrun.


Because of our goals to address server population issues, the servers that have been picked as origin and destination servers have been required to match server types. Player who have selected a PvP server can only transfer to a destination server that is also PvP, and this server is predetermined.


Your server, Ajunta Pall, is an RP-PVP server. If you look at our full list of servers, you will see that currently Ajunta Pall is the only RP-PVP server on the West Coast. All servers that have been assigned as origin servers were chosen because we wanted to give players the choice to move to a server with a higher population.


It is unfortunate that in this case the only option is a server that does not match the Coast location, however - if players are comfortable with the potential latency, or they live in an area that can accept both East and West Coast server locations without problems, then it is better for them to have the option to move, than to offer nothing at all. At this point in time we are only offering transfers that match server types, so if we did not offer Jung Ma, then nobody on the server would be able to move anywhere.


I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, and I appreciate your frustration at finding the costs of the move outweighing the benefits. The only thing I can ask for is your continued patience as we continue to roll out this service. More servers are becoming available all the time, and this is only the first phase of the transfer process.


The reason why we ask people to post their feedback on the forums is because this is the best avenue for the development team to receive player feedback. The reason why we ask players to keep checking our official website for updates is because all information relating to server transfers is listed there in our blog, the transfer page and on the community forums. Any announcements relating to server transfers will also be posted on our website first.


I hope this has given you more insight into the process as it works for now, and I apologise again for any frustration or inconvenience caused by the current option for your server.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.



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Your problem, OP, is trying to play a game with no servers located in your region of the world. Your only choice is to move to America or wait for Chinese servers. Or re-roll on another West Coast server. Or wait for paid transfers to go back to a West Coast server.


Personally, I'm not having any issues on Jung Ma. It's just the same as Ajunta Pall to me. I get slightly more "lag" due to server location, but it's so miniscule that it's literally impossible to notice the difference.

Edited by RayneDancer
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I'm an East Coast player that played on Ajunta Pall just fine with 120ms or more ping. It's not like this is Counter-Strike where you need 80ms or lower to be competitive. Edited by Mikeni
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I can run the game on a laptop with no issues so either your IPS is craptastic or you need to invest in a new PC (common practice for MMO's) and I am not a grammar nazi but choosed is not a word.
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