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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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So finally my Belgoth's Beacon character is allowed to transfer, and it is to the Fatman. Of course, this is not the same server as my other PVP player was transferred to. So I had a 50% chance and have bad luck.


Same here. Free or paid, I just want to get off The Fatman and go to Pot5.

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Spent way too much time reading this beast of a thread. Happily transferred characters to Corellian Run. We got our guild name, I got my legacy name and kept all my character names. Glad its finally over with. Only thing left is to get the guild bank transferred, and I already submitted the ticket for that.



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As all servers are populated now, theres no longer any reason for desperation transfers, hence all transfers would be for vanity/convenience. And yes, I would consider consolidating characters onto one server vanity, playing on a server with someone you know from real life I would consider convenience tho why you didn't roll on the same server as them to begin with IDK.


Well I did it because the friends I played with all quit. Then I found out someone else was playing on a different server so I rolled there. I want to play with my RL friends. It is certainly not vanity. Is it convenience? I guess so, I don't have to start a character over. But I think the game should be convenient. Why pay for something that is a hassle?


They should certainly let us consolidate our characters, and do it for free. The reason people have characters spread out are not usually because they wanted to. I certainly did not.

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Work? I thought we were playing a game here. If you find it to be work, perhaps you should play something else.


Not to mention, HK-51 is basically one step above a vanity pet. Whatever kind of companion he is (tank, dps, etc), you already have one. Hes just a new skin. Its not legit content, its a frilly extra, if you care to have it, you'll do whats necessary, but its not "content" you'll be missing out on if you don't feel like whats required is too much.


It becomes work when you have to do it again for no good reason.


Look I get it, you love Bioware :rolleyes: but come on their poor communication about everything from legacy system to this character transfer process has continually punished the player base for BW's own inability to plan accordingly.


There is of course a simpler solution - all legacy work should be account wide, but BW has said this isn't going to happen. So in that case the other option is to allow people to freely transfer their existing characters on to servers where they already have existing characters. This hurts no one, since the slots for those characters need to be open to transfer.

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Reasons to have not put all of your characters on one server or been on the right server to begin with.


Some servers were full after the head start program.

You didn't know your real life friend was on server X until later.

Because of the "Allies and Enemies" portion of the guild registry your guild was led to believe faction would play a bigger role in the game so you choose to separate characters by faction to different servers.

Because of poor communications about legacies and what would in fact be unlocked, you wanted to have different legacy names and not have your characters of different species/factions share one name.


And again, I would call all of those things vanity or convenience issues, except perhaps the first point.

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And again, I would call all of those things vanity or convenience issues, except perhaps the first point.


And you would again be alienating customers for no reason, it is obvious from the very need for these transfers that Bioware has a number of dissatisfied customers that have already left the game, that should be a huge reason to make as many of the remaining customers happy.

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So... seeing as how we still have no word on Lord Calypho on our own thread I'll ask here.


*** Bio hurry up and an answer us, so many form our server have already canceled their sub over this and it's only getting worse, pretty soon therre will be no complaint about server transfers because none of use will be playing anymore.


BioWare's work is not done until everyone is able to have a good game experience. BioWare please provide information about what you will be doing to solve the problem on the European RP-PvP Servers.

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It becomes work when you have to do it again for no good reason.


You don't have to. Its optional.


Look I get it, you love Bioware :rolleyes: but come on their poor communication about everything from legacy system to this character transfer process has continually punished the player base for BW's own inability to plan accordingly.


Yes, I LOVE BW. Which is why I have multiple times in this thread complained about them for various issues, lack of end game content, failure to have a transfer system implemented at launch, lack of living up to various other promises. However, fact remains that this transfer process has gone down EXACTLY as planned, communicated, and promised from the community blog 2 weeks ago. Including the fact that this transfer would NOT address issues of character consolidation, and that MIGHT be addressed in the future, and it might be a paid service. IF you don't like that, fine, unsub and in your exit letter, tell them why you are unsubbing, but don't whine about it.

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Spent way too much time reading this beast of a thread. Happily transferred characters to Corellian Run. We got our guild name, I got my legacy name and kept all my character names. Glad its finally over with. Only thing left is to get the guild bank transferred, and I already submitted the ticket for that.



Welcome to the server. Hope you, your guild and everyone else who moves here has fun. :D

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The problem with the 'I unsubbed because of X" approach is that once I submit that on account of an uncaring customer service experience, I will not EVER come back, regardless of game features. Bad game mechanics can be forgiven. Screwing customers can't. It's that simple.


I'll give it a month, but I will not reroll anymore toons, and I won't pay for permission to keep the ones I have. That's a fool's game and I won't play.

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You don't have to. Its optional.




Yes, I LOVE BW. Which is why I have multiple times in this thread complained about them for various issues, lack of end game content, failure to have a transfer system implemented at launch, lack of living up to various other promises. However, fact remains that this transfer process has gone down EXACTLY as planned, communicated, and promised from the community blog 2 weeks ago. Including the fact that this transfer would NOT address issues of character consolidation, and that MIGHT be addressed in the future, and it might be a paid service. IF you don't like that, fine, unsub and in your exit letter, tell them why you are unsubbing, but don't whine about it.


Your first comment to me, was a response to one of my posts that suggested, now is the time to discuss paid transfers and those plans.


Now you are backtracking and saying that this transfer went exactly as planned. I might disagree with that on different levels, but that wasn't the point of the original post. Now that the free transfers are mostly resolved (excluding a few issues that their poor planning did result in) it is time for them to let us in on the future plans for transfers.


This is especially true when it comes to legacy consolidations since those are issues that should not impact populations. If you have even 1 character on a server that has unlocked a legacy, that means you have potentially 7 slots reserved on that server. Transferring other character into said server will not effect the population.


My sub was paid through August, walking away now only gives BW free money. So making rational critiques of their lack of foresight is the best use of that remaining time.

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And again, I would call all of those things vanity or convenience issues, except perhaps the first point.


So my question to you is, are all of your characters on the same server?


Oh, and which definition of vanity do you think having your characters on the same server is? I see nothing vain about it.


van·i·ty   [van-i-tee] Show IPA noun, plural van·i·ties, adjective


1. excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit: Failure to be elected was a great blow to his vanity.

2. an instance or display of this quality or feeling.

3. something about which one is vain.

4. lack of real value; hollowness; worthlessness: the vanity of a selfish life.

5. something worthless, trivial, or pointless.

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OK, I'm in a bit of a conundrum.


Until recently I played my Imperial characters on Gauntlet of Kreesh, and Republic on Vornskr. I'm a bit of an altaholic, so I like having lots of space for my characters. Last week Gauntlet allowed transfers to The Harbinger. I was fine with that, as I wanted a more active server. I moved my Imps over, renamed them, got my Legacy name established, etc etc.


Today I discover that Vornskr is also merging into The Harbinger. Now I want to move to a more populated server, but I'm not sure I can fit all transfers over, and that would defeat the purpose of my two server system. Also, which Legacy name would take effect, because they're different. If I had to pick I'd take the Republic one. My pleasure with the way this is being handled is decreasing.

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Bao-Dur --> Nightmare Lands :mad:


not happy rerolled on red eclipse 4 months ago but left 2 good 50's on bao-dur

those that rerolled there ages ago to keep on playing AND paying now get the shaft


those who already play on red eclipse for several months should be allowed to get their old characters transfered there ...


it changes nothing to the population

Edited by Sosyn
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Your first comment to me, was a response to one of my posts that suggested, now is the time to discuss paid transfers and those plans.


Now you are backtracking and saying that this transfer went exactly as planned. I might disagree with that on different levels, but that wasn't the point of the original post. Now that the free transfers are mostly resolved (excluding a few issues that their poor planning did result in) it is time for them to let us in on the future plans for transfers.


This is especially true when it comes to legacy consolidations since those are issues that should not impact populations. If you have even 1 character on a server that has unlocked a legacy, that means you have potentially 7 slots reserved on that server. Transferring other character into said server will not effect the population.


My sub was paid through August, walking away now only gives BW free money. So making rational critiques of their lack of foresight is the best use of that remaining time.


It will actually effect populations. For examle, lets say you originally had a few characters on server X, server X died off so you rerolled a few characters on server Y. A month later, server Y started to die off but you refused to reroll again. Now, server X got transferred to server Z, and server Y got transferred to server N. Well, currently you've been playing only your server Y characters, now on server N. But youd like to transfer them onto server Z to be with your other characters, and maybe do it that way specifically because of some perceived better community or people you know on server Z. Well, you haven't been playing on that server, so you haven't been counted among the active population, hence you would be a new variable in server strain. Now, is one person significant for this? No, but if you've got hundreds or thousands of people wanting to do the same thing, it could be bad. I'm sure they want to let all this transfer business settle out a bit before they start looking to future consolidation and other convenience issues.


And you wouldn't be giving them free money. You can go click on unsub right now, and tell them why, and still keep playing till your time runs out, and if things change before then, could easily resub if you thought they were doing a better job.

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So my question to you is, are all of your characters on the same server?


Oh, and which definition of vanity do you think having your characters on the same server is? I see nothing vain about it.


van·i·ty   [van-i-tee] Show IPA noun, plural van·i·ties, adjective


1. excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit: Failure to be elected was a great blow to his vanity.

2. an instance or display of this quality or feeling.

3. something about which one is vain.

4. lack of real value; hollowness; worthlessness: the vanity of a selfish life.

5. something worthless, trivial, or pointless.


Depends on the reason you want them on server. If its because you want them to all be part of the same legacy for quasi-RP reasons then its vanity, if its for legacy unlocks and perks, or to be in the same guild or to play with other people you know, its convenience.

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I agree with the idea 100%, but it's not going to happen (IMO). Last night, Drooga's and Harbinger both hit Very Heavy status. Only for a few hours, but it was noticeable. Add in the untransferred origin stragglers (every one of them a potential future transfer), the people who will eventually return to the game and accept transfers to Drooga's/Harbinger, and new players and rerolls landing there. I doubt Bioware will sack up and place us on those servers, given the uncertainty about the population. They'll just merge us into a Standard server and make it the recommended destination for the free-to-play crowd coming next month. Yippee.


I'm on Darth Sion, which had a very good population when I left in January. Resubbed last week, and I was shocked at how many players have left the server. I'm typically a go-with-the-flow laid-back player. Takes a lot to make me mad, and this transfer mess got me ticked enough to make a few posts on the forum (hadn't ever posted here before). Unless Bioware devises some type of equitable solution to this mess, they've lost my subscription and all of my future business.


Pleasantly surprised to see that Darth Sion got a transfer to Drooga's after all. Glad I was wrong. Bioware, thank you very much for making this move. The low population issue on Darth Sion was the only gamebreaking issue for me. With the move, I will be subscribing for the next year (minimum).

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They should certainly let us consolidate our characters, and do it for free. The reason people have characters spread out are not usually because they wanted to. I certainly did not.


You do have a point. They should let us transfer toons between servers which we already have characters above lvl 40 and/or something (created before...). Some of us had a choice, quit or reroll on another server ... we chose to keep supporting the game while other 400k were leaving.


How about a thank you? ;)

Edited by MasterKayote
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Depends on the reason you want them on server. If its because you want them to all be part of the same legacy for quasi-RP reasons then its vanity, if its for legacy unlocks and perks, or to be in the same guild or to play with other people you know, its convenience.


Legacy unlocks, a system that was not clearly laid out when many people created their characters are considered a convenience? I'm sorry, but what is the point of having a reward system that fails to let you take full advantage of the rewards because its creators were too narrow minded to consider the fact that the system was implemented after many characters were created?


Everything that BW does should in fact take legacy into account. In fact, it is clear that Legacy was the way they hoped to hold on to customers, but by lacking foresight they have simply driven more customers away by punishing the customer for a poorly planned and poorly implemented system.


The next step in transfers should be in helping the customer take advantage of this system, not further hinder it.

Edited by varrangian
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You do have a point. They should let us transfer toons between servers which we already have characters above lvl 40 or something. Some of us had a choice, quit or reroll on another server ... we chose to keep supporting the game while other 400k were leaving.


How about a thank you? ;)


I agree. I have a level 33 on one server and a level 50 on another because I re-rolled to join a more populated server, and sadly the server my 33 is on just opened up for Free Transfer but not to the server my 50 is on. Even though the server my 50 is on is a target server for other transfers! Bah.

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Well, you haven't been playing on that server, so you haven't been counted among the active population, hence you would be a new variable in server strain. Now, is one person significant for this? No, but if you've got hundreds or thousands of people wanting to do the same thing, it could be bad. I'm sure they want to let all this transfer business settle out a bit before they start looking to future consolidation and other convenience issues.


This would only be a valid argument if some servers were not destination servers at all. As it stands take Canderous Ordo, a heavily populated server, it can be transferred into from a number of servers, but not others. Now if you limited transfer into this server to those who had characters on it already this would not effect population metrics. Now if they had simply said, CO is too full already so we are not taking any transfers into it, you'd have an argument.

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Legacy unlocks, a system that was not clearly laid out when many people created their characters are considered a convenience? I'm sorry, but what is the point of having a reward system that fails to let you take full advantage of the rewards because its creators were too narrow minded to consider the fact that the system was implemented after many characters were created?


Everything that BW does should in fact take legacy into account. In fact, it is clear that Legacy was the way they hoped to hold on to customers, but by lacking foresight they have simply driven more customers away by punishing the customer for a poorly planned and poorly implemented system.


The next step in transfers should be in helping the customer take advantage of this system, not further hinder it.


Pretty much everything unlocked through legacy is either vanity or convenience, so yes

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This would only be a valid argument if some servers were not destination servers at all. As it stands take Canderous Ordo, a heavily populated server, it can be transferred into from a number of servers, but not others. Now if you limited transfer into this server to those who had characters on it already this would not effect population metrics. Now if they had simply said, CO is too full already so we are not taking any transfers into it, you'd have an argument.


It would indeed effect ACTIVE population metrics if you weren't currently playing the characters you had on CO, but wanted to move the characters you are currently playing onto it.

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