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Fixed that for you. Yoda's species because Lucas and Chee will never allow it to happen and Ewoks because...they are freaking Ewoks,man. If they make it into the game I will make it my personal mission to butcher them all. Of course they'll probably end up being OP in PvP due to their size just like Oddjob was in Goldeneye 007.


I meant never as in I don't like those particular species, not that Lucas would never let it happen.

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Serious answer - Cathar for the Sith Inquis (because they are known for being slaves), Smuggler, Trooper, BH.

Togruta for Jedi (both), Trooper, BH, Sith Inquis, Sith Warrior.

Bith for Smuggler, IA.


(Cathar is coming out in next patch and this is what I think for the classes it can be.)



Not so Serious answer - Jawa, Rak Ghoul, Sarlacc (sorry if spelling error), Kaminoian (never going to happen Kamino has not been found yet), Geonosian (again never going to happen Geonosis has not been found yet), Rancor, Wampa.


Just gonna say, people know that kamino exists already. It was during the rise of the empire that count dooku removed it from jedi records to cover his tracks

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Bothans were my favorite. I loved their doglike appearance.

I doubt that it will happen, because SWG will probably create a legal battle.


I would also like Mon Calamari.


I doubt Sony would have any grounds to do that on. They lost the license with Lucas Arts, & all species would be under their copyright. But both those species I'd like to see, along with Selkath & other fish species. I thought TOR would have like 20 playable species to show how good they are.

Actually come to think of it I thought there would be proper character customization.. I mean the faces I can live with. But on my trooper I want a buff guy.. but I can't stand body 3 being 10ft tall. I mean who the hell is 10ft tall apart from a cyborg?

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