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Unifying colors on companion's gear


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It was cool that we were given the chance to customize our gear colors a bit... Even though the chestpiece system can be quite improved, and we all now that.


But well, even if we don't get more colour customization options than those we aready have, at least I'd ike to be able to do it on my companions gear too... Can't be hard to implement, right? I don't even know why it didn't come into the game along with the playing character colors unification system.


Not a very important thing, of course... But I'd ike to be able to unify colours with my companions, because some of them are starting to look like the world peace flag (specially those that use trooper gear).


Can't we get this done? :rolleyes:

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This seems to be a very popular request! I want to see match to chest for companions too, I am sad it is not mentioned in the 1.3 patch notes. :(


C'mon Bioware, sneak it in for us! I refuse to play Trooper until you do. :p

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I think this is a good idea and seems easy enough to implement, but give them time. Right now devs are busy with transfers and the content already lined up to come out. Not to mention they just announced all kinds of stuff at E3.
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