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3 Refunds Every 6th Months.


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Greetings Azuel,


I can assure you that we do restore commendations but these are looked at on a case by case basis.


I will ask you to submit a ticket to our in game support please use the item restoration keyword 'Jupiter' this will ensure it reaches the correct team.


Please provide all relevant details in the ticket:

  • Character name:
  • Server name:
  • Exact Item name:
  • Currency type and amount/Exact name of Unassembled Token:
  • Why you wish to restore the item:
  • The date and time of the item purchased/deleted in error:


I will inform you that item restoration is performed in a case by case basis and you are only entitled to 3 restorations every 6 months.



Thank you for contacting us.



So, my question is.. for what i read here.. should my wife character get a swap for the item she's asking.. or is this another gross oversight of CS? Do they even know about this?

Edited by Seniya
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Well, i guess my wife is going to ask for another refund and hope you guys do your work this time, yes?


I could be wrong but it reads like there is a mitigating circumstance preventing them from doing the restore. That might be what your inquiry should be about if the request fails again.


fwiw since this thread was started I had another brain spasm late one night and bought heavy armor when it should have been medium for a companion. It wasn't an hour turn around this time (more like two-three days) but they refunded me my purchase in full.


Again kudos to CS.

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