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moving more than 8 char to new server?


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Then choose your most played characters and transfer them. Or choose your highest level characters and transfer them. Or choose the legacy linked characters you want to keep and transfer them. For the rest, either wait for paid transfers or re-roll on another server. It's time to put on your big boy and girl pants and actually make a decision for yourselves. Papa Bioware can't and shouldn't hold your hand and do everything for you.


The more I read these forums, and the more I see more and more ways for the so-called community to whine and complain about anything, the more I come to the conclusion that the people who left EA/Bioware weren't actually laid off like it was reported; I'm starting to think they all left voluntarily before they had a Tseric-like meltdown.


Just because this isn't a problem for you doesn't really mean you are justified in being a breathtakingly obnoxious douchebag. People get attached to their characters. This is not a surprise. They don't want to leave characters they play behind on a dead server because of how rigid the transfer process is (I have more than eight characters I wouldn't mind keeping myself. I am obviously fine with them not all being on the same server, but I can't, say, move a couple of them to Jedi Covenant and the rest to Ebon Hawk, which is a bummer). The OP wasn't whining, and whether YOU approve or not is irrelevant. It IS a problem, and one BioWare should address.


I'm annoyed enough that my destination server has none of my names available, having to as good as delete some of them doesn't exactly cheer me up. I rather suspect BioWare would prefer people are happy about the server merges (excuse me, "transfers") than decide "Hey, you know what? I'm not as attached as I thought now." Having to lose your names AND some of your characters definitely sullies the entire thing.

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I'm going to have to abandon a few 20 somethings because of this as well, I'm definitely less than thrilled about it.


How some of these morons on the forums don't get how people can be pissed that their time was wasted based on a pretty basic oversight is astounding.




You can't expect everyone to be smart. Remember, it takes all kinds to make up the world ;)


The game gives you 8 advanced classes per side. I realize that several are mirror images of others, however some of us are on RP servers because of roleplay purposes (imagine that). So, when BioWare gives us 8 slots per server initially and tells, 'have at it', I did. How was I to know that this game would tank so bad that I would have to transfer all my characters from the only two servers I have characters on, to the very same server.


I guess I'm just stupid for thinking that it wasn't the fault of the players that were still sticking around and not BioWare. Why should BioWare have to make any more of a sacrifice. Truly I, the customer should be the one that has to sacrifice by deleting 4 or so characters that I've already invested time on. What was I thinking?!

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We all have different play styles and one person's is not automatically better than the other.


I have 2 legacies - one Republic and one Empire. Legacy names appropriate for them both. However, one of my servers is being merged into the other.


Choosing to delete half my characters and losing one of my legacy names - and all the legacy points that went with it - is not a pleasant option.


I just want to keep my two legacies and I want to keep them separate. I hope BW finds a way for us to do this.

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I have no more than 4 characters on any server. I saved room so I could make a new character in case new species, classes, or other options for character creation were introduced. I also play on 3 different server types.


I don't see them giving us more slots, unless it's attached to a fee. Even that possibility, I see as unlikely. When new playable species are introduced, people are going to be calling for more slots again because they filled them all up with alts already.

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I have no more than 4 characters on any server. I saved room so I could make a new character in case new species, classes, or other options for character creation were introduced. I also play on 3 different server types.


I don't see them giving us more slots, unless it's attached to a fee. Even that possibility, I see as unlikely. When new playable species are introduced, people are going to be calling for more slots again because they filled them all up with alts already.


so your point is all us who bought into the "make alts" thrust of the game are dumber than dirt, if we didn't do it your way?




your post really has no point.

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Like many others, I have the problem of the two servers I play on being a origin / destination for each other (Shien and Ebon Hawk).


When I and the guild I'm in starting playing in early access, we decided to do all Empire on one server, all republic on another. (I would have done this anyway.) If I want to move now, I have to delete characters, which is something I do not see as a solution. The Guildmaster is already looking at doing just that because he's overreacting and thinking that Shien will be shut down soon. So he going to delete 8 characters to move 8.


And to stop the "OMG, 16 peeps, get a life!" , I don't have tons of time to play usually. It took me since early access to build up a 50, a 30+, and a bunch of 20's. That alone is part of the reason I don't want to delete any character, the time I would have to invest to rebuild on another server. Also, we still don't know the overall plan for the origin servers,. What if I reroll on one of them, only to have it shut down in a few months?


Of course then there are the people who will say that there are only eight AC's and that the republic ones play the same as the Empire ones. Why I'm doing every AC for on each side for is for the changes of gameplay and (the big one) the changes of the story. The race, sex, and light/dark sides choices I have made for each AC is different, which gives me a different experience when playing. Have to love when a house full of guildies looks at you in horror when you say that your Jedi put back relations with the Twi'lek decades because of your choices on Tython. Or when you tell them that your human smuggler was treated better in conversations by Skavik then how he treated your Twi'lek because she is an alien.


A solution that Bioware could have done is to have a block of destination servers (two or three) for a group of origin servers. That may not help everyone, but it would help quite a few people.


Also, for the naming problem that people are having, they could have gone to a format like the one Cryptic uses. The names are attached to an account alias that is unique. So then you could have ten BubbaFat 's running around with no problem.

Edited by Stashar
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Even if they gave *each* account 32 slots (to fully accomodate 8 slots from 4 servers), chances are that there would still be a few people complaining about not having enough character slots available...


True, it doesn't help in that they are only currently transferring characters between similar servers (ie RP-PvE to RP PvE, PvE to PvE), because if you re-rolled on a similar server, chances are you went for the same type.


Would 16 *overall* character slots be enough though? Or would people be wanting more slots overall to play with (I know some people are altoholics).


I do *personally* feel that no matter how many slots they gave out, unless it *seriously* outnumbered the number of servers being moved into one, chances are that a few people would still complain (although if they had 32 characters i would worry about them ;) )

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How some of these morons on the forums don't get how people can be pissed that their time was wasted based on a pretty basic oversight is astounding.


because it's your time and characters and not theirs.

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Another option for Bioware to do , especially if server shutdowns are in the future, is to let us transfer to any server type we would want during this period of transfers. Of course, it would be to the list of destination servers they currently have, but it may alleviate some of the problems for those of us unable to transfer without deleting characters.


The reason I suggest this is that for the east coast RP servers, it looks like they are getting ready to shutdown all but one of them. If we were allowed to transfer to the PVE servers (or PVP / PVP-RP for those who wanted to) on the destination list of east coast servers (or any in the U.S. for that matter) it would hopefully solve most of the problems that we 'altaholics' are running into.

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I'm going to hazard a guess that they are more concerned about getting people off dead servers and onto servers that they can enjoy the game on. I would think that they will address the issue of people having more than 8 characters going to the same server at a a later date. Transfer your favorite ones for now and wait to see if Bioware will come up with a viable solution in the future. After all the servers have been transferred either to or from, they will come back and address stranded characters (hopefully).
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I'm holding out for "phase 2" of this transfer process myself. Going to stay on my old server and when paid transfers come out (likely they will) I will move to a different server where I currently don't have any characters already. If they go the pay route, I think they will open up more choices of where we can go, as long as it is one of the "super servers."
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Oh, for god's sake.


The character limit per server is eight. It has always been eight. It will always be eight until they increase the limit, which is something they've already said they're looking into doing. How, in the name of all that is holy, is telling a player to choose which eight characters to transfer "punishing" the player? What sense of entitlement enables you to think that, just because you have more than eight characters scattered across two or more servers, you should be allowed to move all of those characters to one server?


And just how are you expecting Bioware to allow you to move all of those characters to one server when the character limit per server is eight? Do you even bother thinking about your complaints anymore or is it just a kneejerk reaction now?


The problem is this:


Day 1 of the transfer person gets an email to transfer their characters from server A to Server B. The person transfers all 6 characters over to the destination server.


Day 6 of the transfer, same person receives an email to transfer their characters from server C to server B, the person has 8 and wasn't expecting them all to go to the same server.


Now the options are to either only pick 2 to move or actually have to delete previously moved characters to move over other ones.


Seriously, i am stressing over this as I like to play both sides of the tree on all the classes and selected 2 servers pre-launch, one for my imps and one for my pubs and made all of my characters to save the names I wanted. While I could select my favorite 8 if I needed too, when I moved over my first 6 I hadn't thought that it was a possibility that the other server I was on could be sent to the same one. I hope it doesn't happen, but if it does I wasn't given the decision to select my best 8....


Honestly because the server my imperials are on is still pretty populated, much more so than my republic server was, I thought the chance was that it would be a destination server. Now I am hearing that perhaps there will be just 5 PVE servers and likely that all the servers on my coast will be merged into one (this is just speculation and not something I have heard from bioware) and if true, I wish that bioware would have said something to us so we could make decisions based on the facts as they know beforehand and not end up in a situation due to learning about what is going on just minutes before it actually happens.


I am crossing my fingers that I don't get stuck in this situation and feel for anyone who is already there.

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I have an open slot but I'm not able to transfer another.



That's a known bug/problem with an easy fix if you look at other posts in the forum. Just make a new character on the server you are trying to go to, then delete it. Now you should be able to transfer to the last spot.

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Even if they gave *each* account 32 slots (to fully accomodate 8 slots from 4 servers), chances are that there would still be a few people complaining about not having enough character slots available...


True, it doesn't help in that they are only currently transferring characters between similar servers (ie RP-PvE to RP PvE, PvE to PvE), because if you re-rolled on a similar server, chances are you went for the same type.


Would 16 *overall* character slots be enough though? Or would people be wanting more slots overall to play with (I know some people are altoholics).


I do *personally* feel that no matter how many slots they gave out, unless it *seriously* outnumbered the number of servers being moved into one, chances are that a few people would still complain (although if they had 32 characters i would worry about them ;) )


you have 40 slots (8 on 5 servers) available not 32

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you have 40 slots (8 on 5 servers) available not 32
The total character limit, including the test server, is 50, not 40.


That being said, I do have friends in this situation, and it is a problem. The servers I play on still have not been announced (!), so I don't know yet whether the same will happen to me.

Edited by Caligari
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The total character limit, including the test server, is 50, not 40.


Yeah it is 50 as i remember thinking was a strange amount as you would have 6 servers with 8 and 2 characters on a 7th server which is odd.


Oh and i decided to transfer 4 to TEH and keep 3 on Sanctum and 4 on Rubat , all I could do really oh and i'm going to make a new character so i have 4 on each of my 3 servers. hopefully one day I can gather the remaining 8 characters together , no skin off my nose if not though , i like the busy city server and my 2 village servers ( in population context ).





Edited by BadOrb
it is 50 i remember now
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I'm feeling a similar amount of frustration at the moment, I transferred a few characters over to The Ebon Hawk server but I already have a few on there, so I've still got 6 on Sanctum who are stuck there. It is incredibly frustrating that I can't just have them all on one server! :(
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If more than 8 of your characters are eligible for transfer to the same server, you'll need to choose which 8 you'd like to transfer over. The maximum number of characters you can have on a server is 8, even if you are eligible for transfers.


Because of answers like this from Bioware, the 'non-hiatus for the summer' members of the guild I am in decided to take the only option that is currently available to us. We deleted our Empire characters on Ebon Hawk to move our more played Republic characters that were on Shien. Months of getting what time I could to play with my 12+ hour work day schedule went down the drain with me going along with this choice. It was that, or stay on a server that was topping off in the mid 20's for people online on after the transfers started.


As for rebuilding the Empire side, or even doing missions on Republic side; the lag is insane in many areas. I've been seeing up to 5-6 second response times for hitting an ability to having it actual go off. Using my bank on the fleet is next to impossible, took over a minute for it to even open up, and forget about moving/grabbing stuff from it in a timely manner. And trying to do missions with over 100 people all in the same area means you have to be cutthroat and steal mobs from people, as that's what you have to do now in order to make any kills in many areas. This is especially true on the starting planets.


Also, despite the larger numbers on the servers, I tried to get groups for the dailies and flashpoints with very little luck (with 40+ people in Black Hole, it took over 1 hour to get a group for the heroic) . Can't wait for the group finder to be in, maybe that will help.

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Quote: Originally Posted by AllisonBerryman

If more than 8 of your characters are eligible for transfer to the same server, you'll need to choose which 8 you'd like to transfer over. The maximum number of characters you can have on a server is 8, even if you are eligible for transfers.


That quote from Bioware is probably the most short sighted thing I've ever read. I'm a long time MMO fan and have always chosen to roll opposing factions on different servers. Why would I chose to play along side my friends then turn around and play against them. Call it realm pride, guild pride...whatever.


I think allowing people to roll both realms on one server was a mistake in this game like it was a mistake in Rift. I always leave open slots for expansions or class changes. Maybe I want one of each class, maybe I want to roll a dedicated healer along with a dedicated dps. By Biowares logic, that then squeezes out a class option for another character.


I too have 4 Emp on one server and 5 Rep on another server and both are being transferred to one server. Get this through your head Bioware, I do not want them on the same server PERIOD.

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1. People have been clamouring for more character slots since beta.

2. We have been told that they have heard us and will be offering this in the future.

3. But, did not implement this BEFORE this server transfer cluge.

4 Showing lack of foresight as to the potential effects of their actions pertaining to transfers and charcter slots.

5. ALSO showing they really don't give a flying fig about their customers.


This is reminds me of all the crap that $oE did to SWG with the CU.



ALSO and most importantly SINCE WE DON"T KNOW THE FINAL OUTCOME ... those of us with alts spread out amoungst the servers NOW HAVE TO WAIT TO TRANSFER ..... so that we can prioritize which alts we want to keep.


TOTALY MAD about this ... I can't even transfer now until I see the FINAL state of origin vs. destination. :mad:


SOOOOOO WELLLL thought out BW. :rolleyes:




  1. I find it hard to believe that people clamored for it in beta, seeing how their were periodic wipes.
  2. future =/= right now
  3. its not oversight, its common sense & priorities. For people with 8 on one server and 5 on another, nothing has changed. You still have 2 seperate servers. Chances are some of your characters are rarely played, and more character transfers will likely come in the coming months.


Their are much better things to be this upset about TBH.

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Since they did not give us the list of all servers moving at the same time, I didn't know I'd have 3 servers going to one destination. So when the first server of 8 characters came up, I moved them all. Then a week later I find out that 2 other servers of 8 characters are suppose to move to the same place. How is this helping? Now I have to stay on a server that has 19 to 30 people on the whole server playing. They didn't have to open up all the moving at once but they could have told us which servers would be going where so we could make decisions. As it stands, I wouldn't delete any of these characters because what I and my family were doing is making a storyline with each server.


When we get into this situation, why can't they allow us to goto a different server. Zekkeg Beast should be going to Drooga's Pleasure Barge but it is full of 8 characters. I really don't care where my Zekkeg Beast characters go, just so long as it's an active server that I don't already have 8 characters on it. Now all that work, down the drain. I can't move with the guild we were with and I can't even move to a new server to find new friends and a guild.


This transfer was to make it more fun for us? HELLOOOOOO!!! this is NOT fun :confused:

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Quote: Originally Posted by AllisonBerryman

If more than 8 of your characters are eligible for transfer to the same server, you'll need to choose which 8 you'd like to transfer over. The maximum number of characters you can have on a server is 8, even if you are eligible for transfers.


That quote from Bioware is probably the most short sighted thing I've ever read. I'm a long time MMO fan and have always chosen to roll opposing factions on different servers. Why would I chose to play along side my friends then turn around and play against them. Call it realm pride, guild pride...whatever.


I think allowing people to roll both realms on one server was a mistake in this game like it was a mistake in Rift. I always leave open slots for expansions or class changes. Maybe I want one of each class, maybe I want to roll a dedicated healer along with a dedicated dps. By Biowares logic, that then squeezes out a class option for another character.


I too have 4 Emp on one server and 5 Rep on another server and both are being transferred to one server. Get this through your head Bioware, I do not want them on the same server PERIOD.


Then transfer one faction to the new server, and leave the other. What is the problem?

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1. People have been clamouring for more character slots since beta.

2. We have been told that they have heard us and will be offering this in the future.

3. But, did not implement this BEFORE this server transfer cluge.

4 Showing lack of foresight as to the potential effects of their actions pertaining to transfers and charcter slots.

5. ALSO showing they really don't give a flying fig about their customers.


This is reminds me of all the crap that $oE did to SWG with the CU.



ALSO and most importantly SINCE WE DON"T KNOW THE FINAL OUTCOME ... those of us with alts spread out amoungst the servers NOW HAVE TO WAIT TO TRANSFER ..... so that we can prioritize which alts we want to keep.


TOTALY MAD about this ... I can't even transfer now until I see the FINAL state of origin vs. destination. :mad:


SOOOOOO WELLLL thought out BW. :rolleyes:




People made assumptions on how xfers would go, and they were wrong..


No sympathy for people like that.. none what so ever.


I'm actually dumbfounded that anybody would get upset that they can't move more than 8 characters to a single server when it has been the case since before launch that 8/server is the max.


The people in this situation have nobody to blame but themselves. Impatient much?

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