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Zen Strike Proc Animation for Guardian


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Hey, While this thread is more about aesthetic, I do believe this will also enhance people's ability to use the Vigilance tree.


At this moment, both on live and on the PTS, for Guardians the animation letting us know that we reset the cooldown on Master Strike (from the Zen Strike Talent) is very VERY subtle. I watched a video of a Juggernaut using the same spec and talent and noticed that their animation is so noticable, you would have to be blind to miss it.


Juggernaut has a huge red wave underneath him when it procs leaping up with them, whereas the Guardian kinda has a lackluster glow. I've leveled this Guardian since early access as a Vigilance Guardian and never noticed there was an animation AT ALL, until I watched this video of a Juggernaut. I always had to watch my skill bar instead of being able to enjoy the combat.


here's the video:


** This video is not made by me**


As you notice, whenever the proc for his ravage is up, there is a red wave underneath him. I personally would like something more noticeable for this proc, as I would like to stop having to watch my skill bar. Some sort of animation for the Force Rush would be cool too, maybe something like the what the crit relics do, that haze of blue power that comes off a player.


Plus, it would just look cooler :p


Edit: On the same note, our unremitting animation, while nice, is a bit unfair for our opponents in PVP. For juggernauts they get a big shield on them, letting people know they can't be cc'd, knockbacked, stunned or whatnot, whereas guardians have a white whirlwind around them that can be easily missed. Either take away the Jugg shield or give us the same shield to make it fair.

Edited by Aienir
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Hey, While this thread is more about aesthetic, I do believe this will also enhance people's ability to use the Vigilance tree.


At this moment, both on live and on the PTS, for Guardians the animation letting us know that we reset the cooldown on Master Strike (from the Zen Strike Talent) is very VERY subtle. I watched a video of a Juggernaut using the same spec and talent and noticed that their animation is so noticable, you would have to be blind to miss it.


Juggernaut has a huge red wave underneath him when it procs leaping up with them, whereas the Guardian kinda has a lackluster glow. I've leveled this Guardian since early access as a Vigilance Guardian and never noticed there was an animation AT ALL, until I watched this video of a Juggernaut. I always had to watch my skill bar instead of being able to enjoy the combat.


here's the video:


** This video is not made by me**


As you notice, whenever the proc for his ravage is up, there is a red wave underneath him. I personally would like something more noticeable for this proc, as I would like to stop having to watch my skill bar. Some sort of animation for the Force Rush would be cool too.


Plus, it would just look cooler :p


Edit: On the same note, our unremitting animation, while nice, is a bit unfair for our opponents in PVP. For juggernauts they get a big shield on them, letting people know they can't be cc'd, knockbacked, stunned or whatnot, whereas guardians have a white whirlwind around them that can be easily missed. Either take away the Jugg shield or give us the same shield to make it fair.


Ya BW really needs to make all the different skill/talent procs really noticeable and fair between all classes. I actually notice Zen procs through sound mostly, but sometimes I play with sound off (listening to music) and it's kind of a ***** having to stare at my bars.

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Ya BW really needs to make all the different skill/talent procs really noticeable and fair between all classes. I actually notice Zen procs through sound mostly, but sometimes I play with sound off (listening to music) and it's kind of a ***** having to stare at my bars.


I didn't even know there was an audio queue. What does it even sound like? I went to Ilum and beat on some mobs there and didn't hear one at all!


Shouldn't be too hard to implement really, just give us the same animation as Juggernauts do and make it blue. Fixed.


I do also think the animation for focused defense should be changed. It looks downright silly in my opinion. The rebuke animation is much more fitting. I mean we are defending our entire bodies. not some small little circle.

Edited by Aienir
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  • 9 months later...
THIS x a thousand! visual and sound ques are incredibly sub par in this game for most classes, I literally dropped my DPS sage and a few other classes because I couldn't use them in a competitive raid environment due to not knowing when certain abilities where ready. Even Ripostle should have SOMETHING to tell you, anything! I pretty much dont play anything but my commando and vangaurd because they have very noticable sound and visual ques for their abilitys. Edited by Flapjak
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THIS x a thousand! visual and sound ques are incredibly sub par in this game for most classes, I literally dropped my DPS sage and a few other classes because I couldn't use them in a competitive raid environment due to not knowing when certain abilities where ready. Even Ripostle should have SOMETHING to tell you, anything! I pretty much dont play anything but my commando and vangaurd because they have very noticable sound and visual ques for their abilitys.


I don't want to discourage the ideas in this thread because I believe them to be good and valid, however, you can turn on the cooldown timers in the preferences menu and set the font to the largest size to all but eliminate the issue.


Audio clues and fancy animations are awesome and highly recommended, but until such time as they get around to spit polishing the game and engine, there are other ways to get the information you're after that are just as effective.

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