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Ancient Secrets - Locate the Jedi Archives


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"Master Yuon Par's time is running out. The Masters of the three Noetikons have suggested a cure for Master Yuon's illness, an ancient shielding technique. This technique is recorded in the Jedi Archives in the ruined Jedi Temple.


Locate the Jedi Archives amongst the ruins of the Jedi Temple."



Where the heck is this? It's not on the map. No indicator which way to go. I've wasted hours on this and can't figure it out. It's a class quest. I can't start it over to re-hear it either.


Thanks for any help

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Location: CORUSCANT (2)

Recommended lvl for the mission: 16-17 or 2 players


Here is the map and taxi view as addition to the comments above:






Straight on the path you can find wounded soldier "Ensign Belkan" who can help you. If you take mission from him "[HEROIC 4] Enemies of the Republic" you will see marks again for your mission "Ancient Secrets".



Edited by Apocaron
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ah, thanks for the hints, had the same problem, couldn't find a way to the Jedi Temple.


This quest doesn't show up Green on your map like its supposed to. If it did it would direct you to the elevators at 1252,4310. you have to go down to the works from here in order to progress the quest

cool thing with the coordinates :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
OK -- I found the temple after finding the multiple items in the storyline. Problem is, I don't have those items in my inventory to use. Was I supposed to pick them up from somewhere? What have I done wrong? HALP!


Im having this same issue?


im in the jedi achieves but i cant use any of the machines?


I have done every quest upto level 17,what have i missed?


Any help asap would be most helpful please

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Open your inventory, go to the "Mission Items" tab. As far as I can recall from my Sage, you should have the 3 Noetikons stored there - THEY WILL NOT APPEAR IN YOUR NORMAL INVENTORY. (Caps for emphasis ;) )



When you enter the Temple, go straight forward into the open area with the wrecked and collapsed columns. Follow the wall around to the right, and about one third of the way round, you will find a large alcove with some Sith guarding it. This contains the entrance to the room containing the device where you use the Noetikons.


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Yeah thats the problem i havent got any Noetikons in my mission inventory?



All i see in the achieves in 4- 5 machines when i click on them it ask for colour to input,every time the colour i select is wrong


Confused, quest must be bugged for me as ive gained access to the achieves,surely if i didnt have the 3 Notekions i wouldnt allow me entry to the achieves

Edited by kmufc
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The machine with the colors is NOT the one you want - thats the datacrons area (don't mess with it either, making a mistake here and creating a datacron you can't use - a trinket if you will - is a costly mistake)

IIRC the jedi cons area is one of the branches off the main area (NOT the green portal opposite the heroic 4 quest near the elevators).

Move into the main area (the circular area with mobs in it, be mndful of the wandering gold mobs) and check your map - you will see 2 branched off path (one goes to JK area, one to JC) - can' remember offhand which of those 2 it is but its one of them.

The green portal entrance will say on mouseover 'jedi consular class quest' - the otehr one will show as red (for JKs).

Go there and it will guide you through the process.

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The machine with the colors is NOT the one you want - thats the datacrons area (don't mess with it either, making a mistake here and creating a datacron you can't use - a trinket if you will - is a costly mistake)

IIRC the jedi cons area is one of the branches off the main area (NOT the green portal opposite the heroic 4 quest near the elevators).

Move into the main area (the circular area with mobs in it, be mndful of the wandering gold mobs) and check your map - you will see 2 branched off path (one goes to JK area, one to JC) - can' remember offhand which of those 2 it is but its one of them.

The green portal entrance will say on mouseover 'jedi consular class quest' - the otehr one will show as red (for JKs).

Go there and it will guide you through the process.


Your a star,thanks, it looks like ive been doing it wrong,i was going in the wrong green instance,thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...
This quest doesn't show up Green on your map like its supposed to. If it did it would direct you to the elevators at 1252,4310. you have to go down to the works from here in order to progress the quest



So just another glitch that had less impact on the game than nerfing toons abilities did then..


I think making the game function properly is a higher priority then half the stuff they are "Fixing" i expect this reply to be removed as they do with all posts the show how bad bio is at running and maintaining this mmo, The rapid decline in players from full servers to low and standard says it all Free to play realllllly soon.. europe asia will not save this.



i think i`ll start posting screens of this game and its short commings everywhere to warn people before they shell out the cash for the broken product and pay for a monthly sub.

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