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Has the community spoken?


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Was wondering if there has ever been a "poll" (or similar measurement) done to see how the community feels about the current gear grind system vs. baseline gear?

As in, all PvP gear is same other than aesthetics/how it looks and there is no recruit vs WH desparity. Use the perceived "grind time" to get other things like more vanity items, special stims/adrenals/medpacks, access to "secret" WZ's, special temporary abilities they could implement such as a one time use "force speed" use so some operatives can score in Huttball? A one time stealth use so a few GS's can sneak to their favorite sniping spot or get a ninja cap? Maybe a one time use force bubble for Mercs to enjoy? I'm sure they could think of a bunch of fun things like that....

Anyways, was wondering if community has voiced a preference for the current gear based system or a baselined gear system or possibly some other system?


Thanks in advance for any insight/links provided. :)

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You've got your PvPers who want no stats and your PvEers who demand stats. The two will never agree on anything and we therefore get the unholy abomination known as the "PvP Stat".


QFE, +1


Also, it's not only PvE'ers. The lazy, generally nerfmonger, pseudo-elitists want the disparity so they can pretend they're good when the spot an undergeared player.

Edited by Yescek
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