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Regarding server queues


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Sooo.... lets see here..




This is NOT beta anymore. The point of beta is for a company to work out its kinks and that INCLUDES stress testing your server to find out what its load max is...not to SET IT at that and LEAVE IT...but for them to know what they need to do to be able to INCREASE IT.


The stress test was too SHORT and now Bioware is in over their head. This is an MMORPG not a freaking shooter thats played online where you just cap a server and walk away telling people to just chose another server to play on.


Most of the community is playing with FRIENDS on the same server.

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At this point a old Johnny Cash song comes to mind.


"I walk the line" ;)


Have a nice day and hopefully a smoth start into the game.


But for what it might be worth, i dont think i ll play today. I ll wait till it gets a bit better.

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7 am and my server is full???? 10 min wait time my butt. I've been waiting for 5 minutes and I've dropped by 26 people in the queue. 119 to go.


Thanks for the new servers, now how about letting us transfer? They do those of us who were in the 'preplay' absolutely no good whatsoever.


I love star wars, I love you game. Hate your queues.


Yes, this is an ultimatum. Fix it, or you will lose my $15/month, and I'm likely not the only one.



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This is not beta anymore. The point of beta is for a company to work out its kinks and that includes stress testing your server to find out what its load max is...not to set it at that and leave it...but for them to know what they need to do to be able to increase it.


The stress test was too short and now bioware is in over their head. This is an mmorpg not a freaking shooter thats played online where you just cap a server and walk away telling people to just chose another server to play on.


Most of the community is playing with friends on the same server.






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Hmmm, 8 am in the morning on a weekday and still a queue. I understand it's release day, but whoa. I guess a lot of people skipped work today, lol.


I guess people are gonna start getting their old turntables out and tying their mouse to it when they go afk so they don't get disconnected and have to wait in a queue when they come back. ;)

Edited by Kailaurius
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I have no idea how these large scale mmo's are managed, but what would have made sense to me would have been to, during early access and for the first week or so of release, to cap all server capacity at 70% of what they can handle.


Allow the population to distribute to different servers and tolerate the queues for that period of time. Then, expand the capacity to 100% for all servers. The addition 30 % should eliminate the queue problem and allow for some continued growth on the server.


I'm kind of hoping they did do this, and it won't be necessary to fix the problem with server transfers.

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I sure would like to play but I can't just sit around and wait for 30min to several hours just to get into the server I was assigned with my guild. Sometimes that is all the time I have.

If I can't play with my friends then why even pay and play at all.


Guess it is back to Skyrim or some other game.

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The queue sucks, plain and simple.


These guys better get their **** together quick!



Bioware/EA knew the pre-order sales and had all the knowledge available to them to make good decisions about server loads, resources etc. from the beginning.


Waiting anything more than 5 minutes is beyond outrageous, let alone some of the 5+ hours I've seen from some of the other posts.


They need to own up to their mistakes and make it right. None of this ..."it seems there has been a lot of questions..." bs. I'm sick of companies playing the "we're doing this for you" card when everyone knows and its plain to see that the masses are angry and it's because someone made a bad business decision.

Edited by Scane
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Aion, Rift, LOTRO. All of these never struggled with queues.



I dont know when or how you played Aion, but the queues there was so long that you basicly uninstalled the game instantly. 6-8h queues, had to RDP from school to my home comp and sign in, hopefully i would be logged in when i got home.

Edited by Izeen
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I was going to come on here this morning to complain about Helm of Graush having a 40 minute queue just 2 minutes after the server came back up last night.



But then I read some of the ridiculous drivel that people on both sides of the argument are spouting in this thread. "Sue BioWare!" I mean, really?



So now I feel like complaining isn't going to solve anything because we just left all the Community Managers brain-dead with our collective stupidity, so there's no one left to pass along our concerns. Congrats!


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I have no idea how these large scale mmo's are managed, but what would have made sense to me would have been to, during early access and for the first week or so of release, to cap all server capacity at 70% of what they can handle.


Allow the population to distribute to different servers and tolerate the queues for that period of time. Then, expand the capacity to 100% for all servers. The addition 30 % should eliminate the queue problem and allow for some continued growth on the server.


I'm kind of hoping they did do this, and it won't be necessary to fix the problem with server transfers.


As Bioware is showing, server capping does not work. Server locking is the only way to stop new accounts rolling on a FULL server. FULL servers should have been locked for at least launch day.

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1. You are not let on in the time you want due to load balancing, so you complain here. Eventually, you get in and your game play experience is great and you forget about having to wait in line. Most of these queue issues will probably be fixed with the coming weeks.


2. BioWare lets everyone on regardless of server load. You then come to these forums and complain because the server keeps crashing or you cannot loot the quest item that took you 3 hours to get because of 1000's of players trying to kill the same mob.


I complain all I want to. Limited time to play. Not everyone is unemployed, single and still living with the folks. Some of us have to make do with whatever little time we are given in the day. Spending it in a queue is NOT how this is gonna work. FREE Character transfer to a empty server for my entire guild will work just fine for us.

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Wow, seriously if this is gonna go for months I might sell my copy back since it's still closed, close creations on servers with too many accounts registered already, why do people keep creating on the servers that already say FULL, for fricks sake.
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This is ridiculous. I thought they were trying to get a smooth and enjoyable launch for everyone. Waiting in a queue is not smooth or enjoyable. I can see for 5 minutes or so but 30 minutes to hours long? That's not acceptable.


and at 8:20am lol, I don't want to see at night and on weekends, it's gonna be awesome when your ISP hicups and you d/c.

Edited by Evtrai
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Queue means nice full server. Lots of people to play with. I don't mind the queues at all, and my server has one almost every time I sign in.


I've gotten into the habit of signing in before I plan to play, and if I didn't have anything to do, I sit and watch star wars, got the movies for xmas.

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6 AM PST and a queue already. Come one now. I like many others above will not be subscribing to this game unless this problem gets resolved. The sad part is I really want to play this game, but waiting in a queue every time I try to log in isn't really playing now is it.
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Wow, seriously if this is gonna go for months I might sell my copy back since it's still closed, close creations on servers with too many accounts registered already, why do people keep creating on the servers that already say FULL, for fricks sake.


Because they can. Because they are afraid of low pop servers due to the effects this has on server economy, warzone queue times, etc.


If the servers were locked when they got to FULL, the population would be better distributed so they wouldn't need to worry about low pop servers.

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This is NOT beta anymore. The point of beta is for a company to work out its kinks and that INCLUDES stress testing your server to find out what its load max is...not to SET IT at that and LEAVE IT...but for them to know what they need to do to be able to INCREASE IT.


The stress test was too SHORT and now Bioware is in over their head. This is an MMORPG not a freaking shooter thats played online where you just cap a server and walk away telling people to just chose another server to play on.


Most of the community is playing with FRIENDS on the same server.


You, sir, no nothing about server launches at this large of a launch. There is NO WAY to "stress test" for this large amount of players. That is impossible. Next.

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6 AM PST and a queue already. Come one now. I like many others above will not be subscribing to this game unless this problem gets resolved. The sad part is I really want to play this game, but waiting in a queue every time I try to log in isn't really playing now is it.


It is playing. It's Biowares new game called "Q". Everyone's playing it.

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I complain all I want to. Limited time to play. Not everyone is unemployed, single and still living with the folks. Some of us have to make do with whatever little time we are given in the day. Spending it in a queue is NOT how this is gonna work. FREE Character transfer to a empty server for my entire guild will work just fine for us.


Are you serious? the game just launched, do a re-roll on a new server and get over it. If you don't have time to wait in line, then come back next week.


Typical America, its either sue the pants of the next person to try to get something for free.

Edited by ChrisKader
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