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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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I'm totally amazed by the lack of logic being displayed by most of the complainers.


Read this and understand: adding new servers will not help.


There are plenty of light and standard load servers right now. People aren't willing to go to them. Adding new servers will just create more servers that people won't move to.


The only legitimate beef is with RP-PVP servers. They could use one more of those per zone. But otherwise, it's a waste of time and money.


I agree with you. More servers are not the answer. They need to increase the number of players each server can handle.



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I'm totally amazed by the lack of logic being displayed by most of the complainers.


Read this and understand: adding new servers will not help.


There are plenty of light and standard load servers right now. People aren't willing to go to them. Adding new servers will just create more servers that people won't move to.


The only legitimate beef is with RP-PVP servers. They could use one more of those per zone. But otherwise, it's a waste of time and money.


they'll goto them if there's a free server transfer. I want to transfer my toon(s) :( i'm 600 in queue after a DC in the middle of a PuG :(

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I can see how queues are indeed useful. I really, truly can. However, I agree that there should be a free guild transfer allowed to one of the several servers I see at any time of day (and night, as a matter of fact) listed as either "light" or "standard".


I would really appreciate not having to roll a new character away from my new guild family because Bioware put most of the early access guilds on the same servers.


We have the technology. We have the space available. We can abolish (most) if not all queue times with this otherwise heavenly game.


Please, Bioware gods (admins), hear the pleas of your faithful and alleviate our pain in this time of great distress.

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this problem has been going on since the 13th. it is just getting worse.


sure, i'll wait a month. right after they give me an extra 30 days of free playtime.


i have 3 days grace period before i need to input my cd key. if i can't get a refund through origin (i probably can't), i'll just have amex do a chargeback. love american express :)


We'll say it again the official launch release was TODAY. We don't know that its something that can be fixed within a week or less..unless you make or have involvement in the creation of the game.

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IDEA: I'm sure someone has said this and it has been overlooked as will be this....


But here goes ...


Free Server Transfers OUTBOUND from servers with prime time queues of (300?)+



I mean ffs my dog sniffs my ethernet cable and knocks it out, now I have an 80 minute wait to resume my quest. Not cool


I am so impressed with Bioware and Dice thus far, I have faith they will do something soon. Just need to vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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To help a tiny bit with the queues ... what about allowing people with existing characters on a particular server to jump to the head of the queue? Set the priority to the date they joined that server.


If they cant implement free transfers the coding needed for this is well beyond their capabilities.

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To help a tiny bit with the queues ... what about allowing people with existing characters on a particular server to jump to the head of the queue? Set the priority to the date they joined that server.


that won't fix anything, much like giving CE buyers a better priority with the queue.


in fact, it'll create resentment across the boards.

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Since my server queue was unbearable at 300, now that it is sitting at over 700 I am very displeased. My friends enticed me to join Shadow Hand only to be cursed? This is BS. an hour wait is unacceptable.


And what is the deal with you idiots trying to defend the developers? I know that the server requirements are high for launch, but not offering a way to transfer is just ridiculous for a title that is supposed to compete with the MMO market.


It is not difficult to implement a server transfer. Now I know you have a lot of pieces to the puzzle from the web development standpoint, the database standpoint, and whatever else is involved... However, they have had months to work out these things, even during beta they could have started developing a server transfer method. This is common sense if you ask me, and should have been developed along side of the current build of both the server architecture and the website.

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the que problem we have is getting on my last nerve!


Bioware .... you will lose more people than you know from this if it is not fixed SOON! This is going on 3-4 days of extreme que's.


AND NO, re-rolling new characters on a new server is NOT an option for GUILDS that have multiple people that have spend the past week building characters!

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IMO, queues are less of an issue than the instancing inside the zones is. Full servers should feel full. It took me a half-hour to get a group for The Hate Machine. There should be players all over the place (like it was in beta) and there are..but it seems like there aren't.


Instancing is killing the game more.

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So, to enjoy the game with multiple friends in multiple areas of the world I rolled on a couple different servers. I just sat in line for an hourish to get on what I thought was the server I last played on. (We can see where this is going).

Now I'm at the back of a 1000 person line to get on to my primary server. Attempting to level together with this nonsense is nearly impossible.

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re-rolling new characters on a new server is NOT an option for GUILDS that have multiple people that have spend the past week building characters!


From my experience its not a solution for individuals cos each time i re roll so do many others then my new server is full...

Edited by phOny
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ok, bottom line.


They have our cash, They dont give a crap cos there will always be more people unaware of the issue who will buy the game.


the game's not where they make the money, the continued monthly subscriptions is where that's at. right now... we're all playing for free so they dont see a cent in that.

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Half an hour of your time isn't going to kill you.


I get home from work, first thing I do is put myself into queue.


I go, make/heat up dinner.. proceed to eat/read forums and relax for half an hour and play.



I'm sure many of you can do this, it's not a big deal.

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Half an hour of your time isn't going to kill you.


I get home from work, first thing I do is put myself into queue.


I go, make/heat up dinner.. proceed to eat/read forums and relax for half an hour and play.



I'm sure many of you can do this, it's not a big deal.


it is a big deal when the queue exceeds 1hr +

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