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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Its clear that you have no idea how guilds and communities work.



If you put up xx servers at release, me and all my friends/guild will roll on 1 of these.


Then when adding xy new servers, you dont make things better for me and my friends/guild.

But you might enable people without friends/guild that havent rolled a character already to go there....


While all my friends/guildmembers still rolls on the same server as me. And thus the queue grows....


Its mindbaffeling how this happens when you knew from the start how many that were going to play!


You have to fix the queues now and the only way is to let more people into the servers you have overpopulated yourself.

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We lost 4 guild members to ques last night. One guy quit (so he says) flat out, and 3 others rolled on a different server. We wished them all luck but in the end it sucked losing them.


As of now, the guild as a whole is largely on the fence about the game. Quite a few have posted that they haven't even attempted to log in today, as they're going to see what happens tomorrow (launch) and base their future play based on that.


Good Luck BW! I hope you get this sorted out by tomorrow.




lvl 30 sorc on Harbinger who is NOT rerolling and will most likely quit (already cancelled my CE in favor of the standard edition,) if 2.5 hour ques persist on my server after tomorrow.

Edited by Stadulator
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fact is you CAN play plenty of servers open ... your not entitled to anything free .. everyone wants something for nothing


NO, the fact is that i joined a server when it was empty, and Bioware allowed it to be overflowed with new characters. Its quite easy to keep population at bay, just block new character creation when servers are full, PERIOD.


And I want just what i payed for, to play the game where I made my char when the server was at normal population. Am I psychic to know that Bioware will allow 3 times more people onto my server?

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i am so amazed. Some people even after massive corporation spits into your face, and insulting their intelligence with cheap bull... Statements like "we cannot promise" (translating for less intelligent ppl: There will be queues and we do not care, you poor as....s lol !), they will still defend them lol. I guess it will be not hard to convince you to publish your credit card details on this forum .... :)





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You can't say that, because you don't KNOW what's coming down the road.

If they are left as they are, then they'll probably get a bit loaded down, but that's alright too.

I don't think Bioware is stupid enough to leave them as they are, however. They know the problem, they've said they're looking into it, you just need to give them time to do so. The world doesn't revolve around you, it doesn't revolve around me, it doesn't revolve around any single individual. They'll fix the problem in due time.


Again you are very trustful person what makes you think they care. Come back to me tomorrow, you will see. lol

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No but increasing the caps and allowing transfers (both guild and individual) to new servers would take a chunk out of it and maybe get the queues back down to reasonable levels.


I don't disagree with you that there are growing pains, and I have no issue with REASONABLE queues, but an hour+ is too long.


totally agree with this guy. 1 hour is to be expected at launch/early access - other than that is unacceptable


I know people threaten with not subscribing/quitting/nerd rageing etc but seriously, how many of us are going to hand over credit card details tomorrow with the servers in this state?


I will be waiting a few days to see if they sort it before I commit to spending any more money on this game. Its good, but I won't pay for something I can't play reasonably on my terms, ie when I want!

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Again you are very trustful person what makes you think they care. Come back to me tomorrow, you will see. lol


I bet it will be 5x worse than today. Today my server has 3-4h queues easy. I bet if i tried to make another char on my server i would be allowed.... LOL so sad. Block character creation on overpopulated servers FFS

Edited by milos_hs
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this is just *********** stupid, waited 2 hours in the queue i was bloody 50 in line,

internal server error BUZZZ try again. now i am back at number 1200


**** **** ****. nice server management ******es, good luck tomorrow with launch wich will be the biggest failure ever.





it could have been so beautifull.

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Wrong, we are DEFINITELY playing for free, up to, and including the 1st month.

The standard price of ANY (new) video game is $60. This includes the game itself, not "online access", not "digital plusses", nothing of the like.

Games like this that CHARGE for access traditionally give you 30 days for free, but that is NOT included in the game price. It's 30 days of game access for free.


Right now, we are in fact paying nothing to play the game, we're playing for free. The $60 you paid was a game purchase cost, nothing more, and it's a very standard game purchase cost.


WRONG! Check again! Order CLEARLY INCLUDES first 30 days of play-time. It is stated by Bioware.

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i do understand the meaning of what there doing about the servers and i agree with but on the other hand it's abit annoying for the people who work i only have around 2-3 hours every evening too play and when i login i have wait 3 hours qeue so basicly no playing on some evenings but yea the patience will be worth it i'm sure of it
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Хотелось бы услышать разработчиков как они собираются исправлять ситуацию с очередями. Т.к. уже пошло оплачиваемое время и абсолютно не хочется тратить его на ожидание в очередях а не саму игру!!!!
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... lvl 30 sorc on Harbinger who is NOT rerolling and will most likely quit (already cancelled my CE in favor of the standard edition,) if 2.5 hour ques persist on my server after tomorrow.


It seems to me as if Bioware/EA is saying: "all you progress doesn't matter anyway, so why don't you switch server and start over..." :mad: I mean if I could tranfser my character this would be acceptable, bad, but acceptable...


(can't even play anymore because my internet isn't stable for more the 2 hours :mad:)

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The most frustrating part is how your place is not held if you DC or exit the game.


Every MMO, as a standard, puts a 15 minute reservation on your slot. This is to cover various issues


  • Disconnecting from the game
  • Reloading the game due to an error
  • Disconnecting due to game client error
  • Reloading to update addons
  • Reloading to fix addons
  • Restarting PC for driver updates
  • and more


SWTOR from my understanding has no reservation.I've experienced some weird error when Q'ing, that after Q'ing for three hours put me at the back of the Q for another 3 hours.


Taris is undeniable a resource hog and poorly designed efficeny wise, the drain on ones computer is simply outragous. Me and friends were struggling around the area, as we refused to reboot and Q again.


15 minutes is standard for any MMO slot reservation. This is to allow people the time to fix issues, restart their pc or reload the game.


Not having this feature is simply put, idiotic, and will cause more hassle then its worth.


I disconnected yesterday to be put back into a long Q and I simply turned the game of and put back on WoW.


This is going to be a trial and error process, there will be bumps and there will be problems.


But you guys have the pick of the bunch to ensure the BASICS are in place for your MMO, and unfortunately it seems in numerous areas the basics are missing.


Enjoying the game, I appreciate the effort that has gone in, and I'm sure I'll be playing it for many years to come.


But since early access, I've spent more time in Q's then playing, which is extremely furstrating, negating the benefit of early access entirely.

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Can you split overpopulated servers? Que time not acceptable I can’t reroll on another server for two reasons I don’t want to start over for a 3rd time and I don’t want to leave my guild mates.




They shouldn't even have to split anything. If they built their servers the way they should, it should be a matter of we just need to build another VM or server, add it to the cluster of servers, carve up a lun and BLAM! more cpu processing, memory and storage = more clients accepted and game play supported.

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The most frustrating part is how your place is not held if you DC or exit the game.


Every MMO, as a standard, puts a 15 minute reservation on your slot. This is to cover various issues


  • Disconnecting from the game
  • Reloading the game due to an error
  • Disconnecting due to game client error
  • Reloading to update addons
  • Reloading to fix addons
  • Restarting PC for driver updates
  • and more


SWTOR from my understanding has no reservation.I've experienced some weird error when Q'ing, that after Q'ing for three hours put me at the back of the Q for another 3 hours.


Taris is undeniable a resource hog and poorly designed efficeny wise, the drain on ones computer is simply outragous. Me and friends were struggling around the area, as we refused to reboot and Q again.


15 minutes is standard for any MMO slot reservation. This is to allow people the time to fix issues, restart their pc or reload the game.


Not having this feature is simply put, idiotic, and will cause more hassle then its worth.


I disconnected yesterday to be put back into a long Q and I simply turned the game of and put back on WoW.


This is going to be a trial and error process, there will be bumps and there will be problems.


But you guys have the pick of the bunch to ensure the BASICS are in place for your MMO, and unfortunately it seems in numerous areas the basics are missing.


Enjoying the game, I appreciate the effort that has gone in, and I'm sure I'll be playing it for many years to come.


But since early access, I've spent more time in Q's then playing, which is extremely furstrating, negating the benefit of early access entirely.





i never have problems with the qeue it's just too darn long :p

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So here's my situation... I had the week off work, but I didn't get in for early access until Friday. But I was working 12 hour shifts all weekend. Including drive and getting ready times I spend about 15 hours away from my house. Throw in some sleep in there, I only had about a few hours free. All I wanted to do was create my character so I could reserve my name. But even when I asked my BF to put me in queue when I was on my home or almost off my shift, I'd DC with a "server error" before I could get in, despite waiting in queue for HOURS AND HOURS.


Now it's Monday, I have the week off work again, and since it's early in the day there's no queue... But all various forms of my usual alias on MMOs are all taken. So I'm sitting here trying to find a friggin character name that ISN'T taken, still not able to play the game.


Oh, and nevermind the fact that during character creation I'm getting DC'd with the "server error" message and have to start the process ALL. OVER. AGAIN.


But the rest of my guild, who I have played with in other games, are all in, all have the names they want, and are all on their way to reaching the max level and I'm left behind in the dust.


Early game access aside, these queues and "server error" DCs need to be fixed ASAP. Because once I finally do get in, if these DC's continue I don't see how I'm going to be able to play.


I think you guys are playing it way too safe with the max server count. Because from what I'm reading in these threads when you finally do get in, there aren't many people around.

Edited by missvicky
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