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Blaster Rifles as Commando


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Entierly possible to make use of a blaster rifle as a healer, assuming you're comfortable with giving up the ability to use Charged Bolts, which can often come in handy when and if there's any kind of burst nessecary in PvP. I can't speak for PvE, because I've not indulged much there.
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Rifles have a lower base damage than Assault Cannons, you are losing a significant amount of DPS or HPS if you use a Rifle.


Heals only take into account Tech Power, not Ranged Power. Using a rifle over a Auto Cannnon has no impact on your HPS all because the min/max damage are lower.

Edited by Senscith
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Rifles have a lower base damage than Assault Cannons, you are losing a significant amount of DPS or HPS if you use a Rifle.


How significant is the DPS loss?


Is there any kind of drawback other than lower dps if using a blaster rifle as a commando healer?

Edited by AdamLKvist
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I play as a Commando with a blaster rifle, my spec is gunnery, so there is only 1 ability I cannot use(Sweaping fire or whatever), I do around 280k damage in a WZ (I do not spam grav round), so it is 100% viable, you just need to adapt to not being able to use 1 or 2 abilities.

Have fun =)

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