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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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I rerolled because my first server had 55min wait time every night. Now with launch my new server is also a wait time. I just logged on at 9:00 am and it says full but no wait. Tonight when its peak time its gonna be stupid. I bought the ce and have my code but I am NOT subbing until the queses are reasonable ie less than 5 mins. I am also not rerolling again.


voting with my wallet.


p.s. love the game so far but refuse to pay to wait.


exactly the same here for me and my wife's account ...

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I personally think that this is a little much. Everyone that pre-ordered and played hours and hours of this game, found bugs, and even payed more to play this game early now spends about 50% of their time waiting in queues. I just think that maybe the people who pre-ordered the game should be considered a little bit also.


P.S. NO ONE wants to reroll if they already spend the past week playing on a server. (Most people who preordered)


This ^^^ I'd happily MOVE to a different server. I preordered (and paid for a CE) so I'd get a head start. I'm not willing to throw that head start away.


That said, I need to look at if the character slot limit is per-server



If it is, it's time for me to work on my Imperial faction toons for a while, on one of the new servers.

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i was constantly operating under the assumption that the queues were going to be only for pre-release, because BW and EA were encouraging people to spread out.


now... 9:30 am EST, i log on, and have to sit in a 45 minute queue? Really? either move some large guilds around or up the server populations, because I shouldn't have to sit in a queue at all, let alone first thing in the morning EST!

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1) Pay extra for pre-release and early guild creation.

2) Get only 3 out of 7 days of that.

3) Have your guild assigned to a server which is full already.

4) Hours long queue time.

5) Quit the game before you even start.




1) No pre-order.

2) Pick an empty realm and create a guild there.

3) Perfect gameplay.


*** EA?





Pre-release was a farce, there was absolutely no reason to pre-order when I could start today on a "light" server instead of my char languishin on a 2 hr wait server. All the early adopters did was help Bioware justify the expense to their investors.

E-friggin-A could care less, they figure we will put up with the crap and continue to queue, forever if necessary

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Not to belittle the situation, but 128?


That sounds like a vacation. I see 360 at 7am on a weekday for ToFN, during prime time the queue is about 3.5k now with people having waited over 6 hours to get in.


See, I wouldn't mind a small queue of 20-30 minutes during launch provided it got better. But anything over 4 hours is beyond unreasonable.


I agree that's not bad, the point however was the fact that people who want to roll on RPPvP-servers only have ONE choice and it WILL fill up massively over time unless they open up ONE additional RPPvP-server.

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Great post that sums it all up :)

I know the apologists won't give a a rats *** but hopefully someone at Bioware sees you post and realizes what they should be concentrating on




If you want to get technical (and yes i hate the queues too)


You are paying for game access, you are not paying to access a specific server. There are plenty of servers to pick from. So to say that bioware is wasting your money because you can't get into a specific server in a reasonable time, is just ignorant.


"30 days of game access" not "30 days of playing on one server because i'm lazy to reroll"

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wow....so you should get preferential treatment. Do you pay more then the rest of us?


Yes I should cuz I pre ordered on the first day of pre order.

And yes because I'm on a full server and have a toon that is 32.

And yes because it makes no sense for people to roll toons on already full servers just to lag and queue up others that have high lvl toons on them.

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i was constantly operating under the assumption that the queues were going to be only for pre-release, because BW and EA were encouraging people to spread out.


now... 9:30 am EST, i log on, and have to sit in a 45 minute queue? Really? either move some large guilds around or up the server populations, because I shouldn't have to sit in a queue at all, let alone first thing in the morning EST!


Sorry to be frank, but how on earth could you be under that assumption?

When a lot of people try to access a limited resource - whether it be a server or a cash register in your supermarket - queues happen.


Sure 'move other people around' is a possibility - but you could always roll another server yourself?

And then what if/when the game levels out some (unless it follows the WoW pattern) - then 6 months down the line and the same people are here demanding server mergers.


Ever single MMO launch I've been in - except for Tabula Rasa - had queues. The assumption that it could be otherwise is terrible strange to me.

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If you want to get technical (and yes i hate the queues too)


You are paying for game access, you are not paying to access a specific server. There are plenty of servers to pick from. So to say that bioware is wasting your money because you can't get into a specific server in a reasonable time, is just ignorant.


"30 days of game access" not "30 days of playing on one server because i'm lazy to reroll"


But capt. fanboi! people are being penalized for preordering because they picked servers they could currently access and leveled characters. Now, to play those characters, have to wait up to 3.5 hours or more. Has nothing to do with being lazy, has everything to do with being shafted. Pull your cheeks apart and remove your head from the hole until you hear the "pop" sound!

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You are paying for game access, you are not paying to access a specific server. There are plenty of servers to pick from. So to say that bioware is wasting your money because you can't get into a specific server in a reasonable time, is just ignorant.

Expecting people to recreate new chars on new servers and to just abandon their lvl25 from prelelease is just ignorant.

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I agree that's not bad, the point however was the fact that people who want to roll on RPPvP-servers only have ONE choice and it WILL fill up massively over time unless they open up ONE additional RPPvP-server.


And the queues on the RPPVP server are getting gradually worse. They need to open up another RP PVP server now, or this problem will become permanent as people level up their toons and don't want to reroll elsewhere.

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I agree we are not guaranteed a specific server but if we spent 7 days in headstart, have a well developed char and plenty of guildies/friend, should we now start fresh, redo all the content and make a whole new guild/set of friends?

Makes no sense

My server is heavily queued even at 7AM EST!!!! If a new player decides to wait to create a char there, why would he/she be allowed to when folks who have been playing there have to wait?

Makes no sense!!

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Going withthe crowd here. To wait 30-40 minutes to play on the server that my guild was Pre-Assigned to (NO CHOICE!) is excessive. To make it worse, today I logged in and it put me in the queue (#16, not bad), then kicked me with the message "server is not available", so I clicked on it again and got put in the queue again (#63). Not quite as bad as the #300+ I have had before.


Being kicked from the game when you go AFK is also something I've never seen in another MMO. All I am going to have to do now is create a looping macro that moves me back and forth when I go AFK.


What happens when you crash? With the queues, you lose your group while they wait a half hour for you to get back into the game. Other MMO's it's a quick reboot and you're back in a couple of minutes.


Why is this happening? This is supposed to be the newest and greatest game out, and yet they've made it hard for people to play.


If MMO's have been queueless for 15+ years, why now with the improved bandwidth etc? Gotta tell you that my first impressions are not favorable.


Devs - You really need to fix this. Increase the capacity of the servers, and as the previous poster said, allow server moves ESPECIALLY for the entire guild.

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The queues are way out of hand. At 15:30 on a weekday over half the servers already show some form of queue! With my first choice, the one my guild was placed on having 1282 in queue!


There are three things that should get fixed:

1. Disconnects should never mean you are back into a queue. Give a 5 minute grace timer to the account (mind you, account, not IP or whatever, so dynamic IP doesn't screw you over).


2. The queue gets stuck on me. Twice now I've gone down from 12xx to 8xx, only to not have that number move for another hour or two. I'll never get in, since If I end the game, I'll be back at the bottom of the queue.. Fix this crap, I don't want to sit behind a pc touching the mouse every 5 mins so I don't get a queue stuck on me!!


3. People that are inactive ingame (or use a run circle macro) should get purged out. People stuck in charscreen should get purged out. There are most likely people logged in permanently to avoid a queue that others are stuck in! We've all seen characters run circles, run into a wall or do other stuff to prevent disconnects. With the above rules there will be no need to stay logged in like that. And that will clean up big part of the queues..


Just my 2 cents!


ps; Queues suck!

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This ^^^ I'd happily MOVE to a different server. I preordered (and paid for a CE) so I'd get a head start. I'm not willing to throw that head start away.


That said, I need to look at if the character slot limit is per-server



If it is, it's time for me to work on my Imperial faction toons for a while, on one of the new servers.

Yeah, I'm stuck in a huge queue right now and that sounds like a good idea. The character slot limit per server I think is 8 (don't know what the total limit is though..).


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Not having fun at all when i cant play.


If i have to make a cue of 30min to 1hr, ok, then ill be able to play, but when i have to wait +5hrs to get in......


BW folks, i love SWTOR, is awesome game, my guild was recommended to Tomb of Freedon Nadd, and waiting on cues is really ruining my experience about the game.


Please, can u offer a viable solution? Im so willing to pay to play this game, but with this cues im paying to do nothing.

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Sorry to be frank, but how on earth could you be under that assumption?

When a lot of people try to access a limited resource - whether it be a server or a cash register in your supermarket - queues happen.


Sure 'move other people around' is a possibility - but you could always roll another server yourself?

And then what if/when the game levels out some (unless it follows the WoW pattern) - then 6 months down the line and the same people are here demanding server mergers.


Ever single MMO launch I've been in - except for Tabula Rasa - had queues. The assumption that it could be otherwise is terrible strange to me.



most other MMO's have not had 5-6 days of early access as a free stress test and server load indication, either.


BW did an amazing job with the pre-release stuff but are not screwing the pooch a little here. They need to provide incentive to people who are just entering the game now to roll on low or empty servers, because it's human nature in an MMO to gravitate towards high pop ones.


And I'm not about to swap servers, reroll 30 levels of experience, force my 12 friends in my guild to do the same, just because of a 45 minute queue. It's far easier to come to the forums and complain about it in the hopes that something gets fixed.



And, i'm confused. Why is it that later on, if and when the game levels out, and there are slightly empty servers, it's not an option to reroll on a new server..but right now, when there's a queue on my server, rerolling is a option to you?

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I do not get the whole idea why they would need that many servers.

Basically you only need one Server per Location and Servertype.

Load can be handled by creating loads and loads of instances on that one Server for people to play in.

If one region gets low on players you could reuse that instance for another region that needs more instances.


Instancing is already in.

Only reason not to do it like this is if you want to charge people for servertransfers.


Looks like the innovation of this game stopped the moment they left the voiceover and story department.

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If you want to get technical (and yes i hate the queues too)


You are paying for game access, you are not paying to access a specific server. There are plenty of servers to pick from. So to say that bioware is wasting your money because you can't get into a specific server in a reasonable time, is just ignorant.


"30 days of game access" not "30 days of playing on one server because i'm lazy to reroll"


I agree with u up to a point, I am on a server that bioware placed my guild and friends on.


So I could re roll on a different light server, it is fun enough that I would re create my characters, but I don't want to play with out friends, so I guess we will see, could be we as a group up and move.


Could be that traffic will settle down as time goes on.

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I would like to know if they are going to improve server capacity or maybe offer free character / guild migation to the newly opened servers. This is rather annoying ATM that if you think about it they had say 8-10 or whatever EU English servers and everyone who preordered and was in a guild got thrown into one of these servers for early access. Now release has come you have all their friends / guildmates from other games comming and joining them on these servers while the new servers will likely remain rather empty.


Sure i know its the first day of real access and it was bound to happen as all those who didnt preorder or didnt end up getting their preorder code logged into the servers. And that means larger than normal numbers of players comming in. Hopefully this will settle down soon, but likely chance is atleast for the EU ones, we have ques of about 30mins estimated (what turns out to be about 50-60mins) when it hits 6-8pm you will have people come home from work and be in ques like we saw prelaunch of a supposed 30mins but increased due to the game now being released, so more like the stress test weekend a few weeks ago and the que being 2hours+. So by the time they get on they will likely want to log off again in less than an hour or so.

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So the situation with us east pvp servers. 4 light (all new) 2 Very Heavy Rest full w/ queues.


You tell me why were upset over this.


What they need to do is lock toon creation on every server thats full. They need to open up more login slots (prob another 500 or so). Most of the zones Ive been questing in on my server have like 60-150 people.

Edited by harrisonxxi
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