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All we know about Hk-51 is that he will be available as part of the future content shown at E3. It is *extremely* unlikely that said future content is 1.3. 1.4, 1.5, or a future Expansion pack is far more likely. Edited by GnatB
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Gungan: Teaching us since SW:TOR was announced that if you hate to love, you'd better love to hate. :D


I don't really get your comment... but exactly how many of your companions had side missions in which you could actually participate instead of watching the screen black out while they went off to solo it? Most of them are pretty one dimensional too.


In any case, it would be super interesting if he were a new type of companion that doesn't exist yet from a skills/gameplay perspective. We have the ranged tank, the ranged dps, melee tank, melee dps, and healer archetypes. If he added new archetype for some new gameplay he'd be interesting.


However, right now I can't see BioWare doing that at all, because they will once again fall back on their story pillar, while completely ignoring the ones that make or break a game.


"Films are great. I love me a good movie... [but] why spend so much effort trying to make your game exactly like a movie when you could be making a great game instead." - Extra Credits

Edited by Gungan
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Stop trying to be negative. Sheesh, this forum community...


Anyways yeah, HK-51 will indeed be a companion for 1.3.


So asking a question that would cause someone to think for themselves is being negative. So what do you call it when you answer the question wrong and provide false information?

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i can tell you right now HK-51 IS NOT going to be in 1.3


he in not available on the PTS at all. SO as for rumors that all they are in rumors. YOU were lied to.


Now he will be coming more than likely when the lvl cap gets raised, and the new planet gets introduced. 1.4 or 1.5 possibly.


But lets put this to rest he is not coming with 1.3

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